
Legal Notices 6-24

Public Notices







Office of the Adjutant General

North Dakota National Guard


The Office of the Adjutant General

has a need for engineer study ser-

vices to provide an Installation Ener-

gy and Water Plan (IEWP) and

American Society of Heating, Refri-

gerating, and Air-Conditioning En-

gineers (ASHRAE) Level II consul-

tant services. The North Dakota

Army National Guard (NDARNG) is

seeking a qualified consultant to

recommend improvements to the

energy and water resilience at multi-

ple National Guard facilities located

in North Dakota. NDARNG has been

issued Department of the Army Poli-

cy Guidance for IEWP (Army Gui-

dance) for its critical missions and

facilities. Work shall be conducted in

accordance with the Army Gui-

dance. Work shall also include au-

dits, inspection and assessment ser-

vices required to evaluate current

and future energy and water needs

and available services to meet those

needs as well as ASHRAE Level II

requirements. Projects may involve

architectural and engineering discip-

lines or personnel qualified by other

formal training and trades experi-

ence. An IEWP provides a roadmap

for supporting installations in achiev-

ing increased security, resilience,

readiness, and mission assurance.

The goal is for the IEWP to serve as

a useful, “living” planning tool to

reduce the number of energy and

water security and management

planning requirements. The IEWP

integrates higher-level strategic gui-

dance, plans, and policies with in-

stallation and facility level data into a

holistic roadmap that enables the in-

stallation to work constructively to-

ward enhancing mission readiness

through energy and water manage-

ment, security and resilience. No

later than 30 September 2020, one

agreement will be awarded under

this advertisement. The scope in-

cludes an IEWP and ASHRAE Level

II audits (Audits). The IEWP must

be completed within 365 calendar

days of the notice to proceed (NTP).

IEWP services encompass approxi-

mately thirty (30) North Dakota Army

National Guard facilities comprising

a total of approximately one million

one hundred thirty-nine thousand

nine hundred thirty-two (1,139,932)

square feet throughout North Dakota

including facilities located at Camp

Gilbert C. Grafton in Devils Lake,

ND. Audits will encompass approxi-

mately one hundred-twelve (112) fa-

cilities (including the facilities in the

IEWP) comprising a total of approx-

imately one million six hundred

forty-eight thousand nine hundred

ninety-eight (1,648,998) square feet

throughout North Dakota, completed

in phases with negotiated deliver-

ables at twelve (12) months, twenty

four (24) months, thirty six (36)

months and forty-eight (48) months.

Audit deliverables may be complet-

ed ahead of schedule but not later

than agreed to. The magnitude of

professional services is estimated to

be $250,000 – $500,000. The es-

timated start date of the agreement

is 1 October 2020 with a projected

completion date for all deliverables

as described above. Firms or Joint

Ventures (JV’s) responding to this

announcement must show capability

and satisfactory experience develop-

ing an IEWP for achieving increased

security, resilience, readiness and

assurance of critical missions and

facilities of the NDARNG. Firms or

JV’s must also show capability and

satisfactory experience for conduct-

ing ASHRAE Level II Energy and

Water Audits as well as evaluating

the data, developing the information

and submitting the necessary re-

ports. The firm or JV must be ap-

propriately qualified to work in the

State of North Dakota. The evalua-

tion factors to be considered during

the initial selection phase include but

are not necessarily limited to: past

performance of contracts with

government agencies as well as the

private sector; professional ability

and qualifications necessary for sa-

tisfactory performance of required

services to include IEWPs and

ASHRAE audits; capacity and wil-

lingness to accomplish the work in

the required time and meet budget

requirements; location of firm; team

organization and availability of key

personnel as well as recent, current

and projected workloads; recent and

related experience on similar type

projects; Federal/National Guard ex-

perience and volume of work previ-

ously awarded; and professional

services insurability. Following

NDARNG’s initial evaluation of qual-

ifications and performance, three or

more firms or JV’s which are con-

sidered to be the most highly quali-

fied will be chosen for an interview.

This is not a request for proposals.

Firms or JV’s desiring to respond to

this announcement must make a

written request, for the “Architect/

Engineer Selection Questionnaire

for AE20-03″ from the:

Office of the Adjutant General

ATTN: Division of Facilities

Engineering/Contract Management

P. O. Box 5511

Bismarck, ND 58506-5511

or via email:


Questions will be answered until

close of business on Wednesday,

July 8, 2020. All firms responding to

this announcement will be con-

sidered for selection provided the re-

quired information is received, no

later than 3 p.m. CST on Friday,

July 17, 2020. Any requests for

further information may be directed

to Lieutenant Colonel Russell J.

