City to host series of Neighborhood Meetings
The City of Minot is beginning a series of meetings this month to enable community residents, council members and city project managers to interact as neighbors.
Inspired by the 2023 Community Satisfaction Survey, the Neighborhood Meetings will take place in different quadrants of the city, with a topic assigned using data collected in the survey. Discussions will be on topics most important to those neighborhoods, but all topics and locations are relevant to the city as a whole and all are welcome at each event. Families are welcome to attend.
City staff will give brief presentations and time will be allotted to listening to citizen concerns and answering questions.
Four meetings will be held in March, each beginning at 5:30 p.m.
The kickoff meeting on Monday, March 10, at Fire Station 4, 55th Street Southeast, will focus on code enforcement and community development. Find out what happens when calls come to the city about tall grass or parking, litter or other concerns. Hear about changes taking place related to code enforcement and the options for proactive enforcement. Also, find out what it takes to support positive community development from Community Development Administrator Brian Billingsley.
Participants will have a chance to view the fire trucks, including T-4, one of the trucks with the longest ladders on board.
The second neighborhood meeting will be held Thursday, March 13, at the landfill recycling center. The city’s recycling expert, Christina Wolf, and the landfill team will answer recycling questions, discuss the new landfill cell and explain how the city is working to get the most out of both the landfill and recycling operations. Participants will have an opportunity to plant a flower for National Plant a Flower Day.
The Tuesday, March 25, meeting at The Parker, 21 1st Ave. SE in downtown Minot, will focus on the city’s Snow & Ice Plan and how it has been working. Public Works Operations Director Bryan Banfill will be speaking, and a children’s spring art activity will be held.
The Thursday, March 27, meeting at Minot Public Library will feature a chat about public safety with Minot Police Department Interim Chief Dale Plessas and Minot Fire Department Chief Kelli Kronschnabel. There will be discussion on first aid and how residents can become trained. Participants also will be able to share their opinions on the future of Minot’s legacy city hall building, which houses the police department.
Neighborhood Meetings also are tentatively planned for June and October.