ND Farm Bureau elects officers
FARGO — Daryl Lies of Douglas was reappointed North Dakota Farm Bureau president for a two-year term at the organization’s 81st annual meeting in Fargo.
Lies was elected as the NDFB District 6 director in 2013 and as NDFB president in 2015. Lies and his wife, Kim, operate a diversified farm with an emphasis in show animals. Their ventures include hogs, sheep and goats, and Lies also is associated with Full Flavor Farms and Daryl’s Racing Pigs. In addition, he hosts a radio show.
Val Wagner from Monango secured the position of vice president for a similar term. Wagner and her husband, Mark, run a Red Angus/Simmental commercial livestock ranch and raise corn, soybeans, alfalfa and cover crops. Wagner was elected to the District 3 NDFB Board of Directors position in 2020.
Elected as Young Farmer and Rancher Committee Chairman is Chance Kitzman of Upham. Chance and his wife, Nicole, have a cow/calf operation and raise corn, soybeans, oats, wheat and rye. They became involved in Farm Bureau because they feel it is getting more and more important to keep a strong voice for young farmers and “Farm Bureau is the strongest of those voices,” Kitzman said. He is set to serve a one-year term in his new role.
Elected to a three-year term representing District 9 is Chris Reindel of Dickinson. Reindel and his wife, Rebecca, raise beef cattle, sheep, and hay. He also has a small electrical business.