
Legal Notices 7-27


StARR Demolition & Site


Souris River Basin, North Dakota


the Souris River Joint Water

Resources District will receive

sealed Bids for StARR Demolition &

Site Restoration, in the City Council

Chambers of Minot City Hall, 515

2nd Avenue Southwest, Minot, North

Dakota, 58701, until 11:00am on

Monday, August 3rd, 2019, at which

time the bids will be publicly opened

and read. All Bids must be submit-

ted, and all work shall be done, in

full and strict compliance with:

1.The Plans & Contract Documents

for this project;

2.Any Special Conditions for this


Complete digital project bidding do-

cuments are available at


jects or www.questcdn.com. You

may download the digital plan docu-

ments for $50 by inputting Quest

project #7198019 on the website’s

Project Search page. Please contact

QuestCDN.com at 952-233-1632 or

info@questcdn.com for assistance

in free membership registration,

downloading, and working with this

digital project information. An op-

tional paper set of project docu-

ments is also available for a nonre-

fundable price of $100 per set. Make

checks payable to

Ackerman-Estvold and send it to

1907 17th Street Southeast, Minot,

ND 58701. Potential bidders may

contact Ackerman-Estvold at (701)

837-8737 with any questions.

Copies of the documents are avail-

able for viewing at the following lo-

cations during normal business

hours of 8:00 am to 4:30pm, Mon-

day through Friday, excluding holi-



1907 17th Street SE, Minot, ND

The general work covered by the

Specifications for the Souris River

Joint Water Resources District –

StARR Demolition and Site Restora-

tion, is the labor, tools, materials and

equipment required for the demoli-

tion of 15 flood damaged structures

at 3 locations in the Souris River

Basin. All Bids are to be submitted

on the basis of cash payment for the

Work and Materials, and are to be

enclosed in a sealed envelope ad-

dressed to the undersigned Chair-

man, accompanied by a separate

envelope containing a Bidder’s Bond

in the sum equal to 5% of the full

amount of the Bid, executed by the

Bidder as Principal, and by a Surety,

conditioned that if the Principal’s Bid

is accepted and the contract award-

ed to the Principal, the Principal,

within ten days after notice of award,

shall execute a Contract in accor-

dance with the terms of the Bid and

Performance and Payment Bonds

as required by the law and the regu-

lation and determinations of the

Souris River Joint Board. Counter-

signature of a Bid Bond is not re-

quired. If a successful bidder does

not execute a contract within the ten

days allowed, the bidder’s bond

must be forfeited to the Souris River

Joint Board and the project will be

awarded to the next lowest responsi-

ble bidder. Bidders shall be licensed

for the full amount of the Bid, as re-

quired by Sections 43-07-05 and

43-07-12 of the North Dakota Cen-

tury Code. Also, a copy of the

Bidder’s Contractor’s License or

License Renewal must be included

in the Bid Bond envelope. No Bid

may be read or considered if it does

not fully comply with the require-

ments of Section 48-01.2-06 of the

North Dakota Century Code. Any

deficient Bid received will be

resealed and returned to the Bidder

immediately. The Owner reserves

the right to hold all Bids for 45 days,

to reject any or all Bids and to waive

any informality or irregularity in any

Bid and to accept the BID deemed in

the best interest of the Souris River

Joint Board. There shall be en-

dorsed upon the outside of the en-

velope containing the Bid, the follow-


1.”Souris River Joint Water

Resources District -StARR Demoli-

tion and Site Restoration”

2.The name of the person, firm, cor-

poration, or joint venture submitting

the Bid.

3.Acknowledgement of the Adden-


The Work shall be substantially

complete by October 2nd, 2020. All

Work shall be complete and ready

for final payment in accordance with

the General Conditions by October

26th, 2020. By order of the Souris

River Joint Water Resources Board,

Dated this 9th Day of July 2020

Souris River Joint Water Resources


David Ashley, Chairman

(July 13-20-27, 2020)



IFB 20-21


IFB 20-22


IFB 20-23





Bldg. 3800

Camp Gilbert C. Grafton

Devils Lake, North Dakota

Sealed bids for Building Remodel,

Bldg. 3800, Camp Gilbert C. Graf-

ton, Devils Lake, North Dakota will

be received by the Adjutant General

of the State of North Dakota at

Fraine Barracks, Building 030,

Bismarck, North Dakota, until 2:00

PM, August 13, 2020, and will be

opened and publicly read that date

and hour in the location designated.

