Senate bill is bad for libraries, citizens
Clarice Liechty, Jamestown
SB 2307 is bad for libraries and citizens of North Dakota. It is unnecessary and costly.
Hopefully by the time you see this letter, SB 2307 will have been defeated. Or if passed, our Governor Armstrong will veto it.
Can you imagine all the lawsuits that would come about from passing such a bill as SB 2307?
The impact of passing SB 2307 for the libraries and our citizens of North Dakota is nothing but unwise. Horrible, yes, or find me another name. It is unnecessary and costly. Yes, it is costly!
Most librarians and their boards, who make the decisions for purchases, have been appointed or elected by people from their communities. Let their own citizens monitor what books, items and articles are in their library.
If parents are so concerned as to what their child is reading, they should (or be required to) go with them to the library to pick out their child’s books, etc. If they find a book that is objectionable for their child to read, let them take the book to the librarian and their board, show them why it is objectionable, request them to handle the issue.
How many libraries, large or small, which are very essential to the communities, will become closed because they cannot afford to hire someone to come in and go through all the items?