
Home and Garden

DakotaGardener: Give salvia a try

Every year, I plant something different in my containers in the front of my house, trying to find that perfect plant. Maybe it’s because I don’t keep notes and can’t remember what I planted, but we won’t get into that. I want something that can handle some shade and lots of wind, and ...

Dakota Gardener: New vegetable varieties with amazing flavors

This is a great time to be a gardener. The temperatures are getting warmer and the days are getting longer. Spring is coming! Many of us will be planting a garden soon. The good news is there are lots of new varieties available this spring that were bred to be absolutely delicious. North ...

PrairieFare: Connect with food during National Nutrition Month

When I was young, a homemade meal coordinated by the local “ladies’ aid” was a monthly event. We all looked forward to the food and fellowship at our small church. The delicious aroma filled the room and drew dozens of participants. I especially liked the meatballs with mashed potatoes ...

PrairieFare: Choose mindfully when eating at buffets

“Are you a runner?” I asked my dinner companion as she galloped ahead of me. “No, but I am kind of a slow jogger — a ‘slogger,’” she replied. I trotted slowly on the cobblestone sidewalk, trying not to break my “hoof” on the uneven surface. She slowed to a canter since I ...

20 new garden plants to watch for this year

Like most gardeners, I have favorite plants I’ve been growing for years and will continue to grow, like fragrant and tasty Big Boy tomatoes, wide Romano-type Italian flat beans, climbing zucchini and Queen Lime Mix zinnias. But I also like to try new plants. So, it’s helpful to know that ...

PrairieFare: Eating healthy, Mediterranean style

“I am probably adding five years onto my life eating this Mediterranean food,” my husband remarked. He was enjoying a bowl of tomato basil soup. It looked and smelled delicious. I chuckled as I took a bite of my equally healthful salad. It featured mixed greens, feta cheese, toasted ...