All bids received after the scheduled

opening time will be returned to the

bidders unopened. The deadline for

technical questions from contractors

is close of business on August 6,

2020. Bidders may submit separate

bids for General Construction work

(IFB 20-20), Mechanical Construc-

tion work (IFB 20-21) and/or Electri-

cal Construction work (IFB 20-22). In

addition, the Office of the Adjutant

General will allow the submission of

a Total Combined Construction Bid

(single prime) for the complete pro-

ject (IFB 20-23). In compliance with

NDCC 48-01.2-06, the combined bid

(from a single prime) will not be ac-

cepted unless that bid is lower than

the combined total of the lowest

responsible, multiple bids for the

project. IMPORTANT: Davis-Bacon

Wage Rates are required for this



special assistance, please contact

the National Guard ADA Coordinator

at 701-333-2296 by August 6, 2020.

Electronic bidding documents may

be requested. Emails must be ac-

companied by a copy of your current

North Dakota Contractor’s License

or Certificate of Renewal and your

request must be written on business

letterhead. No requests will be ack-

nowledged without receipt of both

documents. Submit request to




Office of the Adjutant General

Contract Management Branch

P.O. Box 5511

Bismarck, North Dakota 58506-5511

Telephone: (701) 333-2068

Copies of the bidding documents are

on file at the Construction Plans Ex-

change in Bismarck; Builders Ex-

changes in Dickinson, Fargo, Grand

Forks, Mandan, and Minot, North

Dakota; Impact Procurement Techn-

ical Assistance Center, Fargo, North

Dakota, Minnesota Builders Ex-

change in Minneapolis, Minnesota,

and at the office of the Architect.

Each bid shall be submitted in dupli-

cate copy on the forms provided by

the Owner and enclosed in a sealed

opaque envelope upon which there

is disclosed the necessary informa-

tion as required by the Supplemen-

tary Instructions to Bidders. Each bid

shall be accompanied by a separate

sealed opaque envelope containing

a bidder’s bond made payable to

The Adjutant General, State of North

Dakota, and executed by the bidder

as principle and by a surety com-

pany authorized to do business in

North Dakota, in a sum equal to five

percent (5%) of the bidder’s highest

total bid combination, including all

add alternates to the bid items; con-

ditioned that if the bidder’s proposal

be accepted and the contract award-

ed to him, he within ten (10) days

after notice of such award, will effect

and execute a contract in accor-

dance with the terms of his bid and a

contractor’s bond as required by law

and the regulations and determina-

tions of the Owner. AIA Document

A310, Bid Bond, is provided in the

electronic project manual and should

be used to execute the bid guaran-

tee. In compliance with Section

43-07-12 of the North Dakota Centu-

ry Code, each contractor submitting

a bid must have a copy of his North

Dakota Contractor’s License or certi-

ficate of renewal thereof issued by

the Secretary of State enclosed in

the bid bond envelope; must be

licensed for the highest amount of

his total bid combination including

add alternates; and such license

must have been in effect at least ten

(10) days prior to the date of the bid

opening. No bid will be read or con-

sidered which does not fully comply

with the provisions herein as to bid

bond and contractor license, and

any deficient bid submitted will be

resealed and returned to the bidder

immediately. The Owner reserves

the right to hold all legitimate bids for

a period of thirty (30) days after the

date fixed for the opening thereof. It

is the intent of the Owner to award a

contract to the lowest and best

bidder. The Owner further reserves

the right to reject any and all bids

and to waive irregularities, and shall

incur no legal liability for the State

for the payment of any monies until

the contract is awarded and ap-

proved by the proper authorities. In

compliance with Section 48-01.2-10

of the North Dakota Century Code,

the successful bidder shall be re-

quired to furnish payment and per-

formance bonds covering the faithful

performance of the Contract and the

payment of all obligations

thereunder, and all additional obliga-

tions required by the laws of the

State of North Dakota. Each bond

shall be in an amount equal to the

full contract sum.

