
50-year contract

Base Utilities, Inc. expanding to Grand Forks AFB, Cavalier Air Station

Russ Gohl, shown Tuesday, owner with his wife, Jeanne, of Base Utilities, Inc., a Minot-based company, are making preparations after being awarded a 50-year contract for the ownership, operation and maintenance of the water and wastewater utility systems at Grand Forks Air Force Base and Cavalier Air Station. The company was awarded a similar contract for Minot AFB several years ago. Eloise Ogden/MDN

Base Utilities Inc., a company based out of Minot, is expanding to Grand Forks Air Force Base and Cavalier Air Force Station.

Owned by Russ and Jeanne Gohl, Minot, Base Utilities Inc. has been awarded a 50-year contract for the ownership, operation and maintenance of the water and wastewater utility systems at the two military installations in eastern North Dakota.

Five years ago the company was awarded a 50-year contract to operate and maintain the water and sewer system at Minot AFB.

Minot AFB was the first Air Force base to have its main utilities (electrical, water/wastewater and gas) privatized. Previously, the entire water and wastewater system was run and maintained by the Minot base’s Civil Engineer Squadron personnel with certain services contracted out.

At Minot AFB, Base Utilities Inc. built facilities including a shop, office and warehouse on land that the Gohls own adjoining base property. Currently, 17 people are employed at the Minot AFB operation. The company provides 24-hour service for the base.

Submitted Photo Base Utilities has a shop, office and warehouse on land adjoining Minot Air Force Base for its operation and maintenance of the water and wastewater system at the Minot base. The company will build facilities at Grand Forks Air Force Base and Cavalier Air Station for their recently awarded contract at those installations.

Gohl said the contracts for the three military installations involves the daily operations of all aspects of the sewer and water distributions and collections as well as for upgrades, replacing and maintaining it.

Beginning Monday, employees from Base Utilities will start preparation work for the eastern N.D. projects. The company will officially take over the water and wastewater systems at those military installations on Jan. 1, 2019.

About 13 people will be hired for the Grand Forks AFB operation and two people for Cavalier Air Station. Employees for those facilities will include three employees with the Minot firm who are moving to Grand Forks. One of the two people for the Cavalier operation has been hired already. Currently, the company is advertising to fill positions for installing and maintaining water and sewer mains and services at Grand Forks AFB.

Gohl said they will build a shop at both facilities.

Personnel of Base Utilities Inc. are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week, at Minot AFB, as they will also be at Grand Forks AFB and Cavalier Air Station, Gohl said.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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