
Arnegard man named firefighter of the year

Rick Schreiber

WEST FARGO – Rick Schreiber of Arnegard will be awarded the North Dakota American Legion Fire Fighter of the Year Award at the North Dakota Firefighters Association convention in Minot on June 5-7. Schreiber was nominated by the Watford City American Legion Post #29.

Schreiber has been a firefighter for 27 years. In 2016, he became the chief of the Arnegard Rural Fire Protection District and board chair. He has completed fire fighter 1, fire fighter 2, extraction, trench rescue, low angle rescue trainings and is a state certified EMR and Hazmat Rescuer. One of his biggest days as a firefighter was just this past October, during the 700-acre wildfire just outside of Arnegard. It was the fastest and most aggressive grass fire he had ever fought in his 27 years as a firefighter.

Schreiber was born in Berwin, Illinois, and graduated from Custer County High School in Miles City, Montana, in 1992. He joined the Air Force as security police for two years and then continued to serve in the Montana Army National Guard in field artillery with the 155mm Howitzer. He joined the fire department while in the Guard and in 2002 Rick served as a federal law officer at the Winter Olympics in Park City, Utah.

When Schreiber isn’t busy with his work, he finds time to serve as the Arnegard City Council president, the treasurer for the N.D. Salt Water Recycle Association and the Arnegard Booster Club. He and his wife, Michelle, have been married for 10 years. They have a son, Brandon, and a daughter, Amy.

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