DATED: 20 July 2020



Bismarck, North Dakota


Brigadier General, NDNG

Deputy Adjutant General

Contracting Officer

(July 20-27; August 3, 2020)


MHA Tribal Administration

Headquarters Bid Package #4

(BP-4A) – Tribal Building and

Government Support Building

Earthwork and Final Cleaning

Re-Bid New Town, ND 58763

Scull Construction Service ND, Inc.

hereinafter referred to as “CMAR”

will be receiving Sealed Bids for

MHA Tribal Administration Head-

quarters – Tribal Building & Govern-

ment Support Building. Emailed bids

will be received by Scull Construc-

tion ATTN: Mike Jangula

mjangula@scullconst.com, unitl 2:00

PM Mountain, July 28, 2020. Bids

will be received for various trades,

include Earthwork and Final Clean-

ing. There will NOT be a pre-bid

meeting for this project in order to

practice social distancing with the

Covid-19 pandemic. However; sub-

contractors are encouraged to visit

the site. To set up a site visit please

contact Don Carlson or Shane Cre-

celius. Bidders will not be able to

visit the site unless pre-scheduled

with Scull Construction. Please bring

PPE such as protective eye wear,

hard hat, and high visibility clothing,

for we will not be able to lend them

out. Don Carlson (605)390-5665,


Shane Crecelius (605)381-8378,


Upon receipt of an acceptable bid,

the contract will be awarded within

thirty days after the opening of bids

and the written contract executed

within ten days thereafter. Bid docu-

ments will be made available by July

6, 2020 and can be purchased at the

following locations:

Billings Builders Exchange, Billings,

MT; Construction Industry Center,

Rapid City, SD; Northeast Wyoming

Plan, Gillette, WY; Sioux Falls Build-

ers Exchange, Sioux Falls, SD;

Plains Builders Exchange, Sioux

Falls, SD; Fargo-Moorehead Build-

ers Exchange, Fargo, ND; Dickinson

Builders Exchange, Dickinson, ND;

Minot Builders Exchange, Minot,

ND; Bismarck Builders Exchange,

Bismarck, ND

Owner and CMAR reserve the right

to reject any or all bids and to adver-

tise for new bids. Owner and CMAR

reserve the right to waive any infor-

malities or technicalities in the bid-

ding and the right to disregard all

nonconforming, nonresponsive or

conditional bids. Owner and CMAR

reserve the right to reject the bid of

any bidder if determined it would not

be in the best interest of the project

to make an award to that bidder.

The Bid Forms shall request infor-

mation pertaining to the contractor’s

place of business, experience with

similar projects, and information

demonstratiing bidder’s qualifica-

tions for the project, ability to com-

plete the project, and financial ability

to complete the project. In evaluat-

ing bids, the Owner and CMAR will

consider the costs and bidder’s

responsibility, experience, qualifica-

tions, ability to perform the work, re-

liability, and financial ability.

(July 10-11-13-14-15-16-17-18-20-

21-22-23-24-25-27-28, 2020)



June 15, 2020

The regular meeting of the Lewis

and Clark School Board was called

to order at 7:05pm in the NSP gym-

nasium. Board members present

were Brown, Pank, Erickson, Hen-

nessy, Deaver and Schilla. Absent

was Engelhard. Also present were

Superintendent Ritteman, Athletic

Director Brown, Guests Traci

Braaflat, Josh Johnson, Hunter

Andes, Business Managers Liz

Huus and Tammy Lindahl. Motion

was made by Brown/Hennessy to

approve the agenda with one addi-

tion and one item removed. All yes.

MC. Motion was made by

Hennessy/Pank to approve the

board minutes of the regular board

meeting Mat 11, 2020. All yes. MC.

