
New water tower

Eloise Ogden/MDN A 1.5 million gallon water tower is under construction in southwest Minot.

Landmark Structures is erecting a 1.5 million gallon water tower southwest of Minot for just under $4 million.

Work is ahead of target for a summer of 2022 completion date. The tower could be completed as soon as the fall of 2021, according to the City of Minot.

The tower is going up on land purchased by the city in 2006 along 37th Avenue Southwest, in the area of the landfill, to accommodate growth in southwest Minot. When completed the structure will be similar to the checkered tower on North Hill, but blue in color. Meanwhile, the city will take bids on Wednesday for the demolition of the water tower near the airport, with work to be done next spring. A new tower won’t be erected but the area will be served by existing infrastructure.

– Jill Schramm

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