
Old time & bluegrass music

Frozen Fingers Festival set for April 8-9 in Minot

Submitted Photo The Replacements is one of the groups taking part in the Frozen Fingers Festival. Front row, from the left, are: Karen Rath, Mike Greenup and Ardis Loock. Back row, from the left, are: Jim Mayfield, Marlene Grabow and Jerry Martin.

Frozen Fingers Festival is making a comeback.

The event has been scheduled for April 8-9 in the Minot Sleep Inn.

“We have not had Frozen Fingers for the last two years. Our members are so excited to get back playing and performing,” said Lois Zahn, president of the festival.

Doors open on Friday at 5 p.m., followed by dinner music by Judy Randle and Carl Kannianen at 5:30 p.m. while hors d’oeuvres are served. Frozen Fingers’s members will present “Country Western Jubilee” beginning at 6:30 p.m., followed by dance music by Larry Nelson at 9 p.m.

Beginning at noon on Saturday, entertainers include Jerry Schlag & Friends, Laura & Soo Valley Boys, The Bluestems, Randy Karr Band, The Replacements and Dakota Drifters. There will be door prizes and a silent auction. All dancers are welcome.

Submitted Photo The Dakota Drifters – from the left, Toby Nelson, Brenda Johnson, Carl Kannianen and Dick Johnson – will be among entertainers performing at the Frozen Fingers Festival.

Cost is $20 per day or $35 both days.

Proceeds will go to the sponsorship of annual scholarships to the International Music Camp for local students. For more information about scholarships, contact Zahn at 721-0621.

The Frozen Fingers Music Association was organized on Feb. 21, 2007, and is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of old-time and bluegrass music, according to association history. Cost to join the association is $15 a year. Members do not need to play an instrument or sing but can help with other festival events.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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