Wolf, Director of Facilities Engineer-

ing, at telephone (701) 333-2075.

DATED: June 22, 2020



Bismarck, North Dakota


Brigadier General, NDNG

Deputy Adjutant General

Contracting Officer

(Wednesday, June 24, 2020)

City of Burlington Equipment

Public Sale

Offers will be accepted from

7/4/2020 until 7/10/2020 at 4:00 pm

for the following pieces of equip-


2012 Toolcat 5600 (546 hrs) with

bucket- minimum offer $35,000

1976 John Deer 4430 (10,711 hrs)-

minimum offer $13,000

General 15′ Batwing mower-

minimum offer $2,000

John Deer 970 (2,028 hrs) –

minimum offer $3,000

Five 3-point attachments used with

JD 970- minimum offer $2,000

2000 Ford F150 6 cylinder (70,000

miles)- minimum offer $4,000

Sand Dog Hopper (salt/sand)-

minimum offer $3,000

451 New Holland Sickle- minimum

offer $500

Please place offers at Burlington

City Hall located at 225 N Wallace

St, Burlington, ND 58722. Multiple

offers may be placed throughout the

offer time frame. Open to view at

City Hall.

For information call

Jayden @ 701-833-9769

(June 24-25-26-27-29-30; July

1-2-3-4-6-7-8-9, 2020)

Nedrose School Board Minutes

May 14, 2020

5:30 P.M.

The Nedrose School Board Meeting

was called to order by President Jim

Vannett. Members present; Jim

Vannett, Holly Brekhus, Robert

Kraus, Todd Awalt, and Chris Sut-

ton. Also present was Matt Norby,

Administrator, Chelsey Raymond,

High School Principal, Alex

Schmaltz, Elementary Principal and

Connie Marcellais, Business

Manager. Motion made by Robert

Kraus and seconded by Chris Sutton

to approve the agenda. Motion car-

ried unanimously. Cardinal Kudos

acknowledged today: Elementary

Principal Alex Schmaltz and High

School Principal Chelsey Raymond.

In recognition of their hard work set-

ting up the online distance learning

and their continued dedication to the

Nedrose School District. The School

Board would also like to ack-

nowledge Rebecca Welsh. In recog-

nition of your years of dedication to

students at Nedrose School. Thank

you for all you have done for the stu-

dents and the school district, you will

be missed! New nominations for

Cardinal Kudos: The entire Cooking

Staff. We would like to fast track

and acknowledge the Cooking Staff

before they leave for the summer.

In recognition for all the hard work

done in continuing to prepare break-

fast and lunch for our students dur-

ing the distance learning. Thank

you for your dedication to our stu-

dents and the district. Motion made

by Jim Vannett and seconded by

Robert Kraus to approve the

minutes of the March 11, 2020

meeting. Motion carried unanimous-

ly. Motion made by Jim Vannett and

seconded by Robert Kraus to table

the Handbook. Motion carried unani-

mously. Motion made by Robert

Kraus and seconded by Todd Awalt

to approve the bills in the amount of

$42,214.05 using check numbers

55868, 55869, 55939 – 55941,

55947 – 55973, 55874 and 55942.

Motion carried unanimously. Chris

Sutton moved and seconded by

Robert Kraus to approve the Finan-

cial balances as of April 30, 2020 as

presented; checkbook,

$3,191,302.32; MM Savings,

1,225,204.45. Motion carried unani-

mously. Elementary and High

School Principal’s reports were re-

viewed. Motion made by Chris Sut-

ton and seconded by Robert Kraus

to complete the first reading of poli-

cies ACBB – Significant Contagious

Diseases & DDAA – Family and

Medical Leave Act. Motion carried

unanimously. Mr. Norby gave an up-

date on tuition waivers. Motion made

by Robert Kraus and seconded by

Chris Sutton to upgrade the fire sys-

tem in the elementary school build-

ing. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made by Jim Vannett and

seconded by Holly Brekhus to freeze

Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular

salaries. Motion carried unani-

mously. Motion made by Jim Van-

nett and seconded by Holly Brekhus

to adjust the Business Managers

employment compensation from

hourly to a $60,000.00 salary per

year, based on a forty-hour week

and completion of the Business

Manager Certification Program. Mo-

tion carried unanimously. The Annu-

al Nedrose School Board Retreat

will be June 10, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.

Two board members and the busi-

ness manager will meet on June

15th, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. to canvass

the school board election. The

Nedrose school board will have a

special school board meeting with

an executive session on May 27th at

5:30p.m. The school board will

meet fifteen minutes prior to the exe-

cutive session to discuss long-term

planning at 5:15p.m. Next regular

scheduled regular board meeting will

be June 17, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Connie Marcellais

Bs. Mgr.

