
Legal Notices 2-19







the City of Minot (Owner) is re-

questing Bids for the construction of

the following Project: 2021 Sidewalk,

Curb and Gutter Replacement.

Bids for the construction of the Pro-

ject will be received at the office of

the City Clerk located at 515 Second

Avenue SW (Second Floor), Minot,

North Dakota 58701, until Tuesday,

March 9, 2021 at 11:00 AM local

time. At that time the Bids received

will be publicly opened and read.

The Project includes the following

Work: Removing and replacing con-

crete sidewalk, ADA ramps, curb &

gutter, asphalt, non-reinforced con-

crete pavement, reinforced concrete

pavement, and other related items.

Complete digital project bidding do-

cuments are available at www.

questcdn.com. You may download

the digital plan documents for $40

by inputting eBidDoc #7558040 on

the website’s Project Search page.

Please contact QuestCDN.com at

952-233-1632 or info@questcdn.

com for assistance in free member-

ship registration, downloading, and

working with this digital project infor-

mation. Project bidding documents

are also available at the Issuing Of-

fice – City of Minot Engineering

Department 1025 31st St SE and

are available for purchase for $75.

Potential bidders may contact the

Assistant City Engineer at

701-857-4100 with any questions.

Each bid must be accompanied by a

separate envelope containing the

bid security in a sum equal to five

percent of the full amount of the bid

and must be in the form of a bidder’s

bond. A bidder’s bond must be exe-

cuted by the bidder as principal and

by a surety, conditioned that if the

principal’s bid is accepted and the

contract awarded to the principal,

the principal, within ten days after

notice of the award, shall execute a

contract in accordance with the

terms of the bid and the bid bond,

and any condition of the City of

Minot, as required by law. A counter-

signature of a bid bond is not re-

quired. If the City of Minot elects to

award a contract to the lowest

responsible bidder, and the lowest

responsible bidder does not execute

a contract within the ten days al-

lowed, the bidder’s bond must be

forfeited to the City of Minot and the

project awarded to the next lowest

responsible bidder.

Each bidder must possess a valid

North Dakota contractor’s license for

the full amount of their bid, as re-

quired by Section 43-07-07 of the

North Dakota Century Code. Each

bidder MUST enclose a copy of their

Contractor’s License or Certificate of

Renewal, issued by the North Dako-

ta Secretary of State, in their bid

bond envelope, and each license

must be valid and dated at least 10

days prior to the date set for bid

opening, as required under Section

43-07-12 of the North Dakota Centu-

ry Code.

No bid may be read or considered if

it does not fully comply with the re-

quirements of Section 48-01.2-05 of

the North Dakota Century Code, and

any deficient bid submitted will be

resealed and returned to the bidder


All Bids submitted and all Work

completed must be as stipulated in

the Agreement.

The City of Minot reserves the right

to hold all Bids for a period of 30

days after the date of the bid open-

ing, to reject any or all Bids and to

rebid the project until a satisfactory

bid is received, and to waive any in-

formality or irregularity in any Bid.

For all further requirements regard-

ing bid submittal, qualifications, pro-

cedures, and contract award, refer to

the Instructions to Bidders that are

included in the Bidding Documents.

By order of the City Council of the

City of Minot, North Dakota.

Owner: City of Minot

By: Kelly Matalka

Title: City Clerk

Date: February 12, 2021

(February 12-19-26, 2021)



2021 Street Seal



the City of Minot (Owner) is re-

questing Bids for the construction of

the following Project: 2021 Street


Bids for the construction of the Pro-

ject will be received at the office of

the City Clerk located at 515 Second

Avenue SW (Second Floor), Minot,

North Dakota 58701, until Tuesday,

March 9, 2021 at 11:00 AM local

time. At that time the Bids received

will be publicly opened and read.

The Project includes the following

Work: Asphalt patching, milling, as-

phalt paving, crack sealing, chip

seal, fog seal, pavement markings,

traffic control, and other related


Complete digital project bidding do-

cuments are available at www.quest

cdn.com. You may download the di-

gital plan documents for $40 by in-

putting eBidDoc #7558089 on the

website’s Project Search page.

Please contact QuestCDN.com at

952-233-1632 or info@questcdn.

com for assistance in free member-

ship registration, downloading, and

working with this digital project infor-

mation. Project bidding documents

are also available at the Issuing Of-

fice – City of Minot Engineering

Department 1025 31st St SE and

are available for purchase for $75.

Potential bidders may contact the

Assistant City Engineer at 701-

857-4100 with any questions.

