

Be sure to get out to vote on Nov. 5

If you haven’t voted absentee, be sure to get out and vote next week or on Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Voting is one of the most important civic duties and rights of a U.S. citizen. You make a difference by casting your vote whether it’s for national, state or local races. Your ...

Remember those who lost their lives on 9/11

Twenty-three years ago on Sept. 11, 2001, people around the world were shocked when terrorists hijacked four planes, crashing into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon outside Washington, D.C., and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It was the ...

Back to school: Keep children safe

As many students in Minot and area communities head back to classes, keeping children safe is a top priority. School bus, pedestrian and child safety should always be top of mind. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers tips for students, parents and drivers, and we are ...

Airmen making a difference in Europe

I was recently privileged to join Department of the Air Force (DAF) Air and Space Forces Civic Leaders from around the country on a multi-location visit to US Air Forces Europe to learn about the missions and challenges our airmen and their families are facing. Besides the primary mission ...

Welcome to Minot for State Fair, ND State Parade

The North Dakota State Fair and the North Dakota State Parade bring thousands of visitors to Minot from all across the state, other states, Canada and other foreign countries. This year’s State Fair opens today and runs through Saturday, July 27. Celebrating its 59th year as a state fair, ...

ND’s major industries tied to carbon capture

Our two largest industries in North Dakota are energy and agriculture. These industries make up 70% of the state’s economy. Each face the same pressures to operate in a carbon-constrained economy. That is why these industries have made huge investments to track and manage carbon and in ...