Sharing hope at Day of Prayer
“What’s this?” asked my friend as she started cleaning behind an end table in my living room. I looked her direction only to see her pull up a slim but nearly bare stem of a plant that was over 5 feet long! There were many “branches” at the end of this stem so it appeared to be a ...
Two seventh-graders from Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church are looking forward to their roles in performances of the 14 Stations of the Cross. The Faith Formation group will be putting on a performance of the 14 Stations of the Cross on March 20 and March 24. Both performances will take place ...
Everyone needs to feel loved and treasured, so with Valentine’s Day near, I’ve been pondering how God’s love can fill us, especially when those around us sometimes fail to fulfill our needs for love. Of course, how the world views love is very different from how God demonstrates His love ...
A few years ago, I was surprised by an email that showed up in my inbox, yet I trusted it since it came through the company that tested my DNA. The email started out with an introduction from someone I didn’t know saying that he had been working on his family tree for years, but was very ...
The attack came swiftly as the Babylonians plundered Jerusalem. The Temple, designed by God and built by Solomon, was destroyed and the city was systematically burned while most residents were taken captive as slaves. This event took place around 587 BCE (Before Christian Era). The people ...