The following general and building

fund bills were presented:

A-1 Septic 500.00

American Express 1,065.31

Apple Computer 5,995.00

American Welding 51.43

Batteries and Bulbs 451.80

Paul Bersaw 480.00

Burlington Electric 140.00

Balfour 168.06

College Baorad 255.00

Callie Cook 64.49

CREA 5,250.00

Farmers Union Oil 960.95

City of Berthold 1,055.60

Julie Davison 179.52

Dakota Boys and Girls 6,484.80

Dee L. Larson 184.80

Eckroth Music 104.53

Energy Tech 1,414.20

Etsystems 68.50

Gemar Photography 625.00

Gooseneck Implement 882.30

Gravel Products 33.02

Harlow’s Bus Sales 2,156.89

Information Technology 212.04

Becky Jungemann 53.37

Jordis Lee 22.54

Jostens 315.25

Liz Huus 11.91

Lowe’s Printing 215.55

Mac’s Hardware 103.95

Barbara Miles 184.80

Menards 404.13

Minot Public Schools 11,916.20

Montana Dakota 1,478.56

ND Center for Distance 179.00

NDCEL 500.00

North Country Sportswear 940.00

North Prairie Rural Water 337.50

Otter Tail 3,021.62

Plaza Elementary 51.55

Plaza Farmers Union 583.54

Plaza Hardware 382.19

Postmaster 56.00

RDA, Systems 1,248.82

Really Good Stuff 67.77

Signs Today 866.55

Shawna Schenfisch 16.00

School Specialty 295.40

Souris Valley Special Services


Steins 1,485.42

Tammy Lindahl 85.34

The Ground Up 1,000.00

The Computer Store 179.99

The Kenmare News 370.00

The Minot Daily 212.04

United Agronomy 310.00

USA Central Station 150.00

Verendrye Electric 4,371.00

Wal-Mart 26.84

Western Dakota Corps 9,000.00

Xcel Energy 85.45

Reservation Telephone 692.50

HA Thompson 7,520.00

Plaza Postmaster 120.00

8 election workers 994.23

Apple Computer 41,835.00

Horizon Financial Bank 58,761.92

JAMP Software 2,250.00

ND School Boards Assoc. 6,496.00

NWEA 4,575.00

Sag Services 5,074.00

The Carpet Garage 2,374.00

Valuations Northwest 8,970.00

Western Agency 22,965.00

ND Motor Vehicle 13.00

Postmaster 15.60

Postmaster 21.10

Horace Mann 744.62

Companion Life 45.00

BASYS 82.89

First International 136.10

Ryan Chevrolet 18,057.50

Total June Payroll $793,875.26

Total June General Fund


Total June Building Fund 7,520.00

The board and administration re-

viewed the bills and financial re-

ports. Motion was made by

Hennessy/Pank to accept the gen-

eral fund and building fund ills and

the revenue and expenses reports.

All yes. MC. Motion was made by

Brown/Deaver to approve the Hot

Lunch report dates 5-31-2020. All

yes. MC. Motion was made by

Brown/Pank to approve the

non-tuition agreement for one stu-

dent to attend Lewis and

Clark-Berthold School from the

Stanley District. All yes. MC Athletic

Director Brown discussed a summer

gym schedule following ND Smart

guidelines. Also discussed the 5

year contract we hold with Universal

Athletics with uniform and sports

gear. Numbers for boys basketball

program at NSP were discussed.

Coach Johnson, Athletic Director

Brown and the board discussed op-

tions at length. Board consensus to

bring the lone NSP 8th grade boy up

to varsity level and to continue the

NSP/Berthold co-op for grades 7/8

boys basketball. Also discussed

possibly changing the 5/6 BBB pro-

gram to be spring instead of winter.

Superintendent Ritteman presented

the 3 and 5 year plan for Lewis and

Clark District. This includes the stra-

tegic plan going forwards, student

enrollment and teacher/staff projec-

tions. Motion was made by

Deaver/Schilla to approve the 3 and

5 year plan as presented. All yes.

MC. Mr. Ritteman discussed bus

route pay. He is working on a possi-

ble change for more equity with all

variables on each route, such as

gravel versus payment, number of

stops, etc. Tabled until next meeting.

Mr. Ritteman discussed hourly pay.

He presented information for the

past 6 years on their hourly rate and

health insurance benefit. Discussion

followed. Motion was made by

Hennessy/Brown for all hourly em-

ployees to receive a 50 cent in-

crease for 2020-2021 with $500

more on BC/BS for 9 month employ-

ees and $700 more on BC/BS for 12

month employees. All yes. MC,

Gravel for the east side of the Bert-

hold School was discussed. Mr.

Ritteman proposed 390 tons to be

placed at a 4 inch depth. Discussion

followed. Motion was made by

Brown/Hennessy to leave the details

to Mr. Ritteman’s discretion. All yes.

