
Stop diverting tax dollars to private schools

Kaye Carlson

Grand Forks

Our public tax dollars should fund public education — not private and religious schools. Yet, some North Dakota legislators continue pushing unconstitutional voucher schemes and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) under the misleading banner of “School Choice.” These efforts threaten to strip funding from our already underfunded public schools, which currently educate 90% of our children.

Charter schools have a high failure rate, and private schools lack the accountability and oversight required of public institutions. Diverting taxpayer money to elite private schools will harm both rural and urban public schools, leaving our communities struggling while a privileged few benefit.

The North Dakota Constitution clearly prohibits public funding of religious institutions, yet lawmakers keep trying to force these programs through. The people of North Dakota have spoken. A recent poll confirms the majority oppose these so-called “School Choice” bills. It’s time for our governor and legislators to listen to the public instead of catering to special interests.

Public schools are the foundation of strong communities. Instead of siphoning funds away, we should be investing in the schools that serve all North Dakota children.

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