
Ensure everyone’s safety, rights

Bob McNamara


I don’t understand transgender. I don’t believe I ever will understand it. What I do understand is that in America we are supposed to be free to live whatever lifestyle we wish as long as we don’t infringe on the rights of others or demand from others. I also understand the legislature is there to ensure I am free to live my lifestyle at the same time ensuring others are free to live their lifestyle. All while ensuring everyone’s safety and rights are protected. Not just some but everyone. To provide for a safe and free society if you will.

This brings me back to this hubbub over transgender. It seems to me that if you are physically endowed, not what you think you are but what you physically are, then you use the restroom of that gender. Male in male room female in female. You can of course seek out family or private restrooms which we should probably have more of. Maybe the legislature should address that. If, of course, you have had the significant surgeries to change your physical being then you are now that gender.

As for our schools, teachers and administrators know what gender a person is and they also know who fully lives their life in the other gender even if not having had any surgeries. It would seem to me that a competent superintendent of schools or administrator would be able to make accommodations to ensure all students safety by providing the necessary support to a transgender student. Maybe that means letting someone use private restrooms in the school or providing an alternative to PE.

It also seems to me we make decisions every day of our life. If one decides that being transgender is more important than sports then you will live happy in your gender and be without sports. If sports are more important you will decide to compete in the gender of your birth. We don’t get everything we want in life. There may be many areas you can pursue such as debate clubs, chess clubs, robotics, on and on where you should be able to participate as a transgender that don’t include the physical requirements of basketball, swimming, etc.

There are many things I don’t like about people’s lifestyle. That doesn’t mean they should have to live the lifestyle I want them to live. The same applies to you as a legislator. Do not submit bills or vote with emotion or hate. Submit bills and vote to ensure the freedom of all while protecting the safety and rights of all.

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