Legal Notices 8-27
Owner: Minot State University Ad-
vancement Office
Sealed proposals for Construction of
the MSU Summer Theatre Renova-
tion – Bid Package 1 will be re-
ceived by the MINOT STATE
FICE in the Westlie Room at the
Student Union on the Campus of
Minot State University, 500 Universi-
ty Avenue West in Minot, ND, until
2:00 PM local time on Thursday,
September 17, 2020, when bids will
be opened and read aloud.
The Information to Bidders, Form of
Bid, Form of Contract, Form of
Performance-Payment Bond, Draw-
ings, Specifications, addenda, and
other contract documents as
prepared by JLG Architects may be
examined at the following places:
The office of JLG Architects, Minot,
North Dakota; the Builders Ex-
changes in Fargo-Moorhead, Grand
Forks, Bismarck-Mandan, Bismarck,
Minot, and Dickinson, North Dakota;
Minneapolis/St. Paul, St. Cloud,
Minnesota and Sioux Falls, South
Dakota; Billings, Montana; Construc-
tion Connect and McGraw
Bid Documents are available to
Prime bidders at the offices of JLG
Architects, Minot, ND. Digital copies
are available at no charge. Physical
copies can be printed upon request,
at bidder expense.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
separate envelope containing the
contractor’s license and bid security.
The bid security must be in a sum
equal to five percent of the full
amount of the bid and must be in the
form of a bidder’s bond. A bidder’s
bond must be executed by the
bidder as principal and by a surety,
conditioned that if the principals bid
is accepted and the contract award-
ed to the principal, the principal,
within ten days after notice of the
award, shall execute a contract in
accordance with the terms of the
bid, the bid bond, and any conditions
of the governing body. Bids shall
comply with North Dakota Century
Code Chapter §48-01.2 as amend-
ed. If a successful bidder does not
execute a contract within the time al-
lowed, the bidder’s bond shall be
forfeited to the governing body and
the project awarded to the next
lowest responsible bidder.
No bidder may withdraw their bid
within 30 days after the actual date
of the opening thereof. The Bid
Bond of the three lowest Bidders for
each contract will be retained until
the contract has been awarded and
executed, but no longer than thirty
(30) days after the date of the Bid.
All Bidders shall hold a valid North
Dakota Contractor’s license of the
proper class for the full amount of
the bid as required by North Dakota
Law Sections §43-07-05 and §43-07-12 and shall enclose a copy
of the license or Certificate of
Renewal of the license in the same
envelope as the Bidder’s Bond. A
Contractor shall be the holder of a
license at least ten days prior to the
date set for receiving Bids to be a
qualified Bidder.
No bid will be read or considered
which does not fully comply with the
above requirements as to bond and
licenses, and any deficient bid sub-
mitted must be resealed and re-
turned to the bidder immediately.
Bids shall be in accordance with and
submitted on the Bid form supplied
within the Bid Documents. Failure to
do so may result in rejection of the
Bid. The Owner reserves the right to
reject any and all bids and to waive
any formalities therein and rebid the
project until a satisfactory bid is re-
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at
the site on Tuesday, September 8,
2020, at 10:00 AM local time.
(August 27; September 3-10, 2020)
Minot Public School District #1
Regular School Board Meeting
August 13, 2020
Members Present
Jim Rostad
Bonny Berryman
Mike Gessner
Laura Mihalick
Miranda Schuler
Members Absent
The Regular Board Meeting was
called to order by President Rostad
at 4:02 P.M.
Moved by Schuler, seconded by
Gessner, to receive and file a peti-
tion from the Minot Safe School
Reopen Committee.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
Assistant Superintendent Tracey
Lawson reviewed the MPS Distance
Learning Plan. Lawson noted that
13% of MPS students (approximate-
ly 1,000 students) had their parents
request Distance Learning. The plan
includes the same rigor and expec-
tations in distance learning as there
will be in face-to-face learning. A so-
cial emotional component will also
be included. Teachers will be doing
their distance learning teaching from
MPS buildings. The plan calls for
elementary students to remain in
face-to-face learning and secondary
students to go into a hybrid-learning
platform if the district goes into yel-
low status.
