Births Feb. 14: son to Kayla and Brody Wolff, Burlington; son to Miranda Decoteau and Jamison Diaz, Minot. NewsletterToday's breaking news and more in your inboxEmail(Required) I'm interested in (please check all that apply)(Required) Daily Newsletter Breaking News Obituaries Are you a paying subscriber to the newspaper?(Required) Yes No Births Births Dec. 18: daughter to April and Timothy Beck, Des Lacs. Dec. 19: son to Autumn Weeks, Minot; daughter to April ... Births Nov. 28: daughter to Acacia Voyer, Minot Air Force Base; son to Alexis and Braulio Hanandez, Minot. Nov. 29: son ... Births Nov. 20: son to Akira and Jonathan Essler, Kenmare Nov. 21: daughter to Laura Castillo and Benjamin Zareale; son ... Births Friday: son to Jessica and Jamie Adams, Minot. Births Oct. 31: son to Rylee Womack George and Connor George, son to Gracey Schultz and Tristen Zietz, son to Shantah and ... Births Oct. 16: Daughter to Samantha and Dustin Weeks, Deering.
Births Dec. 18: daughter to April and Timothy Beck, Des Lacs. Dec. 19: son to Autumn Weeks, Minot; daughter to April ...
Births Nov. 28: daughter to Acacia Voyer, Minot Air Force Base; son to Alexis and Braulio Hanandez, Minot. Nov. 29: son ...
Births Nov. 20: son to Akira and Jonathan Essler, Kenmare Nov. 21: daughter to Laura Castillo and Benjamin Zareale; son ...
Births Oct. 31: son to Rylee Womack George and Connor George, son to Gracey Schultz and Tristen Zietz, son to Shantah and ...