Two officers sworn in to police department

Ben Pifher/MDN Mayor Tom Ross, right, administers the oath to Katherine Guzman, one of two officers sworn in to the Minot Police Department Friday at City Hall.
The City of Minot welcomed two new faces to its police force Friday.
Officers Katherine Guzman and Alex Greenlees took their oaths in front of family, friends and city officials at City Hall.
The two officers will be attending the training academy in Bismarck, then undergoing Field Training Officer duties, during which they have on the job training to learn the skills needed to patrol on their own.
While explaining what officers go through at the law enforcement training academy and the lessons they learn, Capt. Dale Plessas of the Minot Police Department emphasized the criticality of public safety and “doing the job right.”
Harold Stewart, Minot’s city manager, reminded the officers of their commitment to public service and the trust citizens place in them. Placing the risk and sacrifice required of officers in the forefront of his speech, he relayed the communities gratitude.
“Not only will we give you our trust, but we will give you our support to make sure that you can be successful,” he said.
Stewart also spoke of the core values of the department – its PRIDE competencies: Professionalism, Responsibility, Integrity, Dedication and Excellence. He said those values were identified by department employees as things to strive for and asked the new officers to join those employees in doing so.
Extending thanks to the officers for their commitment to the organization, Stewart said, “Knowing that you’ll be there for us in our time of need, we will do our best to be there for you in your time of need.”
He welcomed the officers to the department, saying, “Welcome to the City of Minot, welcome to the police department, and welcome to helping us serve our neighbors, the citizens of Minot.”
Mayor Tom Ross then administered the oath of office to each officer individually.
Greenlees said his training so far has been “a lot of useful information all at once.” His goal is to retain as much information as possible and he later said, “I want to learn as much as I can, as fast as I can.”
Public service is why Greenlees joined the department.
“I wanted to give back,” he said.