Each bid must be accompanied by a

separate envelope containing the

bid security in a sum equal to five

percent of the full amount of the bid

and must be in the form of a bidder’s

bond. A bidder’s bond must be exe-

cuted by the bidder as principal and

by a surety, conditioned that if the

principal’s bid is accepted and the

contract awarded to the principal,

the principal, within ten days after

notice of the award, shall execute a

contract in accordance with the

terms of the bid and the bid bond,

and any condition of the City of

Minot, as required by law. A counter-

signature of a bid bond is not re-

quired. If the City of Minot elects to

award a contract to the lowest

responsible bidder, and the lowest

responsible bidder does not execute

a contract within the ten days al-

lowed, the bidder’s bond must be

forfeited to the City of Minot and the

project awarded to the next lowest

responsible bidder.

Each bidder must possess a valid

North Dakota contractor’s license for

the full amount of their bid, as re-

quired by Section 43-07-07 of the

North Dakota Century Code. Each

bidder MUST enclose a copy of their

Contractor’s License or Certificate of

Renewal, issued by the North Dako-

ta Secretary of State, in their bid

bond envelope, and each license

must be valid and dated at least 10

days prior to the date set for bid

opening, as required under Section

43-07-12 of the North Dakota Centu-

ry Code.

No bid may be read or considered if

it does not fully comply with the re-

quirements of Section 48-01.2-05 of

the North Dakota Century Code, and

any deficient bid submitted will be

resealed and returned to the bidder


All Bids submitted and all Work

completed must be as stipulated in

the Agreement.

The City of Minot reserves the right

to hold all Bids for a period of 30

days after the date of the bid open-

ing, to reject any or all Bids and to

rebid the project until a satisfactory

bid is received, and to waive any in-

formality or irregularity in any Bid.

For all further requirements regard-

ing bid submittal, qualifications, pro-

cedures, and contract award, refer to

the Instructions to Bidders that are

included in the Bidding Documents.

By order of the City Council of the

City of Minot, North Dakota.

Owner: City of Minot

By: Kelly Matalka

Title: City Clerk

Date: February 12, 2021

(February 12-19-24, 2021)








the City of Minot (Owner) is re-

questing Bids for the construction of

the following Project: 2021 Water

Main Replacement – Burdick Ex-


Bids for the construction of the Pro-

ject will be received at the office of

the City Clerk located at 515 Second

Avenue SW (Second Floor), Minot,

North Dakota 58701, until Tuesday,

March 9, 2021 at 11:00 am local

time. At that time the Bids received

will be publicly opened and read.

The Project includes the following

Work: The project consists of water

main replacement using the follow-

ing methods: open cut, pipe burst-

ing, and directional drilling. The pro-

ject also consists of abandoning and

installing new storm sewer, HMA

patching, concrete sidewalk, curb &

gutter, concrete pavement, and oth-

er related work.

Complete digital project bidding do-

cuments are available at www.

questcdn.com. You may download

the digital plan documents for $40

by inputting eBidDoc #7564461on

the website’s Project Search page.

Please contact QuestCDN.com at

952-233-1632 or info@questcdn.

com for assistance in free member-

ship registration, downloading, and

working with this digital project infor-

mation. Project bidding documents

are also available at the Issuing Of-

fice – City of Minot Engineering

Department 1025 31st St SE and

are available for purchase for $75.

Potential bidders may contact the

Assistant City Engineer at 701-

857-4100 with any questions.

Each bid must be accompanied by a

separate envelope containing the

bid security in a sum equal to five

percent of the full amount of the bid

and must be in the form of a bidder’s

bond. A bidder’s bond must be exe-

cuted by the bidder as principal and

by a surety, conditioned that if the

principal’s bid is accepted and the

contract awarded to the principal,

the principal, within ten days after

notice of the award, shall execute a

contract in accordance with the

terms of the bid and the bid bond,

and any condition of the City of

Minot, as required by law. A counter-

signature of a bid bond is not re-

quired. If the City of Minot elects to

award a contract to the lowest

responsible bidder, and the lowest

responsible bidder does not execute

a contract within the ten days al-

lowed, the bidder’s bond must be

forfeited to the City of Minot and the

project awarded to the next lowest

responsible bidder.

Each bidder must possess a valid

North Dakota contractor’s license for

the full amount of their bid, as re-

quired by Section 43-07-07 of the

North Dakota Century Code. Each

bidder MUST enclose a copy of their

Contractor’s License or Certificate of

Renewal, issued by the North Dako-

ta Secretary of State, in their bid

bond envelope, and each license

must be valid and dated at least 10

days prior to the date set for bid

opening, as required under Section

43-07-12 of the North Dakota Centu-

ry Code.

