Restoring fiscal sanity begins with resolution
Imagine going on a spending spree in your golden years and racking up debt for your kids to pay off after you’re gone.
Would you do that? Of course not.
But that’s exactly what our federal government is doing — to the tune of $37 trillion, or $295,000 per American family.
Our country is on a dangerous path to financial ruin. Out-of-control federal spending is stifling economic growth and making it harder to succeed.
As your representative, I voted for the House Budget Resolution last week to begin changing course.
Defenders of big government have unleashed scare tactics and misinformation about this budget and what it means. Please don’t be persuaded.
The truth is, this vote was the first step in turning the page on the disastrous policies of the previous administration and advancing President Trump’s agenda to restore fiscal sanity, protect taxpayers, unleash energy production, and secure our border.
Restoring fiscal sanity means eliminating waste, fraud, and inefficiency across all programs, especially Medicaid, which is meant to protect our most vulnerable. Under the Biden administration, Medicaid spending surged by 9% per year, pushing the program toward insolvency. Republicans are working to save Medicaid, ensuring it remains available for those who truly need it.
Simple reforms, such as verifying eligibility to ensure only those who qualify receive benefits or requiring able-bodied, working-age adults with low incomes to work or volunteer just 20 hours a week have the potential to save hundreds of billions.
Even if Republicans secure reforms to save the full amount called for in the budget, overall Medicaid spending would still increase by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. Only in Washington is that labeled a “cut.”
Then there’s tax reform.
As if $37 trillion in debt isn’t enough, Democrats think the solution to our fiscal problems is more taxes–on you, the American worker. They claim tax hikes only impact “the wealthy,” but the truth is, tax hikes always hurt working Americans the most. When taxes go up, small businesses struggle, paychecks shrink, and jobs disappear. However, after the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, our economy boomed, wages grew, and unemployment hit record lows.
That’s why a key part of our plan is extending the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, set to expire at the end of this year. If we don’t:
– The average family will face a 22% tax hike.
– The child tax credit will be cut in half for 40 million families.
– Two million family farms will see their death tax exemption slashed in half.
North Dakota families would pay nearly $2,400 more in federal taxes each year. For what? More reckless federal spending and unaccountable bureaucracy?
We are taking action to stop these tax hikes before they hit your paycheck.
North Dakotans sent me to Washington to cut the debt, reform programs, and make government more accountable.
And that’s exactly what I am working to do.
The last four years have been challenging, but a new era of American exceptionalism begins now. Our plan seeks to make life more affordable, secure, and prosperous for all Americans. It’s time to move forward.