
History says 2024 does not look good

As we sit on the fringe of hate and fear, 2024 promises to be the test of our grit. In fact, the future is so grim that you may want to consider getting off before the earth scientists discover that earth warming will accelerate as the world’s leaders promise to turn down the heat.

Earth warming will continue through 2024 and require responses from America’s water edge populations. Canoes are selling great in New York; Mar-a-Logo is sandbagged for 32 feet; water wings are hot in Houston. In New Jersey, ice cubes will hit a market high. 55-gallon oil barrels are being pilfered and saddled in fracking country.

All eyes on Georgia

The eyes of the world will be on Georgia in March when Donald will stand in the halls of justice expecting to be exonerated. With the only known election fraud to his credit, he may well negotiate 63 years of community service. That means he will be seen picking pop cans in the highway ditches while announcing his 13th candidacy for president.

If Donald beats the election fraud rap, Jamestown is waiting in the wings with an election case that has smoldered in the Secretary of State’s office since 1932 when the people were given a choice of leaving the Capitol in Bismarck or relocating to Jamestown.

Crooked Capitol election???

The issue became hot because the Capitol had burned down on December 28, 1930. In the referendum, 170,000 voted for Bismarck and 24,400 voted to move to Jamestown. If Donald is let off in Georgia, The Better Jamestown Club is ready to hire his lawyers to back up their claim that Bismarck stuffed the ballot box.

The Bismarck people claimed that one issue dominated the election rhetoric: Jamestown already had a mental institution. Case closed. No recount.

Balta has case

With all of the suing that will go on in 2024, Balta is likely to revive a lawsuit against Rugby for commandeering the geographic center of North America. But the North Dakota Transportation stands by its claim that it was cheaper to move the geographic center than build four lanes of new highway 20 miles south of Highway #2.

Our murky 2024 crystal ball predicts a number of other earth-shaking changes in North Dakota.

The Democrats will file for protection under the Interior Department’s Endangered Species Act.

The Right will be left

Scott Hennen will have a “born again” experience and end up as lead commentator for MSNBC.

Joe Biden’s dream of a second term will turn into a nightmare unless he learns to overpromise like the other politicians. If Biden stumbles one more time, Governor Doug will be the next

Secretary of Energy.

The NRA will add seven more senators and 16 more Congresspersons to their regular staff, giving them a majority in both houses. They will propose a new United States flag. Canada will have the maple leaf; the U.S. will have the AK-14 in red, white and blue.

Pope will move swiftly

Because religious diversity has given us “Happy Holidays,” real Christmas will be abolished in 2024 and replaced with a neutral generic “Holy Smoke.” Doing good will become a sin.

Pope Francis will fire 37 more cardinals so he can abolish celibacy and endorse women for the priesthood just to get the goat of the Southern Baptists.

The concern for food deserts (the nearest bread is eight miles for many North Dakotans) will rise in public discussion, disregarding that I have a few hungry kids who are 3,400 miles from the nearest bread.

2024 will end just as it started: too much hate and too much fear. Unless…..


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