No bid may be read or considered if

it does not fully comply with the re-

quirements of Section 48-01.2-05 of

the North Dakota Century Code, and

any deficient bid submitted will be

resealed and returned to the bidder


All Bids submitted and all Work

completed must be as stipulated in

the Agreement.

The City of Minot reserves the right

to hold all Bids for a period of 30

days after the date of the bid open-

ing, to reject any or all Bids and to

rebid the project until a satisfactory

bid is received, and to waive any in-

formality or irregularity in any Bid.

For all further requirements regard-

ing bid submittal, qualifications, pro-

cedures, and contract award, refer to

the Instructions to Bidders that are

included in the Bidding Documents.

By order of the City Council of the

City of Minot, North Dakota.

Owner: City of Minot

By: Kelly Matalka

Title: City Clerk

Date: February 12, 2021

(February 12-19-26, 2021)



To the Title Owners, Borrowers and

Occupants of the Property:

Elizabeth L. Vanderhorst

2955 North Hill Field Road, Apt 2094

Layton, UT 84041

Matthew Vanderhorst

2955 North Hill Field Road, Apt 2094

Layton, UT 84041

Pursuant to the provisions of the

Federal Fair Debt Collection Prac-

tices Act, you are advised that un-

less you dispute the validity of the

foregoing debt or any portion thereof

within thirty days after receipt of this

letter, we will assume the debt to be

valid. If the debt or any portion

thereof is disputed, we will obtain

verification of the debt and will mail

you a copy of such verification. You

are also advised that upon your re-

quest within the thirty day period, we

will provide you with the name and

address of your original creditor, if

different from the creditor referred to

in this Notice. We are attempting to

collect a debt and any information

obtained will be used for that pur-


At this time, no attorney with this

firm has personally reviewed the

particular circumstances of your ac-

count. However, if you fail to con-

tact our office, our client may consid-

er additional remedies to recover the

balance due.

The real property that this notice

pertains to is located at 4821 42nd

Street Southeast, Minot, ND 58701,

and more particularly described as:

Lot 2, Faith Hills to the City of Minot,

Ward County, North Dakota.

Notice is hereby given that a certain

mortgage, recorded against the

above described property by Eliza-

beth L. Vanderhorst and Matthew

Vanderhorst, executed and

delivered to U.S. Bank National As-

sociation, dated May 25, 2016,

(“Mortgage”); and given to secure

the payment of $320,000.00, and in-

terest and other fees and costs ac-

cording to the terms and obligations

of a certain promissory note, is in

default. The current Mortgagee of

the Mortgage is U.S. Bank National


The following is a statement of the

sum due for principal, interest,

taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc.

as of October 26, 2020:

Principal $300,192.41

Interest – Good thru 10/30/2020


Escrow Advance $2,878.85

Late Charges $120.00

Recoverable Balance $1,305.00

Grand Total $318,091.27

That as of October 26, 2020, the

amount due to cure any default, or

to be due under the terms of the

mortgage, exists in the following


Monthly Mortgage Payments


Late Charges $120.00

Corp Advances $1,305.00

Grand Total $25,939.30

In the event that you either payoff or

reinstatement the loan, payment

must be paid by certified funds, and

made payable to U.S. Bank National

Association, and mailed to Halliday,

Watkins & Mann, P.C., at 376 East

400 South, Suite 300, Salt Lake

City, UT 84111. Additionally, you

must pay any additional accrued in-

terest, subsequent payments or late

charges which become due and any

further expenses for preservation of

the property which may be ad-

vanced. Please contact Halliday,

Watkins & Mann, P.C. for the exact

amount due through a certain date.

You have the right, in accordance

with the terms of the mortgage, to

cure the default specified above.

You also have the right in the fore-

closure action to assert that no de-

fault exists or any other defense you

may have to said action.

Notice is further provided that if the

total sums in default, together with

interest accrued thereon at the time

of such payment, accrued payments

then due and expenses advanced,

are not paid within thirty (30) days

from the date of mailing or service of

this Notice, the Mortgagee will deem

the whole sum secured by the Mort-

gage to be due and payable in full

without further notice. Furthermore,

proceedings will be commenced to

foreclosure such Mortgage, and in

the event of Sheriff’s sale as provid-

ed by the laws of the State of North

Dakota, the time for redemption

shall be as provided by law, but not

less than sixty (60) days after the

Sheriff’s Sale.

Date: October 26, 2020

Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C.

