Young cast to present Mouse River Players play
Second graders to young adults are taking part in the Mouse River Players’ production of “Aesop’s, Oh So Slightly, Updated Fables.”
The play will be performed Friday and Saturday, March 14-15, starting at 7:30 each evening at the Mouse River Players’ Arlene Theatre in Minot. A matinee will be held on Sunday, March 16, at 2 p.m. The play opened March 7.
“This particular play lends itself to the experienced, of course, but the inexperienced as well.” said Holly Eidsness, director, referring to the younger cast.
“I wanted to venture out of just musicals, and on a side note, I really like Aesop’s Fables,” said Evey Kosel, a cast member.
“It looked fun. I want to be in a play,” said theater regular Noah Speer of signing up for the cast.
This classic story of the race of the century has been modernized into an adaptation of classic stories. The familiar stories include the tortoise and the hare, the dog and the bone, and the lion and the mouse,
“It’s something kids can come to and adults, and both be able to enjoy the show,” Eidsness said.
Because the play has many different roles, Eidsness was able to include both children and adults in filling out the large cast.
“Everyone got a part that auditioned,” Eidsness said. “I am a teacher, so I think, personally, that you’ve got to give the kids a start. How else are they going to know if they like theater?”.