Lisa Clute, Executive Director of
First District Health Unit, gave the
board a report on the close work and
communication with the Minot Public
Schools on all aspects related to
MPS and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jared Edwards, MPS Director of
Buildings and Grounds, presented a
report on the ventilation systems
throughout the Minot Public School
Moved by Schuler, seconded by
Gessner, to approve the Consent
Agenda to include the
July 23, 2020, Annual Meeting & Au-
gust 6, 2020 Special Meeting
Minutes and the Financial Reports to
include the July Accounts Payable in
the amount of $876,062.52.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
Moved by Schuler, seconded by
Gessner, to approve a letter of resig-
nation from Danielle Barnack from
her 2020-2021 teaching contract.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
Moved by Mihalick, seconded by
Berryman, to approve a letter of
resignation from Lauren Wallin from
her Occupational Therapist position
with the MPS.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
Moved by Gessner, seconded by
Berryman, to approve the
2019-2020 Business Manager’s
Financial Report as presented.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
Moved by Schuler, seconded by
Berryman, to approve on one read-
ing Revised Policy AAC Nondiscrim-
ination & Anti-Harassment.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
Moved by Schuler, seconded by
Mihalick, to approve on one reading
Revised Board Regulation AAC-BR1
Discrimination & Harassment
Grievance Procedure.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
Moved by Mihalick, seconded by
Berryman, to approve on one read-
ing Revised Board Procedure
AAC-BR2 Title IX Sexual Harass-
ment Grievance Procedure.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
Moved by Mihalick, seconded by
Berryman, to approve the MPS Staff
COVID-19 Guidance document with
an amendment for additional
language creating a COVID-19 Ma-
jor Disaster Leave Bank with the
parameters as presented.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
The All Staff Back to School virtual
Meeting is scheduled for August 18.
The first day of school for students
will be August 27, 2020.
The NDSBA Fall convention is set
for October 29 & 30 in Bismarck.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at
5:52 P.M.
Scott Moum
Business Manager
Jim Rostad
These minutes are not approved un-
til the next regular board meeting.
Bills List can be found on this link:
(August 27, 2020)
Minot Public School District #1
Special School Board Meeting
August 6, 2020
Members Present
Jim Rostad
Bonny Berryman
Mike Gessner
Laura Mihalick
Miranda Schuler
Members Absent
The Special Board Meeting was
called to order by President Rostad
at 4:00 P.M.
Superintendent Dr. Mark Vollmer
gave the board an overview of the
Minot Public School Reintegration
Moved by Mihalick, seconded by
Schuler, to approve the plan. As
presented by Dr. Vollmer, the rein-
tegration plan would have staff re-
turn on August 18, 2020 and stu-
dents starting August 27, one week
later than the previously approved
MPS 2020-2021 School Calendar
schedule. After discussion, ques-
tions and answers Schuler moved
and Mihalick seconded a motion to
amend the reintegration plan and
change the start date for students to
September 9, 2020. Following dis-
cussion roll call vote on the amend-
ment: Berryman-no, Mihalick-no,
Gessner-no, Schuler-yes and
Rostad-no. Motion to amend failed
On the original motion to approve
the Reintegration Plan as presented,
roll call vote: All members voted
“Yes”. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 5:38 p.m.
Scott Moum
Business Manager
Jim Rostad
(August 27, 2020)
Minot Public School District #1
Special School Board Meeting
August 18, 2020
Members Present
Jim Rostad
Bonny Berryman
Mike Gessner
Laura Mihalick
Miranda Schuler
Members Absent
The Special Board Meeting was
called to order by President Rostad
at 12:00 P.M.
Assistant Superintendent Kim
Slotsve presented information to the
board related to the Distance Learn-
ing Plan for secondary schools. Ms.
Slotsve noted that non-required
courses with less than 10 students
enrolled would most likely be elim-
inated. MPS will use the N.D.
