Ward County gets two newcomers on commission

Ron Merritt
Jim Rostad, Ron Merritt and Miranda Schuler won the three open seats on the Ward County Commission Tuesday night.
In unofficial vote totals, Rostad led with 13,926 votes, followed by Merritt with 13,096 votes. Schuler was third with 11,878, with Shelly Weppler close behind with 11,694 votes. Jedidiah Rader garnered 5,948. Ashley Gulke Leavitt polled 7,306 despite having dropped out of the race.
The race sets up a possible demand recount because of the close vote between Schuler and Weppler. Weppler, who has served 12 years on the commission, said she is not likely to request a recount.
“I feel very good about the 12 years and was hoping that I would be able to continue on some of the work we had done. We had extended the half cent sales tax. I put in an initiative with the North Dakota Association of Counties – that will still be there – as to how we can address property taxes,” she said.
She also noted Merritt and Schuler will make excellent commissioners as both are well versed and interested in the county.

Jim Rostad
Merritt said he spoke with voters who were excited to have new people on the ballot, but the big concern was taxes.
“People are concerned about the taxes in general but they are wanting things done. They want the services that are provided by the county. They want their roads taken care of and all the basic things that the county does a good job on,” Merritt said. He added he is eager to get to work on those things that matter to residents.
“I need to learn the budget, but I have a lot of experience with budgets so that won’t take me that long,” he said. He plans to spend time getting to know department heads further.
“But I want to make sure I hear from the people,” he said. “I want to have a good feeling for what they would like to see us do and what they think we are doing a good job on and what they want to see us improve on.”
“I am humbled and grateful for the support of the people who voted for me,” Schuler said. “I never expect to be elected. I am always surprised and really, really looking forward to doing the job.”

Miranda Schuler
She also thanked the candidates for choosing to run and thanked Weppler, who has served on the commission for 12 years, for her service.
She also said she found voters were concerned about taxes and maintaining basic infrastructure during her campaigning. As long as the county provides those services exceptionally well, that will bode well for the citizens, she said.
Schuler, who operates a Minot insurance agency, is a former member of the Minot School Board and Minot City Council.
Merritt, of rural Minot, retired as executive director for the Minot Park District in May of 2023. He now is employed by a Minot credit union.
Rostad, a native of Carpio and rural Minot resident, operated a collision repair business in Minot for 20 years.
Rostad said he found a lot of satisfaction among county residents and appreciation for his service in talking with people during the campaign. People have come to know him during his 24 years on the Minot School Board and eight years on the Ward County Commission, he added.
“I think that a lot of times my positions and values are the same as a lot of people in Ward County,” he said.
He also said the county is fortunate in the communication that exists between department heads and commissioners, making it easy for him to bring constituent concerns to the departments and get immediate explanations or necessary changes.
“The system has worked very well,” Rostad said. “I know a whole lot more than when I first got on. It helps to know the department heads and how to get things done.”
- Ron Merritt
- Jim Rostad
- Miranda Schuler