Jim Vannett

Bd. President

(Wednesday, June 24, 2020)

Nedrose School Board Minutes


May 27, 2020

5:30 P.M.

Present: Jim Vannett, Todd Awalt,

Bob Kraus, Chris Sutton, Holly

Brekhus and Matt Norby. Motion

was made by Bob Kraus and

seconded by Chris Sutton to ap-

prove the agenda. Motion carried

unanimously. Chris Sutton moved,

and Todd Awalt seconded a motion

to approve the Hartleib request to

tap into existing sewer line at ele-

mentary school. Motion carried

unanimously. Bob Kraus made a

motion to move to executive session

under the NDCC 44-04-19.1 for the

purpose of contract negotiations.

Chris Sutton second the motion.

Motion carried unanimously. All at-

tendees moved into executive ses-

sion at 5:37pm. Executive session

ended at 6:29pm. Administrative

negotiated salaries will be presented

at the next regular board meeting.

Bob Kraus moved to give all support

staff a $0.75 per hour increase.

Chris Sutton seconded. Motion car-

ried unanimously. Jim Vannett

moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob

Krause seconded. Motion carried


Respectfully Submitted,

Holly Brekhus

Bd. Member

Jim Vannett

Bd. President

(Wednesday, June 24, 2020)


Case No. JJ006086-01-00

Commonwealth of Virginia

VA. CODE Å’ 8.01-316





Commonwealth of Virginia, in re





The object of this suit is to: DETER-


FIXSAL (DOB 10/30/2010). It is OR-

DERED that the defendant,


the above – named Court and pro-

tect his or her interests on or before

09-08-2020 at 9:00AM.

Dated this10th day of June, 2020

/s/Paula Hackney

Paula Hackney

Deputy Clerk

(June 17-24; July 1-8, 2020)


Probate No. 51-2020-PR-00111




In the Matter of the Estate of

Rebecca Holen aka Rebecca A.

Holen, Deceased.


the undersigned has been appointed

personal representative of the above

estate. All persons having claims

against the said deceased are re-

quired to present their claims within

three months after the date of the

first publication or mailing of this no-

tice or said claims will be forever

barred. Claims must either be

presented to Jon J. Johnson, per-

sonal representative of the estate at

c/o Howard & Associates, 7 Third

St. SE, Suite 202, Minot, North

Dakota 58701-3916, or filed with the


Dated this 10th day of June, 2020

/s/Jon J. Johnson

Jon J. Johnson

13901 – 200th Street NW

Foxholm, ND 58718

Judith E. Howard (ID 03482)

Howard & Associates

7 Third St. SE, Suite 202

Minot. ND 58701-3916


(June 17-24; July 1, 2020)


Online Storage Auction starting Fri-

day, June 19th at 8am and ending

on Friday, June 26th at 12pm on


U-Haul Moving and Storage at 2505

N. Broadway, Minot, ND.

Rooms are as follows:

1128 – Renee Delorme

1040 – Melissa Crockett

1068 – Samantha Quinn

(June 17-24, 2020)



Surface and Mineral Owners: Take


$33 million of Federal Cares Act

funds are about to be spent on just

376 of the thousands of the geriatric

oil wells that dot and too often cor-

rupt your land. The North Dakota In-

dustrial Commission intends begin a

race with the clock to plug and re-

claim sites of just 376 of the

thousands of leaking and

uneconomic oil wells before De-

cember 31, 2020. Thousands more

need to be plugged, many are on

your land. Beware, don’t be rushed.

It is your surface estate. Your voice

must be heard because, always

haste makes waste. The race to re-

claim the site present risks of a

further taking, actually a condemn-

ing of more of your property. Think

of minimally or long unproduced and

out of compliance wells. Their long

existence displays the NDIC’s deci-

sion to pick economic winners. Day

by day the original well owners and

state decision makers take your sur-

face estate and give it to oil industry

speculators. Your property has been

and will be condemned without com-

pensating you until you assert your-

self. You have not yet been but can

be made whole. Really? Mostly?

Partly? Just try. Give the courts a

chance to compel remediation or

award just compensation.

Eminent Domain Veteran, Natural

Resource and Constitutional

Lawyer, Fintan Dooley invites you

study well plugging video clips and a

power point demonstrating reclama-

tion of brine poisoned land. Your

salt-contaminated land is sick. Doo-

ley is the coordinator of the Salt

Contaminated Land and Water

Council , a 501(c)(3) Educational

and Stewardship Entity.

