Winter Hike set at Fort Mandan
WASHBURN – The public is invited to join the “Winter Hike” at Fort Mandan State Historic Site in Washburn Saturday, Feb. 8, 2-3:30 p.m. The free hike will be hosted by nationally certified interpreters who will guide participants from the Fort Mandan Visitor Center along the trail beside the Missouri River.
During the hike staff will relate stories about the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the men’s journey up the Missouri River, their interactions with the Mandans and Hidatsas, and their need to choose a fort site. At Fort Mandan, participants will warm up next to the fire, enjoy a cup of coffee and engage in conversations bringing the Corps of Discovery’s experiences to life.
Participants should dress accordingly for the temperature. In the event the temperatures are not favorable for an enjoyable hike, staff will lead visitors directly to the fort for conversations about the expedition. The event will be canceled only if temperatures fall below zero.