February had wide swing in temperatures
The lowest temperature in February was -32 degrees, which occurred on both Feb. 18 and 19, according to Austin Kraklau of the North Central Research Extension Center, south of Minot.
He said the highest temperature in February was 46 degrees, which occurred on Feb. 28.
The lowest and highest temperatures resulted in a swing of 78 degrees, according to Kraklau.
He said the last time the temperature went below -32 degrees was February 2021.
“Historically, the coldest temperature observed in Minot was Feb. 15, 1936, at -49 degrees,” he said.
The total moisture for February was 0.22 inches, which is 0.27 inches below the long term average of 0.49 inches.
The snow total for the month was 1.7 inches, which is 3.9 inches below the long term average of 5.6 inches.