MC. Superintendent Ritteman

presented his plan for the

CARES/ESSER funds being spent

on technology. Motion was made by

Hennessy/Schilla to approve the

plan for CARES/ESSER funds as

presented. All yes. MC. The district

has a tiller and snow blower to be

sold. District will advertise on face-

book and the district website. Mr.

Ritteman discussed the lighting bids

from last month. We will not pursue

at this time. The 4 apartments in

Makoti were discussed. Board will

get a bid to shingle the 2 apartment

buildings in Makoti. No Principal re-

ports. Motion was made by

Hennessy/Pank to approve as 2nd

reading the Lewis and Clark Ele-

mentary Handbook. All yes. MC.

School Board Election results were

now canvasses by the board includ-

ing 22 absentee ballots received

after election day. Motion was made

by Pank/Brown to approve the

school board canvas of the Lewis

and Clark #161 board member elec-

tion as follows: representing Old

Berthold position (three year term)

as winner was Kyle Schepp with 201

votes; represented Old North Shore

position (three year term) as winner

was Troy Pank with 175 votes. All

yes. MC. Motion was made by

Hennessy/Pank to approve the Busi-

ness Manager’s contracts as

presented. All yes. MC. With no

further business the meeting ad-

journed with a motion by Hennessy.

/s/Liz Huus

Liz Huus

Recording Business Manager

(July 27, 2020)

Minutes of the Board of Ward

County Commissioners

July 7, 2020

The regular meeting of the Ward

County Commission was called to

order by Chairman Fjeldahl, at 9:00

AM with Commissioners, Rostad,

Walter, Pietsch and Weppler

present. Also present were depart-

ment head Bradley Starnes, Devra

Smestad, Dana Larsen, Ellen Bjel-

land, Jason Blowers, Kerrianne

Boetcher, Kristin Kowalczyk, Leona

Lochthowe, Marisa Haman, Melissa

Bliss, Noreen Barton, Roza Larson,

Robert Roed and Tammy Terras.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve the

agenda. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried. Moved by Comm. Ros-

tad, seconded by Comm. Walter to

approve the minutes from the Regu-

lar Commission meeting on June 16,

2020 and Special Commission

meeting minutes on June 23 and 25,

2020 and Board of Equalization

meeting minutes June 2 and 16,

2020. Roll call; all voted yes; motion

carried. Moved by Comm. Weppler,

seconded by Comm. Pietsch to ap-

prove the regular bills totaling

$2,742,246.33 and Human Service

Zone direct cost bills totaling

$12,885.41. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Moved by Comm.

Weppler, seconded by Comm. Ros-

tad to open the public hearing re-

garding vacating right of way along a

portion of section line between sec-

tion 16 and 21 at 9:16 AM. Roll call;

all voted yes; motion carried. County

Engineer Dana Larsen gave the

Commission an update regarding

the request. No one from the public

came forward for or against the re-

quest. Moved by Comm. Pietsch,

seconded by Comm. Walter to close

public hearing at 9:21 AM. Roll call;

all voted yes; motion carried. Moved

by Comm. Walter, seconded by

Comm. Pietsch to approve vacating

the statutory right of way along a

portion of the section line between

Section 16, Township 154 N, Range

83 W and Section 21, Township 154

N, Range 83 W from the easterly

section line of Section 16, Township

154 N, Range 83 W and Section 21,

Township 154 N, Range 83 W to a

point 4,200 feet west of the easterly

section lines of Section 16, Town-

ship 154 N, Range 83 W and Sec-

tion 21, Township N, Range 83 W.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. Curtis Hall property owner in

Berthold, ND appeared requesting

the Commission waive penalties and

interest and give him the 5%

discount on his 2019 property taxes.

He stated he mailed his payment in

January in the same envelope with

his mother’s tax payment, her pay-

ment was applied, but his was not

and his check was never received.

Moved by Comm. Rostad, seconded

by Comm. Pietsch to approve Mr.

