
Bomb threat made from jail

Jill Schramm/MDN Minot Police block off Third Street as police vehicles gather in front of the Ward County Courthouse in response to a bomb threat Thursday.

David Diaz Jr., 38, an inmate at the Ward County Jail was charged with Class C felony terrorizing for allegedly calling in a bomb and assassination threat to the Ward County State’s Attorney’s Office and judges from the jail on Thursday.

The Ward County Courthouse and Administration Building were evacuated on Thursday morning due to the bomb threat. Both buildings were closed and part of Third Street Southeast were blocked off while the buildings were checked out. Members of the public were asked to avoid the area. The Minot Area Bomb Team and Minot Air Force Base Explosives Ordinance Disposal responded and conducted a search of the courthouse. No explosives were located and the buildings began re-opening at approximately 1 p.m.

Diaz has been held in custody at the jail since Feb. 7 and has been charged with multiple felonies in unrelated cases.

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