State considers permit renewal for Minot wastewater
The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality has announced its intention to reissue a discharge permit for the City of Minot’s wastewater system.
MInot operates two aeration ponds, a five-cell waste stabilization pond lagoon system and an artificial wetlands treatment system, which takes in more than 5.5 million gallons per day, according to the department. The system was built in 1960 and last updated in 1991.
Treated water is discharged into the Souris River under a North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Discharge Permit. The department has set proposed effluent limitations and other permit conditions to ensure state water quality standards and provisions of the federal Clean Water Act are maintained.
Copies of the application, draft permit and related documents are available for review, and public comments will be taken by the department until March 16. Comments or requests should be directed to the N.D. Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality, 4201 Normandy St., Bismarck, ND 58503-1324 or by calling 328-5210. Guidelines for making comments can be found on the department’s website.