/s/ Scott S. Skeen

Scott S. Skeen

Attorney for Creditor

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Tel: 801-355-2886

Fax: 801-328-9714

Email: scott@hwmlawfirm.com

HWM: ND10307

(February 19-26; March 5, 2021)



To the Title Owners, Borrowers and

Occupants of the Property:

Lee Robles

2370 14th St NW

Minot, ND 58703

Miguel Robles

2370 14th St NW

Minot, ND 58703

Pursuant to the provisions of the

Federal Fair Debt Collection Prac-

tices Act, you are advised that un-

less you dispute the validity of the

foregoing debt or any portion thereof

within thirty days after receipt of this

letter, we will assume the debt to be

valid. If the debt or any portion

thereof is disputed, we will obtain

verification of the debt and will mail

you a copy of such verification. You

are also advised that upon your re-

quest within the thirty day period, we

will provide you with the name and

address of your original creditor, if

different from the creditor referred to

in this Notice. We are attempting to

collect a debt and any information

obtained will be used for that pur-


At this time, no attorney with this

firm has personally reviewed the

particular circumstances of your ac-

count. However, if you fail to con-

tact our office, our client may consid-

er additional remedies to recover the

balance due.

The real property that this notice

pertains to is located at 2370 14th St

NW, Minot, ND 58703, and more

particularly described as:

Lot 9B, Lakeside 18th Addition to

the City of Minot, Ward County,

North Dakota.

Notice is hereby given that a certain

mortgage, recorded against the

above described property by Miguel

Robles and Lee Robles, executed

and delivered to Mortgage Electronic

Registration Systems, Inc., as Mort-

gagee, as nominee for Bremer

Bank, National Association, its suc-

cessors and assigns, dated No-

vember 3, 2015, (“Mortgage”); and

given to secure the payment of

$254,118.00, and interest and other

fees and costs according to the

terms and obligations of a certain

promissory note, is in default. The

current Mortgagee of the Mortgage

is ServiceMac, LLC.

The following is a statement of the

sum due for principal, interest,

taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc.

as of November 19, 2020:

Principal $230,827.28

Interest good thru 12/03/2020


Total Fees $20.00

Late Charges $115.68

Grand Total $236,630.51

That as of November 19, 2020, the

amount due to cure any default, or

to be due under the terms of the

mortgage, exists in the following


Monthly Mortgage Payments


Late Charge $115.68

Grand Total $13,129.23

In the event that you either payoff or

reinstatement the loan, payment

must be paid by certified funds, and

made payable to ServiceMac, LLC,

and mailed to Halliday, Watkins &

Mann, P.C., at 376 East 400 South,

Suite 300, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

Additionally, you must pay any addi-

tional accrued interest, subsequent

payments or late charges which be-

come due and any further expenses

for preservation of the property

which may be advanced. Please

contact Halliday, Watkins & Mann,

P.C. for the exact amount due

through a certain date.

You have the right, in accordance

with the terms of the mortgage, to

cure the default specified above.

You also have the right in the fore-

closure action to assert that no de-

fault exists or any other defense you

may have to said action.

Notice is further provided that if the

total sums in default, together with

interest accrued thereon at the time

of such payment, accrued payments

then due and expenses advanced,

are not paid within thirty (30) days

from the date of mailing or service of

this Notice, the Mortgagee will deem

the whole sum secured by the Mort-

gage to be due and payable in full

without further notice. Furthermore,

proceedings will be commenced to

foreclosure such Mortgage, and in

the event of Sheriff’s sale as provid-

ed by the laws of the State of North

Dakota, the time for redemption

shall be as provided by law, but not

less than sixty (60) days after the

Sheriff’s Sale.

Date: November 19, 2020

Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C.

/s/ Scott S. Skeen

Scott S. Skeen

Attorney for Creditor

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Tel: 801-355-2886

Fax: 801-328-9714

Email: scott@hwmlawfirm.com

HWM: ND10610

(February 19-26; March 5, 2021)





The following ordinance be amend-


Articles: I – Purpose II – Title III –

Definitions IV – Districts V – Excep-

tions – All improvements per zoning

VI – A-1 Agricultural VII – R-1 Single

Family VIII – R-2 Single Family IX –

R-3 General Residence X – R-4

Trailer XI – T Townhouse XII – C-1

Neighborhood Commercial XIII –

C-2 Highway Commercial XIV – C-3

Central Business District

XV – M-1 Light Industrial XVI – M-2

Heavy Industrial XVII – Height and

Area Requirements Table XVIII

-Height and Areas Specific Require-

ments XIX – Off-Street Parking and

Loading XX – Special Use XXI –

Conditional Use XXII – Issuing

Building and Occupancy Permits

XXIII – Sanitary requirements –

Sewer and Water connection XXIV –

Land Subdivision XXV – Subdivision

Layout XXVI – Flood Protection Re-

quirements XXVII – Severability

XXVIII -Amendments and Changes

to Districts and zoning code XXIX –

Extraterritorial Zone

Any change in ownership required

renewal of the conditional use per-


Chapter 18, Article III, Section

18-301. Definitions

Conditional Use Permit: Zoning ex-

ception that allows property owners

to use a lot in such a way that is not

typically permitted within a particular

zoning district to which the Planning

Commission shall set specific condi-

tions, all of which must be met prior

to approval.

