
Heritage Singers revive golden age of radio

Submitted Photo Steve Beaudoin performs in last year's Heritage Singers Variety Show.

When Heritage Singers’ veteran member Steve Beaudoin was asked years ago to join the group, he was skeptical.

“I was asked for many years to join but I thought, ‘I can’t sing with those guys. These guys are professionals.’ God, was I wrong. We are just a bunch of guys from various walks of life that get together on Thursday nights to sing and have fun.” Beaudoin said.

On Feb. 27, 28 and March 1, the Heritage Singers will present their annual variety show, this year themed, “The Golden Age of Radio,” at the Moose Lodge. Doors open at 5 p.m., and a dinner will be served by the members of the group at 6 p.m.

“We serve the food, we bus the tables, serve the coffee, and everything in between. It makes it personal so we are out speaking to our audience that makes everything possible,” Beaudoin said.

At 7 p.m. the show is kicked off for the evening.

“We really want to create a family friendly event for all to be able to attend and enjoy,” Beaudoin said.

There will be a special matinee show on Sunday, March 2, with doors opening at 11 a.m., a meal at 12 p.m., and the show beginning at 1 p.m.

By bringing humor and popular songs to the stage the singers create a comfortable atmosphere for their audience while also inviting those who are interested to take a chance and join the Heritage Singers as well.

This year’s event will include a live and silent auction featuring items donated from various businesses in the local Minot area. A few items that have been popular in past years have been pies and cakes that some of the members bake themselves. This year up for live auction also will be a couple quilts.

For more information, contact the MACA office.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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