Breathtaking: There’s no other word for the sheer ambition and scope of Donald Trump’s second inaugural address.
President Trump is back with all the confidence of a man delivered from death for a purpose.
Voters save his political life and legacy, too, by reelecting him in the face of ...
The Federal Reserve’s premature victory lap over inflation reveals a worrisome misunderstanding of the predicament we still find ourselves in. Unprecedented government spending and debt, combined with mounting fears that the debt can’t (or won’t) be repaid, played a misunderstood role in ...
Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Jr. remains a bright ornament in the heavens — an inspiration to rise to moral heights in the face of danger or evil. In Alabama, Birmingham Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor had his fire hoses, and Dallas County Sheriff Jim Clark his cattle prods, but Dr. King ...
In 1942, the Nazi apparatchik Otto Dietrich sniffed, “America never contributed anything to world civilization but chewing gum and Coca-Cola.”
He rather understated our significance, but even if he’d been right, giving the world Coca-Cola is a greater contributor to human happiness than ...
Who remembers Donald Trump’s first inaugural address? Probably not very many, unless they have Googled it, as I did. That’s likely because after the speech Trump became fixated on the size of the crowd, which he repeatedly claimed was larger than official estimates.
As I re-read it, I was ...
Members of Congress get a number of generous benefits from their positions. They earn $174,000 annually (nearly three times the salary of the average American), they are provided with a sizable per diem for lodging and meals during their travels across the nation and abroad, they have the best ...