

Minot’s crowded classrooms a long-term challenge

According to school district officials, Minot’s public school enrollment now is greater than during the height of the oil boom. Based on the supposition that the number will only continue to increase in the coming years and that “… Minot is becoming a younger community,” according to ...

North Dakotans prone to Parkinson’s disease

A wellness class being taught at the Minot Family YMCA is one of the most helpful we have seen in some time. There is no cure for Parkinson’s but the symptoms can be held off through exercise, which is the purpose of Delay the Disease. The class was the subject of a recent article in the ...

Magic City Express another sign of Minot’s return

While many wounds remain even eight years removed from the flood of 2011, wounds eventually heal. Such is the case with human beings or entire communities. Minot’s damage from the flood was so severe, the impact on residents so profound, it’s little wonder that some wounds are still in ...

American can-do spirit a little discussed means to address climate change

We Americans are renowned worldwide for our ingenuity and resourcefulness. When we encounter challenges, we find ways to overcome them. That makes proposals by several Democratic candidates for president quite puzzling. Where, pray tell, is the can-do American spirit? Five of the ...

Online sales will continue to conflict with local first ambitions

Our community is not the only one in the nation to emphasize “shop local” in terms of marketing and message to the public. It’s a commonplace initiative for many places intended to support local shopping and local businesses. However, when it comes to major purchases, and in particular ...

Downtown focus for new city hall is consistent, not perfect

Assuming the City of Minot continues to pursue a new city hall downtown, which remains the focus today, $3.75 million in National Disaster Resilience grant funds will be available. There are certain caveats that come with the grant money, including a downtown location and rehabilitation of an ...