Center for Distance Learning in cer-
tain situations and PE courses will
be restructured for on-line distance
learning. Ms. Slotsve requested the
board approve multi-school compen-
sation for regular classroom teach-
ers who will be providing both
face-to-face and on-line distance
learning instruction. Slotsve es-
timated that approximately 100
secondary teachers would be pro-
viding instruction in both platforms.
Moved by Schuler, seconded by
Mihalick, to approve Ms. Slotsve’s
request for multi-school compensa-
tion for regular classroom instructors
teaching in both platforms.
Roll Call: All members voted “Yes.”
Assistant Superintendent Tracey
Lawson presented a proposal to the
board to address the low enrollment
numbers at both McKinley and
Roosevelt Elementary Schools and
the elementary staffing needs
throughout the district after enroll-
ment adjustments were made for
distance learning students. Lawson
reviewed expected enrollment
numbers by grade in each building:
K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
McKinley; 9, 10, 10, 12, 13, 9
Roosevelt; 9, 12, 16, 11, 21,15
Totals;18, 22, 26, 23, 34, 24
The proposal would place grades
k-2 at McKinley and grades 3-5 at
Roosevelt and would provide for one
section of grades K, 1, 3 & 5 and
two sections of grades 2 & 5. This
would allow the district to place 4
displaced teachers in either other
openings in the district or in vacant
distance learning positions. If the
board decides to keep the confi-
guration and staffing at McKinley
and Roosevelt as it currently is the
district will need to hire an additional
four teachers for the 2020-2021
school year in order to staff appropri-
ately for distance learning. Moved
by Berryman, seconded by Schuler,
to keep McKinley and Roosevelt
configuration as it currently is and
approve hiring 4 additional teachers.
Roll Call: Berryman-yes, Mihalick-
yes, Gessner-no, Schuler-yes and
Rostad-no. Motion carried 3-2.
Business Manager Scott Moum in-
formed the board that today’s board
decisions would result in approxi-
mately $400,000 in expenses being
added to the previous budget propo-
sal resulting in an increased project-
ed deficit.
The meeting adjourned at 12:42
Scott Moum
Business Manager
Jim Rostad
(August 27, 2020)
Nedrose School Board Minutes
July 15, 2020 5:30 P.M.
The Nedrose School Board Meeting
was called to order by board
president Jim Vannett. Members
present; Jim Vannett, Todd Awalt,
Robert Kraus, Holly Brekhus, and
Chris Sutton. Also present were
Matt Norby, Administrator, Alex
Schmlatz, Elementary Principal,
Connie Marcellais, Bs. Mgr., and Di-
ana Fliginger, teacher representa-
Motion made by Robert Kraus and
seconded by Holly Brekhus to ap-
prove the agenda with the addition
of: Covid 19 Task Force under New
Business number 5. Motion carried
Nominations for president of the
school board were made. Motion
made by Holly Brekhus and second-
ed by Chris Suttonto nominate Jim
Vannett as president for the
2020-2021 school year. On roll call
vote; Yes: Todd Awalt, Holly
Brekhus, Chris Sutton, Bob Kraus.
No: none. Abstained Jim Vannett.
Motion carried.
Motion made by Robert Kraus and
seconded by Chris Sutton to nom-
inate Holly Brekhus as
Vice-President. On roll call vote;
Yes: Todd Awalt, Chris Sutton, Bob
Kraus, Jim Vannett. No: none.
Abstained Holly Brekhus. Motion
carried. The Nedrose School Board
is as follows:
Jim Vannett, President
Holly Brekhus, Vice-President
Todd Awalt, Bd. Member
Robert Kraus, Bd. Member
Chris Sutton, Bd. Member
Connie Marcellais, Bs. Mgr.
Cardinal Kudos acknowledged to-
day: Doug Ames for his hard work
and excellence on the grounds and
busses. Vicky Sutter, Melissa Eg-
gen, Sara and Kevin Streitz for tak-
ing over and working hard on the
Nedrose School Prom. Rebecca
Welsh, in recognition of your retire-
ment, thank you for all the years of
dedication to students at Nedrose
School, you will be missed!