Hall’s request and remove $139.82

from his 2019 tax bill. Roll call; all

voted yes; motion carried. Shana

Forster, Director of the NDSU North

Central Research Extension Center

appeared with a request for funding

for a seed conditioning facility. Dave

Miller, Donnybrook; Mark Birdsall,

Berthold; Troy Conns, Donnybrook

all appeared in support for the fund-

ing. Moved by Comm. Walter,

seconded by Comm. Rostad to ap-

prove committing $250,000 to the

seed conditioning facility project us-

ing funds available in the 2020

budget and the remaining funds ad-

ded to the 2021 budget. Roll call; all

voted yes, except Comm. Pietsch

who voted no; motion carried. Rex

Weltikol, Minot Rural Fire Chief ap-

peared with a request for the Com-

mission to adopt the 2018 Interna-

tional Fire Code. Moved by Comm.

Rostad, seconded Comm. Weppler

to adopt the 2018 International Fire

Code. Roll call; all voted yes; motion

carried. Chief Weltikol continued

with an update regarding the Ward

County Burn Ban/Restriction.

Veteran’s Service Director Bradley

Starnes requested to fill the open

Administrative Assistant position in

his office. Moved by Comm.

Weppler, seconded by Comm.

Walter to approve posting the posi-

tion Administrative Assistant position

in the Veterans Service Office. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Noreen Barton, Interim Director of

Tax Equalization appeared with Tax

Roll Adjustments for the Commis-

sion approval. Moved by Comm.

Weppler, seconded by Comm.

Pietsch to approve the Tax Roll Ad-

justments as presented. Roll call; all

voted yes; motion carried. Planning

and Zoning Administrator Doug

Diedrichsen appeared with a request

for Right of Way Vacation for the fol-

lowing property: Section line Right of

Way within Pritchett’s Plat to Rice

Lake lots 1, 2 3, 4 and 5. Section

line dividing the NW ™ of section 11

and the NE ™ of section 10 township

152 rang 85 Rice Lake Township.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve the

Rice Lake Right of Way Vacation on

first reading. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Mr. Diedrichsen con-

tinued with a plat application from

Thomas Erie for the following pro-

perty: proposed outlots 3 and 4, ly-

ing in SW4SW4, section 36-154-83,

Afton Township. Afton Township has

approved a variance for the lot size

and recommends approval. Moved

by Comm. Walter, seconded by

Comm. Pietsch to approve the plat

application for Thomas Erie as

presented. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. County Engineer

Dana Larsen informed the Commis-

sion that a number of companies

have looked at the Haliburton facili-

ty, including Johnson Controls, SRT,

the Computer Store and a few con-

tractors to bring the facility back to

working order. If the Commission

agrees to move forward with the pur-

chase of the property a tentative

closing date is July 28, 2020. Moved

by Comm. Walter, seconded by

Comm. Pietsch to approve signing

the closing documents for purchas-

ing the Haliburton property and for

the Auditor’s office to wire

$1,740,000 plus transfer and title

fees at the time of closing and for

the funds to come out of the Ward

County Highway Capital Improve-

ments account. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried. Moved by

Comm. Pietsch, seconded by

Comm. Weppler to table opening

bids for the demolition of the Hall

Apartments until the seller responds.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. Human Resources Director

Tammy Terras appeared with Health

Insurance Renewal Estimates for

the Commissions review. No action

is required at this time. Ms. Terras

continued with several payroll

amendments for Commission’s ap-

proval. She informed the Commis-

sion that one of the new Correctional

Officers is related to a current

Sheriff’s Department employee.

They will not be working directly to-

gether and will have no supervision

over one another. Moved by Comm.

Rostad, seconded by Comm.

Weppler to approve the hire of the

new correctional officer. Roll call; all

voted yes; motion carried. Interim

Auditor/Treasurer Marisa Haman ap-

peared. Moved by Comm. Weppler,

seconded by Comm. Walter to ap-

prove Auditor/Treasurer Devra

Smestad as the County voting

delegate for the NACO annual meet-

ing. Roll call; all voted yes; motion

carried. Moved by Comm. Weppler,

seconded by Comm. Rostad to Re-

ceive and File the following

Correspondence: Fredrickson &

Byron, PA- Ruso Wind Partners,

LLC’s 10 Year plan for 2020-2030;

Department Head Meeting Minutes-

June 2020; Director of Tax Equaliza-

tion- 2020 Valuation & New Growth;

City of Minot- Planning Commission

meeting notice; Minot Area

Chamber of Commerce- Economy

at a Glance; ND Oil & Gas Division-

Case hearing notice; ND DOT-

Smart Restart Program; Rath &

Mehrer, PC- Water Resource District

Audit Report. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Moved by Comm.

