

Wednesday Advent services scheduled

Our Savior Lutheran Church in Minot will hold Advent services on the first three Wednesdays in December at 7 p.m. On Dec. 4, the community is invited to an Advent/Christmas hymn-sing and to hear the story of the birth of Jesus told by Joseph, portrayed by Andy Busch. Special music also will ...

Voices of Note to perform Sunday

Voices of Note will perform in concert this Sunday at Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Minot at 3 p.m. Voices of Note has been performing for more than 30 years, according to Nadine Holmly, one of the chorus’ directors. The program will include secular music and feature guest ...

Granville church schedules harvest dinner, bazaar

GRANVILLE – Hope Congregational Church, Granville, will hold its Fall Harvest Dinner and Bazaar on Sunday, Nov. 10, from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the Granville Community Center. The dinner will feature a baked potato and taco bar for a freewill offering.

Reflections: A Perspective on Leaders

Very soon, we all have the opportunity to vote. Did I just hear a collective sigh or was it a groan? I can certainly understand reasons for those responses. It’s been a challenging season. I’m not going to tell you how to vote or discuss any of the issues that have been dredged up ...

Kenmare historian preserves memorial parks

Bryan Quigley estimates he, his brother, Del Quigley, and other volunteers have restored around six different cemeteries so far in the past couple years. “You don’t like to see cemeteries go into ruin, and we saw a lot of cemeteries around us that weren’t well kept up so we – me and a ...

Revival services next week at Minot Baptist

Want to hear some good southern preaching? From Sept. 15-18, Dr. Frank Ward, of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Crossville, Tennessee, will be preaching at the Minot Baptist Church, 500 46th Ave. NE. Services on Sunday will be at 9:45 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Services Monday through Wednesday ...