
Mya Schiele

May 14, 2002 – July 24, 2022

Mya Lynn Schiele, 20,

Minot, passed away on

Sunday, July 24, 2022, at

the family farm in

Norwich, ND.

Mya was born on May

14, 2002, in Minot, the

daughter of Jessie Schiele

and Shani Reisnour. Mya

was baptized into God’s

kingdom on July 7th,

2002, at Bread of Life

Lutheran Church (God-

parents Kristy

Baumgartner and Dwight

Stroh.) She attended

school in Minot and Car-

rington. While at Carring-

ton high school Mya spent

time in FFA and also be-

came a mentor in the

Sources of Strength pro-

gram. Mya wasn’t one to

sit idle, working through

high school in Carrington

at the Hi-Way Drive-In.

Mya loved working

with kids, and, in addi-

tion to assisting local fam-

ilies as a nanny, she chan-

neled that natural ability

as a caretaker for little

ones at the Kiddie Korral

2.0 Child Care Center &

Early Learning Program in

Minot. Mya shined bright

throughout her life, bring-

ing a loving energy wher-

ever she went. Foremost

among her many unique

qualities was the deep,

loving connection Mya

had with her younger

cousins. Her presence,

smile, and contagious

laughter was a beacon to

each and every one of


She often exhibited a

patience beyond her years

with those younger

cousins, that ability

shined just this year when

she spent time teaching

one of those many

cousins to drive. Mya

treasured her special rela-

tionship with Casen, the

kindness and composure

she maintained while

hanging out with Casen is

something we should all

aspire to. In spite of the

occasional brother/sister

tiffs, Mya was fiercely car-

ing for and protective of

her brother and partner in

trouble, Parker.

Mya grew up riding

horses on the family farm

in Norwich, it was truly

one of her favorite pas-

times. Mya’s favorite

horse was none other than

Turbo, ironically named

for being mildly fast at

best. As a member of the

Minot Trail Riders Rodeo

club Mya competed most-

ly in barrel racing and ar-

guments with Maci about

what horse to ride. Her

pursuit of all things rodeo

related didn’t stop there,

Mya also belonged to the

McHenry County Saddle


Some of her fondest

memories were of fishing

trips with Dad and long

rides getting lost on the

four-wheeler or stuck in

the mud out on the farm.

She was a farm girl who

always had her nails

painted (often times

bright pink). Mya loved

Marilyn Monroe and blos-

somed into a social but-

terfly, just like her mom.

Someone else Mya looked

up to and admired was

her shopping and spa

partner Brandi Mittleider.

Mya is deeply missed by

everyone who was blessed

to share in her life.

Mya’s loving family in-

cludes her father, Jessie

Schiele, Norwich; mother

and step-father, Shani

(Curtis) Reisnour, Carring-

ton; siblings, Maci (Nolan

Mortenson) Haman,

Amanda Reisnour, Parker

Schiele, Nic Reisnour,

Alijah Reisnour, Paige

Studdard, all of Carring-

ton; grandparents, Ken-

neth and Lori Schiele,

Norwich, and Can Reisnour, Carrington; Great Grandpa Clarence and Great

Grandma Dela Wolff of

Carrington. Aunts and un-

cles, Jacie (Jonah) Lantto,

Justin Schiele, Stacy

(Kevin Miller) Knudsvig,

Scott (Belinda) Knudsvig,

Koni (Doug) Aho, and

Ashley (Ben) Doeling; a

niece or nephew due in

October 2022, along with

too many loved cousins to


She was preceded in

death by her

grandparents, Myrna and

Conrad Rudland; and

great grandparents, Ella

Boerschig, George and

Helen Schiele, and Lois

Haman, and great aunt

Maureen Haman.

Service to Remember

Mya’s Life: 10:30 a.m. Sa-

turday, July 30, 2022, at

Bread of Life Lutheran

Church, Minot. To view a

livestream of the service,

or share memories and

condolences, access her

obituary at thomasfamily


Interment: Rosehill

Memorial Park, Minot,

ND. Visitation: Friday,

July 29, from 5:00 p.m. to

7:00 p.m. at Bread of Life

Lutheran Church, Minot.

Memorials are preferred

to Bread of Life Lutheran

Church, Minot or to local

organizations committed

to assisting individuals

struggling with addiction.