

Parents have right to make mistakes

National Columnists

Do parents have the right to make a mistake? That’s the question at hand when we talk about medication and surgery for gender dysphoria in children. But it’s not an issue that begins when kids enter puberty. Parents start making high-stakes medical decisions, ones that have lifelong ...

Support from Republican evangelicals has declined

National Columnists

Black voters have traditionally been pivotal to the fortunes of the Democratic Party, but some recent polls have suggested that they are proving less bankable for President Joe Biden than in the past. Whether or not as many as 20% of Black voters have in fact deserted the Democrats, as some ...

Ending Electoral College erodes voting rights

National Columnists

The structure of the American government was designed by the Founders to prevent raw majoritarianism: the three branches of government and their checks and balances, the allocation of power between the state and federal governments, constitutional limits on the federal government’s power, the ...

Are Iran’s nine lives nearing an end?

National Columnists

The theocracy of Iran has been the world’s arch-embassy attacker over the last half century. So it has zero credibility in crying foul over Israel’s April 1 attacks on its “consulate” in Damascus and the killing of Iran’s kingpin terrorists of the Revolutionary Guard Corps ...

Court effectively abolished right to assembly

National Columnists

Recently, the Supreme Court effectively abolished the right to assembly in three Southern states. By refusing to hear an appeal of a speaker accused of being liable for what a protester did in an audience the speaker addressed, the court exposed all protest organizers and speakers to ...

Reasons not to vote for Trump are false

Letters to the Editor

Steven Moen, Minot It was stated last week that Christians can’t vote for Trump, with a bunch of scripture verses to defend his position. Satan can quote scripture with the best of them and the fact that no mention of not voting for Biden makes me wonder. Most of why we shouldn’t vote ...