
Legal Notices 7-23

City of Surrey Regular Council

Meeting July 6, 2020

Present: C Tollefson, M Thiesen,S

Fennewald, B Dickinson, E Chris-

tianson, T Gantzer, J Johns. Also

Present: D Fugere, AJ Waller, L

Coca, A Olson, Attorney A Schultz.

Christianson moved to approve the

minutes of the June meetings with

adding “Vice” to the reorganizational

meeting minutes with regard to the

appointment of Council Vice

President, Gantzer seconded; Chris-

tianson – yes; Gantzer – yes;

Thiesen – yes; Johns – yes, Fen-

newald – yes; Dickinson – yes; mo-

tion carried. Johns made a motion to

approve the payroll and bills, Dickin-

son seconded. Johns – yes; Dickin-

son – Yes; Christianson – yes; Fen-

newald – no; Thiesen – yes;

Gantzer – no, motion carried. Dis-

cussion on contacting the city en-

gineer. Gantzer moved to contact

the city engineer on the RV dump

matter and have council view that in-

formation before any more decisions

are made on this matter with

Thiesen and Fennewald contacting

the engineer on the matter as well.

Fennewald seconded; Gantzer-

yes; Fennewald – yes; Dickinson –

yes; Christianson – yes; Johns –

yes; Thiesen – yes, motion carried.

Christianson moved to approve

financial reports, Thiesen seconded;

Christianson – yes; Thiesen – yes;

Gantzer – yes; Johns – yes; Dickin-

son – yes; Fennewald – yes, motion

carried. Christianson moved to ap-

prove on 1st Reading, BE IT


SURREY: 9.0117 Property Owner

Liable for Repairs Made by the City.

At any time when the service pipe

from the city water main to the meter

becomes out to repair or replace-

ment, is frozen up, or damaged by

frost or otherwise, the City Superin-

tendent of Water and Sewer proper-

ty owner shall cause such service

pipe to be repaired at the cost and

expense of the property owner of the

property served by such service

pipe, upon twenty-four hours of

becoming aware of the need of such

repair or replacement, by utilizing

any person licensed in the State of

North Dakota to do so.; If the proper-

ty owner shall fail to do so within the

time proscribed herein, the Surrey

Public Works Department shall

cause the service pipe to be

repaired or replaced, and upon com-

pletion of such repair or replacement

the water shall be left turned off and

shall remain turned off until such

time as the costs of such repair or

replacement are paid by the proper-

ty owner. If the property owner does

not pay the amount of the repair be-

fore that year’s deadline for reporting

assessments to the county, the un-

paid amount shall be assessed

against the property. Fennewald

seconded: Christianson – yes; Fen-

newald – yes; Dickinson – yes;

Johns – yes; Theisen – yes; Gantzer

– yes; motion carried. The Emer-

gency Operations Policy was re-

viewed and updated. Johns moved

to approve, Thiesen seconded;

Johns – yes; Thiesen – yes; Gantzer

– yes; Dickinson – yes; Christianson

– yes; Fennewald – yes, motion

passed. Mayor Tollefson discussed

an easement agreement for road-

way construction, maintenance and

use between BNSF Railway Com-

pany and the city and asked for au-

thorization to sign, pending reviewal

of the agreement by the city attorney

and to pay the fees involved. This is

for the Surrey West Side Sidewalk

Improvements Project. Attorney

Schultz discussed the agreement

with council. Johns moved to au-

thorize Mayor Tollefson to sign the

agreement and pay the fees, Fen-

newald seconded; Johns – yes;

Fennewald – yes; Dickinson – yes;

Christianson – yes; Thiesen – yes;

Gantzer – yes; motion carried. The

meeting was adjourned. These

minutes subject to review and revi-

sion by City Council.

(July 23, 2020)

City of Surrey Special Meeting

July 9, 2020

Present: C Tollefson, S Fennewald,

E Christianson, B Dickinson, M

Thiesen, J Johns, T Gantzer. Oth-

ers: D Fugere, J Doyle, Attorney A

Schultz Tollefson read a resolution

prepared by Attorney Schultz asking

Mr. Schultz to review records on the

TIF fund. Tollefson asked for a mo-

tion to have the attorney investigate.