Chapter 18, Article IV Districts

Section 18-406. Boundaries of Dis-

tricts: Where uncertainties exist, with

respect to the boundaries of various

districts as shown on the official zon-

ing map and made part of this reso-

lution, the following shall apply:

The district boundaries are either

streets or alleys, unless otherwise

shown, and where the districts

designated on the official map made

a part of this ordinance are bounded

approximately by streets or alleys

lines, the streets or alleys lines shall

be construed as being the boun-

daries of the district.

Chapter 18, Article V. Section

18-501. Exceptions.

No land shall be used except for a

purpose permitted in the district in

which it is located unless a Condi-

tional Use Permit is issued by the


Chapter 18, Article XXI Section

18-2101: Conditional Use: The pro-

visions of this section are intended

to permit certain land uses which,

under special conditions and review,

can be compatible with the uses per-

mitted by right in a zoning district.

Section 18-2102: Conditional Use

Permit: A conditional use permit

may be granted following compli-

ance with the procedure set forth in

this section, provided that no appli-

cation for a conditional use shall be

granted unless the Planning Com-

mission find that the proposed use

meets the following conditions:

The proposed conditional use will

not be detrimental to or endanger

the public health, safety, or general

welfare of the district in which it is lo-


The existing permitted uses in the

district will not in any manner be

substantially impaired or diminished

by the establishment of the condi-

tional use.

The proposed conditional use will

not cause substantial injury to the

value of other property in the district.

The proposed conditional use will

not impede the normal and orderly

development of the surrounding pro-

perty for the uses permitted within

the district.

Adequate utilities, roadways,

drainage, and other necessary site

improvements to serve the proposed

conditional use exist or will be pro-

vided by the applicant.

Adequate access exists or will be

provided by the applicant to prevent

traffic safety hazards and to minim-

ize traffic congestion on public


The proposed conditional use will

not create excessive additional re-

quirements for public facilities and

services at the cost of the City and

will not be detrimental to the

economic welfare of the community.

The proposed conditional use shall

conform to the appurtenant regula-

tions of the district in which it is lo-


Section 18-2103: Conditional Use

Permit Application:Conditional use

permit applications shall be submit-

ted to the auditor along with a

non-refundable fee of $50.00. The

application shall include the follow-

ing information:

The name and address of the appli-

cant. The date of the application. A

location map of the property. The

existing zoning district of the proper-

ty. The proposed conditional use. A

description of the site and its rela-

tionship with the surrounding area.

For conditional use applications re-

quiring site improvements as deter-

mined by the Planning Commission,

City Council, or the City Engineer,

provide the following: A preliminary

map showing the boundary lines of

the property, the location of existing

and proposed structures on the pro-

perty, and the location of existing

structures on neighboring properties.

Locations of existing and proposed

utilities and utility extensions. Loca-

tions of proposed roadways, access

drives, and off-street parking and

loading areas. Any other information

normally required on a building per-

mit application. Any reasonable in-

formation the Planning Commission

deems necessary.

Section 18-2104: Planning Commis-

sion Hearing:Upon receipt of a com-

plete Conditional Use Permit Appli-

cation, the auditor shall submit the

application to the Planning Commis-

sion. The Planning Commission

shall consider the application at its

next hearing, provided that sufficient

notice of the hearing has been given

and that sufficient time has been

provided to review the application.

Written and published notice of the

hearing must be provided in compli-

ance with Article XXVIII of this ordi-


Section 18-2105: Recommendation

of Conditions:In acting on the re-

quest, the Planning Commission

may recommend such conditions,

safeguards, or restrictions upon the

property benefited by the proposed

conditional use as necessary to

minimize any potentially injurious ef-

fect on other property in the area, or

to carry out the general purpose and

intent of this ordinance.

Section 18-2106: Planning Commis-

sion Action: At the time of the hear-

ing, the Planning Commission shall

take testimony and formulate their

decision to either approve, approve

with conditions, or deny the condi-

tional use permit request. Upon

reaching a decision, the Planning

Commission shall forward their

recommendation to City Council.

Section 18-2107: City Council Ac-

tion: The City Council shall consider

the recommendation of the Planning

Commission, along with any protest

received, and act on the permit ap-


Section 18-2108: Amendment: The

procedure to amend a conditional

use permit shall be the same as re-

quired for the original application.

