New SnoMo club in Garrison
Snowmobilers prepare for season

Submitted photos ABOVE: An enthusiastic snowmobiler enjoys a ride in the Garrison area last winter.
GARRISON – There’s a new club in town. Recently formed and looking forward to their first organized season is the Sakakawea Fence Stretchers snowmobile club. Brent Schenfisch, Garrison, is the club’s first president.
“We already have close to 30 memberships,” said Schenfisch. “With families and all that probably puts us at mid-50’s for members.”
Recently the club conducted a work day, assembling an estimated 1,200 signs. Schenfisch said total signage will reach 2,000. The signs will be placed along approximately 150 miles of snowmobile trails. The goal, said Schenfisch earlier this week, is to get the signs in the ground before freeze-up.
“It will make trails safer for people to ride, around culverts, washouts and rocks and things,” explained Schenfisch. “Most of these trails will be ones we’ve been riding for 30 years.”
A difference this winter though is that the newly formed club is a member of Snowmobile North Dakota. As such, in cooperation with ND State Parks, the trail system utilized by club members and the general public will be maintained and groomed.
“They’ll be smooth and you’ll be able to control your machine,” said Schenfisch. “For kids and riders starting out it will be safe.”
Schenfisch said the Fence Stretchers are a non-profit club that wishes to be “a good partner for the community” and “hopefully do benefits for those in need”.
The trail system referred to by Schenfisch starts in Garrison and connects to Benedict, Plaza, Max, Douglas, Makoti and Ryder. The trail system is part of 2,800 miles of groomed trails elsewhere in the state.