No new nominations for Cardinal
Motion made by Jim Vannett and
seconded by Chris Suttonto approve
the minutes of the Regular Board
Meeting on June 17, 2020 as
presented. Motion carried unani-
Jim Vannett moved, and Robert
Kraus seconded to approve the
Financial balances as of June 30,
2020 as presented; Checkbook,
$1,819,690.52 and MM Savings,
$1,227,252.91. Motion carried unan-
Motion made by Chris Sutton and
seconded by Todd Awalt to approve
the Bills in the amount of
$1,003,193.35, paid using ck. no’s
55945, 55987-55993, 56067-56099.
Motion carried unanimously.
Administrative reports were re-
Motion made by Jim Vannett and
seconded by Robert Kraus to com-
plete the first reading of policies
ABBA – Tobacco Use, BDA –
Adopting Board Policy, DBBA – Em-
ployee Drug & Alcohol Testing,
DEAD – Staff use of Electronic Dev-
ices, DEAG – Weapons Prohibition
on School Property-Employees,
DEBF – Employee speech, and
FCAF – Concussion Management.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Jim Vannett and
seconded by Holly Brekhus to ap-
prove the first reading, waive the
second reading, and final adoption
of policy ACDBA – Video Cameras
on School Buses. Motion carried
The Policy Committee members will
be Holly Brekhus, Chris Sutton and
Chelsey Raymond.
The Grant Committee members will
be Matt Norby and Jim Vannett.
The Communication Committee
members will be Todd Awalt and
Holly Brekhus. Alex Schmaltz and
Kevin Streitz will investigate new
communication apps that may be
A new planning/steering committee
will be formed and will be the Covid
Task Force.
Mr. Norby gave an update on tuition
waivers and open enrollment.
Motion made by Holly Brekhus and
seconded Robert Kraus to designate
Town & Country Credit Union; 1st.
International Bank located in Minot;
Bank of North Dakota in Bismarck,
ND as official depositories for school
district funds. Motion carried unani-
Motion made by Holly Brekhus and
seconded by Robert Kraus to desig-
nate Minot Daily News as the official
newspaper for publication of school
board minutes. Motion carried
Motion made by Jim Vannett and
seconded by Robert Kraus to desig-
nate Matt Norby as the designated
representative for Title I, Title II, Hot
Lunch, and all other Federal and
State Programs for the 2020-21
school year. Motion carried unani-
Motion made by Chris Sutton and
seconded by Holly Brekhus to ap-
prove the use of Nedrose Public
School as the Ward County Emer-
gency Management site in the event
of an emergency. Motion carried
Matt Norby presented the prelim-
inary 2020-21 budgets in the amount
of $9,488,356.25 for General Fund
and $398,130.00 for Hot Lunch.
Administration will meet on Monday.
A Survey will be sent to parents re-
garding Covid 19 and the Nedrose
School Fall Reopening Plan.
Next scheduled board meeting will
be August 19, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
A Special board meeting will be held
July 30, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Connie Marcellais
Bs. Mgr.
James Vannett
Bd. President
(August 27, 2020)
tice is hereby given , that Nedrose
School District #4 will conduct a
Public Hearing for the purpose of
adopting a final budget and annual
tax levy on September 16, 2020;
5:15 p.m. The meeting will be held
at the Nedrose High School Board
Room, 5705 15th Ave. SE, Minot,
ND 58701.
(August 27, 2020)
Jessica R. Cox,
Paul W. Peacock Jr.,
DANT: You are hereby summoned
and required to appear and defend
against the Complaint in this action
which has been filed with the Clerk
of District Court, Ward County, at
Minot, North Dakota, and to serve a
copy of your answer or other proper
response upon the undersigned at-
torney within twenty-one (21) days
after the completion of service of this
Summons upon you. Service is
complete upon the expiration of fif-
teen (15) days after the date of the
first publication. If you fail to appear
or answer, judgment by default will
be taken against you for the relief
demanded in the Complaint.
Dated at Minot, North Dakota, this
7th day of August, 2020.
/s/Robert S. Thomas
Robert S. Thomas
Attorney for Plaintiff
114 S. Main Street
P.O. Box 2298
Minot, North Dakota 58702
(August 13-20-27, 2020)