Section 18-2109: Term and Expira-

tion: As a part of the Conditional Use

Permit approval, the Planning Com-

mission and/or the City Council may

place expiration dates or renewal re-

quirements on the Conditional Use

at their discretion. The following

conditions also apply:

Time limit: Substantial construction

must take place within one (1) year

of the date on which the conditional

use permit was granted or the permit

shall be void. If the conditional use

is discontinued for a period of one

(1) year, the permit shall become


Change of Use: Any change of the

use as documented in the resolution

of approval shall void the permit.

Vested property right. A conditional

use permit goes with the land and

not the applicant, unless otherwise

specified in the approved conditions,

and cannot be taken away unless

the operator is out of compliance

with the conditions set forth in the


Section 18-2110: Revocation: The

Conditional Use Permit my become

void or be revoked as follows:

Revocation: The City Council or the

Planning Commission may initiate

revocation of a conditional use per-

mit for noncompliance with any of

the conditions set forth in the reso-

lution granting the permit. The Plan-

ning Commission shall, after written

notice as required in Article XXVIII,

hold a public hearing to consider the

revocation of the permit. The Plan-

ning Commission shall forward their

recommendation to City Council for

Council action.

Expiration: If the time limit for com-

mencement of construction expires,

the conditional use is discontinued

for one (1) year, or the time limit for

use as established in granting the

permit passes, the permit shall be

revoked. A hearing is not required

for revocation due to expiration and

the permit applicant, or current

operator, shall be notified of said re-


Passed 1st Reading 1-4-21

Passed 1st Reading 2-1-21

(February 12-19, 2021)


CIVIL NUMBER: 51-2019-CV-01671





Quicken Loans Inc.



Devon Wold a/k/a Devon T. Wold;

Heirs & Devisees of the Estate of

Devon Wold a/k/a Devon T. Wold;

United States of America, acting by

and through the Internal Revenue

Service; any person in possession,

and all persons unknown, claiming

any estate or interest in, or lien or

encumbrance upon, the real estate

described in the complaint,


1. Judgment in the amount of

$378,434.75, having been entered in

favor of Plaintiff and against Defen-

dants, which Judgment was filed

with the Clerk of Courts of Ward

County, North Dakota, on December

31, 2020, for the foreclosure of a

real estate mortgage.

2. Notice is hereby given pursuant to

said Judgment that the real property

described as:

Lot 11, Bel Air 13th Addition to the

City of Minot, Ward County, North


Real Property address:713 27th

Street NW, Minot, ND 58703

The above real property is the sub-

ject of the Mortgage dated June 25,

2018, which Mortgagor, Devon

Wold, executed and delivered to

Mortgage Electronic Registration

Systems Inc., as Mortgagee, as

nominee for Quicken Loans Inc., its

successors and assigns and record-

ed in the office of the Clerk and

Recorder of Ward County, North

Dakota, on June 27, 2018, Instru-

ment Number 3019696, which is

subject to the entered Judgment.

Said Mortgage was assigned to

Plaintiff, its successors or assigns,

by Assignment of Mortgage record-

ed May 6, 2019, Instrument Number


3. In order to realize the amount of

$378,434.75, as of December 31,

2020, plus interest accruing

thereafter on said amount at the rate

of 4.99% per year together with the

costs and expenses of sale, the pro-

perty will be sold subject to redemp-

tion as provided by law as one par-

cel of land at public auction, subject

to any lien for unpaid real estate

taxes and assessments of Ward

County, North Dakota, and ease-

ments and restrictions of record, to

the highest bidder for cash under the

direction of the Sheriff of Ward

County, North Dakota, at the main

entrance of the Ward County Court-

house located at 315 SE 3rd Street,

Minot, North Dakota 58701, on

March 17, 2021 (“Sale Date”), at

10:00 AM.

4. If the sale is set aside for reason,

the Purchaser at the sale shall be

entitled only to a return of the depo-

sit paid. The purchaser shall have

no further recourse against the Mort-

gagor, the Mortgagee or the

Mortgagee’s attorney.

DATED this 3rd day of February


For: Robert Roed

/s/Jamie Williams

Deputy Sheriff of Ward County

Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C.

/s/ Scott S. Skeen

Attorneys for Plaintiff

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111


Email: scott@hwmlawfirm.com

ND Bar No.: 09334

(February 12-19-26, 2021)


The Ree Township Annual Meeting

will be held March 7th, 2021 at 2:00

P.M. at the Marshall Johnson Shop

in Donnybrook, ND.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Johnson, Clerk

(February 19, 2021)


Probate No. 51-2021-PR-00013




In the Matter of the Estate of

Kenneth R. Loughead, Deceased.


the undersigned has been appointed

personal representative of the above

estate. All persons having claims

against the said deceased are re-

quired to present their claims within

three months after the date of the

first publication of this notice or said

claims will be forever barred.