Walter, seconded by Comm. Pietsch

to forward the anhydrous ammonia

facility license application to Plan-

ning and Zoning Administrator Doug

Diedrichsen for further review. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Walter, seconded

by Comm. Rostad to approve writing

off old debts for Terry Narum- clean-

up of pasture land in Spring Lake

Township ($490.00); Brain Smith-

victim/witness fee paid by the Coun-

ty and State ($1344.00); Adolphson

& Peterson Construction- meeting

room rental ($25.00); Terri Vigstol-

copy of personnel file @ $.25/page

($36.00). Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried. Moved by Comm.

Weppler, seconded by Comm.

Pietsch to approve the County Deed

for foreclosed popery sold by realtor

located at Tolleys Plat lots 2 & 3 B7

Kenmare City. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried. Moved by

Comm. Rostad, seconded by

Comm. Walter to approve Event

Permits for Hunters’ Den and VFW

Club Post 753. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried. Moved by

Comm. Weppler, seconded by

Comm. Pietsch to approve the Raf-

fle permit for Minot Association of

Builders. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried. Moved by Comm.

Weppler, seconded by Comm.

Walter to appoint David Kopp and

Missy Feist-Erickson to the Ward

County Reorganization Committee.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. Moved by Comm. Pietsch,

seconded by Comm. Weppler to ap-

prove holding interviews for the two

applicants for the City of Minot Plan-

ning and Zoning Commission on

July 21, 2020. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried. Ms. Haman in-

formed the Commission the Liaison

Committee meeting will be held July

14, 2020. Ms. Haman continued with

a request for the Commission to set

dates for department Budget hear-

ings. After a brief discussion the

Commission set the dates for the

budgets hearings for July 22 and 23,

2020. Ms. Haman requested gui-

dance regarding negotiating the sale

prices of foreclosed properties.

Several properties located in Ken-

mare have now had the specials re-

moved from property per a resolu-

tion passed by the City of Kenmare.

She requested how the Commission

wants to handle establishing a new

sale price. Moved by Comm. Walter,

seconded by Comm. Weppler, to ap-

prove Ms. Haman bring back to the

Commission recommendations and

guidelines for negotiating the selling

of foreclosed properties. Roll call; all

voted yes; motion carried. Moved by

Comm. Weppler, seconded by

Comm. Pietsch to approve Ms. Ha-

man using the previous established

guidelines to establish new sale pro-

cess for the foreclosed properties in

Kenmare and bring it back to Com-

mission. Roll call; all voted yes, ex-

cept Comm. Fjeldahl who voted no;

motion carried. At 11:54 AM with no

further business, the meeting was


(July 27, 2020)


Probate No. 51-2020-PR-00134




In the Matter of the Estate of

Lori M. King, Deceased.


Norman F. King, Jr. has filed herein

a Petition for Adjudication of Intes-

tacy, Adjudication of Priority for Ap-

pointment of Personal Representa-

tive, and Appointment of Personal

Representative for the estate of Lori

M. King, deceased.

Hearing has been set upon said

Petition on the 11th day of Sep-

tember, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. at the

Courtroom of the above named

Court in the City of Minot, County of

Ward, State of North Dakota, and

any person may appear and be



order for any objection to be con-

sidered, objections to the Adju-

dication of Intestacy, Adjudica-

tion of Priority for Appointment of

Personal Representative, and Ap-

pointment of Personal Represen-

tative must be in writing and must

be filed with the Court and the at-

torney for the Petitioner no later

than seven (7) days prior to the

date set for hearing. Any such

written objection must contain a

concise and thorough account of

the facts upon which the objec-

tion is based.

Dated this 22nd day of July, 2020.

