ND oil production down in January
BISMARCK – North Dakota’s oil production was down in January when the state produced 1.172 million barrels of oil a day. In December, the state produced 1.192 million barrels of oil a day.
Nathan Anderson, director of the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources, released the recent oil and natural gas production numbers on Friday. The numbers are normally about two months behind.
Anderson said oil production is 6.6% above the revenue forecast but it is 1.7% down from December into January or roughly 20,000 barrels per day in the December to January decline. “We attribute that to a cold spell in mid-January and slightly less completions,” he said. He said he would expect February will have similar results due to very cold temperatures.
On Friday, the price of West Texas Intermediate was $67.95 a barrel. In December, it was $70.12 a barrel and in January, it was $75.74 a barrel.
In January, the state produced 103 million cubic feet (MCF) of natural gas, with a daily average of 3.324 MCF. In December, the state produced 104.6 MCF, with a daily average of 3.377 MCF.
Wells permitted totaled 90 in February, 102 in January and 87 in December. The all-time high was 370 wells permitted in October 2012.
On Friday, 32 rigs were actively working in North Dakota. No rigs were working on federal surface. The all-time high was 218 rigs on May 29, 2012.
Other relevant rig counts include 592 in the United States. That number breaks down to 281 in Texas, 102 in New Mexico, 51 in Oklahoma and 21 in Wyoming.
From a basin perspective, the Permian in Texas and New Mexico has 301 operating rigs, the Eagle Ford in South Texas has 48, the Williston Basin has 34 and the Marcelus and Utica dry gas combination has 35 rigs.
The number of wells waiting on completion in North Dakota dropped from 301 in November and 288 in December to 281 in January.
The number of completed wells dropped from 89 in December, 78 in January to 79 (preliminary) in February.
In January, the state had 19,059 (preliminary) producing wells, a decline from 19,238 producing wells in December. The all-time high was 19,334 producing wells in October 2024.
Fort Berthold Reservation produced 163,986 barrels of oil a day.
The reservation has two drilling rigs actively working, 2,956 active wells, one well waiting on completion and 126 approved drilling permits.
According to Anderson, the drilling rig count remains steady and is expected to remain at similar levels through 2025.
He said mergers and acquisitions continue to occur and it is expected integrations of these companies will occur in the coming year.
Currently, 12 frac crews are active in the state.
The statewide gas flared volume from December to January decreased 17.1 MMCFD to 176.9 MMCF per day. The statewide gas capture increased 1% – to 95% – while Bakken gas capture remained steady at 95%. The historical high flared percent was 36% in September 2011, according to the report.