Claims must either be presented to

Joan Anderson,personal representa-

tive of the estate, in care of Maxson

Law Office, P.C., at 1015 South

Broadway – Suite 15, Minot, ND

58701,or filed with the Court.

Dated this 1st day of February,


/s/ Joan Anderson

Joan Anderson,

Personal Representative

Jacob C. Maxson (ID #06747)


Town & Country Center

1015 South Broadway – Suite 15

Minot, ND 58701

Attorneys for Personal Representa-


(February 5-12-19, 2021)





The City of Minot, North Dakota, is

requesting “Statements of Qualifica-

tions” from engineering consulting

firms to provide Consultant En-

gineering services for the mill and

overlay of 16th St SW from 24th Ave

SW to 37th Ave SW and mill and

overlay of 37th Ave SW from 16th St

SW to Broadway. Interested firms

must submit five (5) bound copies

and one digital copy of their qualifi-

cations by 4:00 pm, March 5, 2021


City of Minot Engineering Depart-


1025 31st Street SE

Minot, ND 58701

Attn: Lance Meyer, City Engineer

Proposals should be marked:

“Qualifications Submittal for 16th St

SW and 37th Ave SW Mill & Overlay

City Project 4592”

Provide the City of Minot with prel-

iminary, design, and construction

engineering services for the mill and

overlay of 16th St SW from 24th Ave

SW to 37th Ave SW and Mill and

Overlay of 37th Ave SW from 16th

St SW to Broadway. This project is

funded through the NDDOT Urban

Roads program and other local fund-

ing sources. Consultant must have

the ability and experience to design

and inspect an arterial roadway mill

and overlay project that will include

NEPA document, asphalt mill and

overlay, LED street lighting conver-

sion, and ADA ramp upgrades. Con-

sultant must also provide project

management and construction en-

gineering services.

Detailed information for those in-

terested in submitting proposals is

available in the City Engineering

Department Office, City of Minot

Public Works Building, 1025 31st

Street SE, Minot, ND, Monday

through Friday between the hours of

8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or tele-

phone at (701) 857-4100. Proposals

must be delivered to the City En-

gineer by 4:00 pm on March 5,

2021. The City of Minot reserves the

right to reject any and all proposals.

(February 12-19-26, 2021)


Case No. 51-2021-DM-00072

In the Interest of J.D.D. and J.G.G.,

Minor Children.





State of North Dakota,



Anna Marie Day,


The State of North Dakota to Anna

Marie Day:

You are summoned and required to

defend against the Complaint by

serving an Answer, which is a writ-

ten response, on the State of North

Dakota within 21 days after service

of this Summons and by also filing

that Answer with the court. If you do

not serve and file an Answer, the

court can grant the requests made in

the Complaint by ordering that a de-

fault judgment be entered against


Dated this 1st day of August, 2020.

/s/ Tina M. Heinrich

Tina M. Heinrich

Special Assistant Attorney General

Bar I.D. Number: 04088

1015 S. Broadway Suite 18,

Minot, ND 58701

1-800-231-4255; minotcse@nd.gov

Attorney for Child Support

(February 12-19-26, 2021)


Case No. 51-2021-DM-00065





State of North Dakota, and

Bonita Shyer Little Dog,



Harlan Lee Ross,


The State of North Dakota to Harlan

Lee Ross:

You are summoned and required to

defend against the Complaint by

serving an Answer, which is a writ-

ten response, on the State of North

Dakota and Bonita Shyer Little Dog

within 21 days after service of this

Summons and by also filing that

Answer with the court. If you do not

serve and file an Answer, the court

can grant the requests made in the

Complaint by ordering that a default

judgment be entered against you.

Dated this 3rd day of February,


/s/ Tina M. Heinrich

Tina M. Heinrich

Special Assistant Attorney General

Bar I.D. Number: 04088

1015 S. Broadway Suite 18,

Minot, ND 58701

1-800-231-4255; minotcse@nd.gov

Attorney for Child Support

(February 12-19-26, 2021)


Case No. 51-2021-DM-00070





State of North Dakota, and

Cyngay Emberly Merjil,



David Riley III,


The State of North Dakota to David

Riley III:

You are summoned and required to

defend against the Complaint by

serving an Answer, which is a writ-

ten response, on the State of North

Dakota and Cyngay Emberly Merjil

within 21 days after service of this

Summons and by also filing that

Answer with the court. If you do not

serve and file an Answer, the court

can grant the requests made in the

Complaint by ordering that a default

judgment be entered against you.

