John Hoeven Elementary students make tie blankets for Project Ignite Light
Students at John Hoeven Elementary made tie blankets that will be gifted to other kids who have experienced abuse.
The tie blankets were placed in backpacks that are handed out to children who have experienced abuse as part of Project Ignite Light.
The first 10 blankets made by students in the Character Counts! Club were made from a private donation. The next 10 blankets were made by some of the classrooms at John Hoeven. The fleece for those came from a Prevent Child Abuse ND grant that was received by the Region 2 Parent and Family Resource Center-NDSU Extension, according to Sarah Huss, the school counselor at John Hoeven Elementary.
It took four kids per blanket to tie the blankets, which had been pre-cut.
Fifth-graders and Character Counts Club! members Leslie Vazquez, Kiyah Bergrude, and Ray Omoziegele said it was fun to make the blankets. Ray also said she is thinking of the kids who will be getting the blankets and hopes things get better for them.