
Scholarships available at Dakota College at Bottineau

Dakota College at Bottineau has continued funds for the Hometown Career Scholarship. This scholarship helps address workforce needs in north central North Dakota. Through the support of the Bottineau County Economic Development Corporation and matching funds from the North Dakota Challenge Grant program, limited scholarship funds are available to students enrolling in Career and Technical Education programs at Dakota College at Bottineau. There were just under 30 students who benefited from this scholarship in the 2020-21 academic year.

The Hometown Career Scholarship will provide up to $2,000 for new students from Bottineau, McHenry, Pierce, Renville and Rolette counties who enroll in one of over 30 CTE programs. There are opportunities in the areas of agriculture, business, education, human services, health, horticulture, natural resources and photography. Students from Bottineau County may also pair this scholarship with the Berge scholarship.

Priority will be given to new students on a first-come, first-serve basis due to the limited amount of funds available. The priority date for consideration is June 15. Students must have submitted the Dakota College at Bottineau application for admission and paid the $35 application fee to be considered for the scholarship. All scholarship details may be found on the website dakotacollege.edu/scholarships.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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