Parenting webinar to focus on child bed wetting
A North Dakota State University Extension Parent & Family Education webinar, “Beyond the Bed,” will be offered Wednesday, March 19, from noon-1 p.m.
Participants will understand the various physical, developmental and psychological factors that contribute to bed wetting in pediatric populations. Explore evidence-based strategies for managing pediatric bed wetting and incontinence. Participants will learn practical, child-centered approaches, such as bladder training, scheduled toileting and the use of appropriate tools to help manage bed wetting in children.
Participants will learn how occupational therapists can collaborate with families, educators and healthcare providers to provide support and guidance for children dealing with bed wetting, including strategies for creating supportive environments and promoting healthy toileting routines.
The class is free to North Dakota residents. Continuing education credits are available for North Dakota counselors, social workers and occupational therapists. For registration or other information, contact Jacey Wanner at or 667-3342.