BUILDING PERMITS City of Minot January
– 701 Block, 1416 7th St. SW, rehab upstairs, finish basement, add egress windows and air conditioning and upgrade electrical panel, $65,000.
– Elizabeth Kelly, Groundworks Minnesota, 2120 4th Ave. NW, carbon fiber strips added to stabilize wall, $10,948.
– Aaron Kraft, 708 20th St. NW, storage building, $6,755.
– Shane and Megan Johnson, 108 18th St. SE, remodel basement post flood, beginning with bedroom, $3,000.
– Michael and Elizabeth Ruelle, KPO Designs, 2100 5th Ave. NW, convert two bedrooms into master bedroom suite, $12,000.
– LGK Holdings, 48 North Concrete Construction, 511 7th St. SW, new single family home with attached garage, $145,344.
– 701 Development, 48 North Concrete Construction, 2336 and 2340 Landmark Dr., new twin homes with attached garages, each $89,100.
– Jennifer Kalmbach, LeRoy’s Home Improvement, 1016 Harrison Dr., open walls, install beams and finish work, $18,000.
– State of North Dakota, Yeadon Fabric Domes, 500 W. University Ave., air support dome, $1,000.
– Capgrow Holdings JV Subvi, LeRoy’s Home Improvement, 1404 18th Ave. SW, add walls and egress window, $14,000.
– Prasedium, Rolac Contracting, 1603 35th Ave. SW, remodel building interior, $320,000.
– Minot Park District, Park Construction, 801 E. Central Ave., new 8th Street pump station, $52,830,280.
– Suso 3 Southgate, Craft Builders, 3300 16th St. SW, replace doors, minor reconfigure of dining, expand condiment counter, fresh finishes, 39,336.
– State of North Dakota, Craft Builders, 500 W. University Ave., remove and replace exterior windows, entrance doors and siding on MSU Campus Heights building, $423,300.
– Minot Properties, North Star Steel, 111 45th Ave. NE, build out restroom with storage, infill interior, overhead door and walk door, $10,000.
– Glen Myers, Interior Concepts, 2816 Burdick Expressway E., renovation of all units with drywall, paint refinishing, flooring, cabinets, trim, $100,000.
– Minot Vocational Adjustment, Mattson Construction, 1005 11th Ave. SE, remove wall and replace with two walls, install electrical into new walls, new window, new door and drywall patching, $20,240.
– Kamp Collective, Midwest Glass and Door, 11 E. Central Ave., work to be completed under the downtown Facade Improvement Program, $180,000.
– The Pursuit Church, Three Nails Contracting, 515 20th Ave. SE, Suite 4, remove interior walls, drop ceiling tiles, built-in cabinets, interior doors and floor coverings, $2,500.
Total: $54,400,143