Dated this 10th day of December,


/s/ Tina M. Heinrich

Tina M. Heinrich

Special Assistant Attorney General

Bar I.D. Number: 04088

1015 S. Broadway Suite 18,

Minot, ND 58701

1-800-231-4255; minotcse@nd.gov

Attorney for Child Support

(February 12-19-26, 2021)


Case No. 51-2021-DM-00069





State of North Dakota, and

Ebony Joy Falode,



Edmond James Smith,


The State of North Dakota to Ed-

mond James Smith:

You are summoned and required to

defend against the Complaint by

serving an Answer, which is a writ-

ten response, on the State of North

Dakota and Ebony Joy Falode within

21 days after service of this Sum-

mons and by also filing that Answer

with the court. If you do not serve

and file an Answer, the court can

grant the requests made in the Com-

plaint by ordering that a default judg-

ment be entered against you.

Dated this 18th day of May, 2020.

/s/ Tina M. Heinrich

Tina M. Heinrich

Special Assistant Attorney General

Bar I.D. Number: 04088

1015 S. Broadway Suite 18,

Minot, ND 58701

1-800-231-4255; minotcse@nd.gov

Attorney for Child Support

(February 12-19-26, 2021)


Case No. 51-2021-DM-00071





State of North Dakota, and

Rikki Leigh Ritz,



Anthony Andrade,


The State of North Dakota to Antho-

ny Andrade:

You are summoned and required to

defend against the Complaint by

serving an Answer, which is a writ-

ten response, on the State of North

Dakota and Rikki Leigh Ritz within

21 days after service of this Sum-

mons and by also filing that Answer

with the court. If you do not serve

and file an Answer, the court can

grant the requests made in the Com-

plaint by ordering that a default judg-

ment be entered against you.

Dated this 1st day of July, 2020.

/s/ Tina M. Heinrich

Tina M. Heinrich

Special Assistant Attorney General

Bar I.D. Number: 04088

1015 S. Broadway Suite 18,

Minot, ND 58701

1-800-231-4255; minotcse@nd.gov

Attorney for Child Support

(February 12-19-26, 2021)


Case No. 51-2021-DM-00067





State of North Dakota, and

Barbara Serine Haga,



Peter Paul Beatty,


The State of North Dakota to Peter

Paul Beatty:

You are summoned and required to

defend against the Complaint by

serving an Answer, which is a writ-

ten response, on the State of North

Dakota and Barbara Serine Haga

within 21 days after service of this

Summons and by also filing that

Answer with the court. If you do not

serve and file an Answer, the court

can grant the requests made in the

Complaint by ordering that a default

judgment be entered against you.

Dated this 10th day of November,


/s/ Stephen Williamson

Stephen Williamson

Special Assistant Attorney General

Bar I.D. Number: 09282

1015 S. Broadway Suite 18,

Minot, ND 58701

1-800-231-4255; minotcse@nd.gov

Attorney for Child Support

(February 12-19-26, 2021)


CIVIL NUMBER: 51-2021-CV-00038





Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC,



Jeffrey Leedy; Krista Leedy; Jay

Ragbardi; Mary Burney; any person

in possession, and all persons unk-

nown, claiming any estate or interest

in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the

real estate described in the com-



1. To the above-mentioned Defen-

dants including all persons unk-

nown, claiming any estate or interest

in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the

real estate described below and in

the complaint.

2. You are hereby summoned and

required to appear and defend

against the Complaint in this action,

which is herewith served upon you,

by serving upon the undersigned a

copy of an Answer or other proper

response within twenty-one (21)

days after the service of this Sum-

mons upon you, exclusive of the day

of service.

3. If you fail to do so, Judgment by

default will be taken against you for

the relief demanded in the Com-


4. This Summons and accompany-

ing Complaint will be filed with the

Clerk of the Court named above.

5. This action relates to the foreclo-

sure of a mortgage upon the follow-

ing described real property in the

County of Ward, State of North


All of the following real property lying

and being in the County of Ward,

State of North Dakota, and

described as follows, to-wit

Lot 35, Block 3, Silver Springs Addi-

tion to the City of Surrey, Ward

County, North Dakota.

Property Address: 22 Cambridge

Cove, Surrey, ND 58785

6. The Plaintiff is not seeking a per-

sonal judgment against the

above-named Defendants.

Date: December 23, 2020

/s/ Scott S. Skeen

Scott S. Skeen

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Tel: 801-355-2886

Fax: 801-328-9714

Email: scott@hwmlawfirm.com

Bar Number: 08371

HWM: ND10094

(February 19-26; March 5, 2021)

Starting at $2.99/week.

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