Special Olympics grateful for support
Willie Ressler
Tournament Director
On behalf of Special Olympics North Dakota, thank you to the city of Minot for hosting the 2024 State Basketball Tournament on Dec. 14-15. The Minot community played a significant role in providing 47 games for 41 teams composed of more than 330 athletes and 45 cheerleaders from across North Dakota a chance to showcase their ability and determination to succeed.
The athletes’ achievements were supported by more than 71 volunteer coaches and close to 400 hours of volunteer time and expertise from Minot, Minot State University Student Athletes, Minot Air Force Base Personnel to help make this a unique and special basketball tournament.
On behalf of Special Olympics North Dakota, I would like to thank the facilities for allowing us to use their gyms, groups for all their donated time, all the individuals for their help and Special Olympics Management and staff for their time and energy.
Again thanks to everyone that enabled these athletes to experience this year’s outstanding program and repeat the Special Olympics Athletic Oath – “Let Me Win, But If I Cannot Win, Let Me Be Brave In The Attempt.”