Dickinson moved to have the city at-

torney investigate the whole situa-

tion, Christianson seconded for the

sake of discussion. Dickinson –

yes; Christianson – no; Fennewald –

no; Gantzer – no; Thiesen – no;

Johns – yes; motion failed. Chris-

tian moved to allow herself to con-

tact Jason Vaagen to see if he’d be

willing to meet to go over these

items to get clarification, Thiesen

seconded. Christianson – yes;

Thiesen – yes; Gantzer – yes; Johns

– no; Fennewald – yes; Dickinson –

no, motion passed. Gantzer moved

to go into Executive Session for at-

torney consultation regarding Open

Records Request made by Miranda

Heisler to acquire an email convey-

ing documents to Mayor Tollefson,

Dickinson seconded; Gantzer – yes;

Dickinson – yes; Thiesen – yes;

Johns – yes; Fennewald – no; Chris-

tianson – yes; motion carried. Exe-

cutive session began at 7:12. At

7:45 Gantzer moved upon the revi-

sion of the legal opinion in accor-

dance with, as discussed, the City of

Surrey will make publicly available

City Attorney Opinion 2020-06 as

amended, Dickinson seconded;

Gantzer – yes; Dickinson – yes;

Christianson – yes; Fennewald –

yes; Thiesen – yes; Johns – yes;

motion carried. Motion to adjourn.

These minutes subject to review and

revision by City Council.

(July 23, 2020)


MHA Tribal Administration

Headquarters Bid Package #4

(BP-4A) – Tribal Building and

Government Support Building

Earthwork and Final Cleaning

Re-Bid New Town, ND 58763

Scull Construction Service ND, Inc.

hereinafter referred to as “CMAR”

will be receiving Sealed Bids for

MHA Tribal Administration Head-

quarters – Tribal Building & Govern-

ment Support Building. Emailed bids

will be received by Scull Construc-

tion ATTN: Mike Jangula

mjangula@scullconst.com, unitl 2:00

PM Mountain, July 28, 2020. Bids

will be received for various trades,

include Earthwork and Final Clean-

ing. There will NOT be a pre-bid

meeting for this project in order to

practice social distancing with the

Covid-19 pandemic. However; sub-

contractors are encouraged to visit

the site. To set up a site visit please

contact Don Carlson or Shane Cre-

celius. Bidders will not be able to

visit the site unless pre-scheduled

with Scull Construction. Please bring

PPE such as protective eye wear,

hard hat, and high visibility clothing,

for we will not be able to lend them

out. Don Carlson (605)390-5665,


Shane Crecelius (605)381-8378,


Upon receipt of an acceptable bid,

the contract will be awarded within

thirty days after the opening of bids

and the written contract executed

within ten days thereafter. Bid docu-

ments will be made available by July

6, 2020 and can be purchased at the

following locations:

Billings Builders Exchange, Billings,

MT; Construction Industry Center,

Rapid City, SD; Northeast Wyoming

Plan, Gillette, WY; Sioux Falls Build-

ers Exchange, Sioux Falls, SD;

Plains Builders Exchange, Sioux

Falls, SD; Fargo-Moorehead Build-

ers Exchange, Fargo, ND; Dickinson

Builders Exchange, Dickinson, ND;

Minot Builders Exchange, Minot,

ND; Bismarck Builders Exchange,

Bismarck, ND

Owner and CMAR reserve the right

to reject any or all bids and to adver-

tise for new bids. Owner and CMAR

reserve the right to waive any infor-

malities or technicalities in the bid-

ding and the right to disregard all

nonconforming, nonresponsive or

conditional bids. Owner and CMAR

reserve the right to reject the bid of

any bidder if determined it would not

be in the best interest of the project

to make an award to that bidder.

The Bid Forms shall request infor-

mation pertaining to the contractor’s

place of business, experience with

similar projects, and information

demonstratiing bidder’s qualifica-

tions for the project, ability to com-

plete the project, and financial ability

to complete the project. In evaluat-

ing bids, the Owner and CMAR will

consider the costs and bidder’s

responsibility, experience, qualifica-

tions, ability to perform the work, re-

liability, and financial ability.

(July 10-11-13-14-15-16-17-18-20-

21-22-23-24-25-27-28, 2020)

Starting at $2.99/week.

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