
Wayfinding signs pop up all around Minot

Jill Schramm/MDN One of Minot’s first wayfinding signs stands near Maysa Arena Thursday.

Wayfinding signage consisting of 46 black, decorative signs will be erected around Minot over the next several weeks, according to the City of Minot’s Engineering Department.

Primary signage will provide directions to the Scandinavian Heritage Center and Visitors Center, Roosevelt Park Zoo, Minot State University, Magic City Discovery Center and the shopping district. Secondary signage directs visitors to South Hill Softball Complex, Souris Valley Golf Course, Jack Hoeven Wee Links, Minot High School-Magic City Campus, Corbett Field, Sertoma Softball Complex, Minot North High School and Dakota Territory Air Museum.

With the possible exception of the South Broadway and Burdick Expressway intersection, where signal construction is ongoing, the installation should be complete by the end of June, Traffic Engineer Stephen Joersz said.

The signs cost $367,419, which comes from the community development portion of city sales tax. The contractor, 3D, produced the custom-made signs in its new facility in Fargo. Joersz said the new sign-making process essentially prints an image on a piece of sheet metal, then covers it with a protective film.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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