/s/Laura Wheeles

Laura Wheeles (#09319)

Boppre Law Firm, PLLC

2151 36th Ave. SW, Suite B

Minot, ND 58701

Office: 701-852-5224

Fax: 701-852-5229


Attorney for the Personal


(July 27; August 3-10, 2020)





In the Matter of the Petition for

Name Change of Trysten James



tion in the above-entitled matter will

be filed with the Clerk of District

Court for Ward County, North Dako-

ta, requesting an Order changing the

name of Trysten James Jensen

(current full, legal name) to Trysten

James Beyer (requested full, legal

name). Pursuant to N.D.C.C.

32-28-02, thirty days previous notice

of the intended application must be

given in the official newspaper print-

ed in this County. You are hereby

notified that thirty days after publica-

tion, petitioner intends to file a peti-

tion requesting entry of the Court’s

Order changing the name of Trysten

James Jensen to Trysten James

Beyer. Any objection to granting this

name change must be given in writ-

ing to the address listed below within

30 days of the date of this publica-

tion. The written objection must also

be filed with the Court. If no objec-

tions are given, the Court may

respond to the Petition without furth-

er hearing.

Dated this 20th day of July, 2020.

/s/Trysten James Jensen

Trysten James Jensen

1604 Laurel Lane

Minot, ND 58703

(July 27, 2020)


Case No. 51-2020-PR-00128




In the Matter of the Estate of

James Anton Duchsherer, a/k/a Jim

Duchsherer, Deceased.


the undersigned have been appoint-

ed co-personal representatives of

the above estate. All persons having

claims against the said deceased

are required to present their claims

within three (3) months after the date

of the first publication or mailing of

this notice or said claims will be for-

ever barred. Claims must either be

presented to James B. Duchsherer

and Judy A. Duchsherer,

co-personal representatives of the

above-named estate, in care of

Louser & Zent, P.C., Town & Coun-

try Center, 1015 South Broadway,

Suite 15, Minot, North Dakota

58701, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 16th day of July, 2020.

/s/James B. Duchsherer

600 19th Street Northwest

Minot, ND 58701

/s/Judy A. Duchsherer

1521 Fourth Street Southwest

Minot, ND 58701

Brenda M. Zent (ID #04300)


Town & Country Center

1015 South Broadway – Suite 15

Minot, ND 58701

Telephone No. (701) 837-4846

Attorneys for the Co-Personal


(July 27; August 3-10, 2020)


Civil No. 51-2020-CV-00933



The Industrial Commission of North

Dakota, acting as the North Dakota

Housing Finance Agency,



Glenn Hanson, a single man, de-

ceased; and all persons unknown,

claiming any estate or interest in, or

lien or encumbrance upon, the real

estate described in the compliant;





YOU ARE HEREBY summoned to

answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff

which is herewith served upon you

and which will be filed in the office of

the Clerk of District Court of Ward

County, North Dakota, and to serve

a copy of your answer thereto on the

undersigned at her office at 720

Main Avenue, in the City of Fargo,

County of Cass, State of North

Dakota, within twenty one (21) days

after service of this Summons upon

you, exclusive of the date of service,

and in case of your failure to appear

or answer as above directed, judg-

ment will be taken against you by

default for the relief demanded in the

Complaint herein.


FURTHER that this is a communi-

cation from a debt collector and this

is an attempt to collect a debt. Any

information obtained will be used for

that purpose.

Dated at Fargo, North Dakota, this

8th day of July, 2020.

/s/ Sarah A. Aaberg

Sarah A. Aaberg (ND ID #08393)

Special Assistant Attorney General

for the Industrial Commission of

North Dakota acting as the North

Dakota Housing Finance Agency

Attorney for Plaintiff

720 Main Avenue

Fargo, North Dakota 58103



This action relates to the foreclosure

of a real estate mortgage owned by

above-named Plaintiff upon the fol-

lowing described property situated in

the County of Ward, State of North

Dakota, to-wit:

North 120 feet of Lot 34, Hecker’s

Addition to the City of Minot,

Ward County, North Dakota.

Parcel ID Number:


(Street Address: 614 Valley Street,

Minot, ND 58701)

/s/ Sarah A. Aaberg

Sarah A. Aaberg (ND ID #08393)

Special Assistant Attorney General

for the Industrial Commission of

North Dakota acting as the North

Dakota Housing Finance Agency

Attorney for Plaintiff

720 Main Avenue

Fargo, North Dakota 58103



(July 27; August 3-10, 2020)


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