
Minot High cheer team starts season strong at UCA Camp

Submitted Photo BACK ROW: Juleah Richmond, Akina Pallera, Isabel Juarez, Caleah Eddy, Catriese Schmidt, Lexi Duong FRONT ROW: Taya Siedschlag, Bruklyn Schrum, Caoimhe Kinkade, Kyleigh Golde, Rié Lonning, Abby Jenson.

Nearly one year ago, the headlines were very similar to those being generated today. The Minot High cheer team attended a UCA Camp to start the fall season.

In 1974 the Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) was founded to provide the highest quality educational training for cheerleaders with the goal of incorporating high level skills with traditional crowd leading. The UCA trains over 180,000 cheerleaders every summer at over 3,200 sessions across the country,

The Minot High cheer team recently attended a “Universal Cheerleaders

Association Camp” for three days for a total of 8 hours each day.

The team had the opportunity to learn when it comes to instruction such as: Sideline coaching, Safety Awareness and Credentialing, Spirit Prop Workshops, Stunt Class, Captain and Coaches’ Goal Setting, Pyramid Class, Game Day Cheers, Private Coaching, Leadership Training, FNL Frenzy Class, Motion Technique Class, Jump Class, and Stunt Troubleshooting.

Both the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams received the “Superior Award” for their camp routines and the “Superior Trophy” for their hard work during camp. Minot High had twelve athletes receive the “All American Award” which gives them the opportunity to perform at special events around the country and world.

The Minot High Cheerleading Team is coached by Vytalli Klimpel, assisted by Shay Green and Maddie Holmes.

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