Access a collection of Video Clips

on Well Plugging, Remediation

Power- Point ,see the steps and real

cost of healing the soil. Go to:


Read land owner testimonies and

State Geologist Ed Murphy’s paper,”

Leachate” diagramming how oil field

brines leach brine laterally and verti-

cally. Spills are not contained on

site. That’s right brine spills are not

contained because clay berms do

not stop dissolved sodium chloride.

Soon we will post:

Videos Oil Well Plugging, Remedia-

tion Power- Point and Aerial Map-

ping of Brine Damaged Land

Call 701-212-1000 or textable cell

414-731-0520.Tell your story. Doo-

ley listens free of charge. His team

is always willing to organize another

Zoom Conference to address your

and your township’s unique con-

cerns. Since 2013 Dooley and the

Salted Land Council has organized

oil field tours, presented workshops

to mineral and surface owners. Be-

cause of Covid 19 Zoom Confer-

ences are in vogue. Recruit your

granddaughter or your grandnephew

to zoom you in.

Learn the science behind reclama-

tion of salt and oil damaged land

and waters. Learn how you as a sur-

face owner can put your own equip-

ment to work and be assured of rec-

lamation to the maximum extent

possible under law. The law prom-

ises best engineering and state of

the art soil science practices.

Mineral owners, Dooley does credi-

tor bankruptcy. Don’t give up on the

unpaid royalties.

Dooley is an attorney and educator

who has been an oil field worker in

Louisiana and Wyoming and studied

the oil industry in West Africa and

Central Asia. Since 1976 he has de-

voted himself gently reminding both

ND State officials and the captains

of industry of their duties to protect

their workers’ health and keep their

promises to be faithful stewards.

When necessary, he has sued

Federal and state agents, cities,

counties and school districts along

with the giants of Industry. Not ever-

ybody loves Dooley.

Dooley advises you Surface and

Mineral Owners to recognize that,

although the letter of the law favors

you, the regulatory agencies are too

often captured by the very enter-

prises in need of regulation, Herein

the oil industry has captured every

ND and Federal Agency involved in

any aspect of the oil industry. The

subversion of government phenome-

na is cynically called “Agency Cap-

ture”. Its up to you, your team, and

your attorney to enforce the law.

State enforcers won’t do their duty

unless you and the courts are en-


What if wells on corrupting your land

are not on the list? Then “Eat your

powder milk biscuit, get up and do

what needs to be done.” As Sister

Katherine Atkinson says” Just it dam

it!. The law provides procedures to

compel the plugging of abandoned,

unproductive or recently closed

wells. No prudent investor or wide

awake judge will disagree with the

well file reports which show gas, oil

water production history. If old con-

ventional wells on your land have no

future competing with Russian or

Saudi oil even Bakken oil send a no-

tice to quit to your tenant. The law

requires a certified notice .Force the

plugging. The cost of reclamation

and consequential damages will

determined by Tort Law , the Sur-

face Owner Protection Act, the

Lease Contract, and the State of the

Art of Environmental Engineering

and Best Reclamation Practices.

If you have a well on the list of 376

wells, be warned. Although plugging

can be done by December 31,2020,

honest reclamation before freeze up

is impossible. Veteran Soil Recla-

mation Kerry Sublette and his

three-decade-long- colleagues in

serving landowners and industry

sternly warn all of us, ” Haste will

cause waste, will delay and will in-

crease the cost of restoring soil


Land owners: do not sign any

release presented by well owners,

their contractors or the State of

North Dakota. Signing a release of

your claims without an understand-

ing of the extent of the contamina-

tion is worse than unwise. You may

devalue your property and expose

yourself to claims for leaching of pol-

lution from sites on your land to

downstream owners. Dooley’s team

includes electro-conductivity and soil

technicians, accountants, allied at-

torneys, engineers and soil scien-


Team Dooley helps you develop

your own multi-year plan of recla-

mation. That plan will include a cal-

culation of costs and schedule of

phases. In chronically spilled sites,

expect your land to be in the inten-

sive care ward for years. Your plan

should disclose the lateral and verti-

cal extent of the brine plumes and

chemicals left behind by years of the

state’s failure to enforce environ-

mental laws. Understand North

Dakota’s Constitution, the Police

and Public Trust Duties imposed on

North Dakota’s elected and appoint-

ed officials.

Know what is meant by State Lia-

bility for Inverse Condemnation. The

State has often taken your land,

condemned your property; first, by

failing to enforce Environmental

Laws against illegal oil industry prac-

tices and second, by allowing

uneconomic Temporarily Aban-

doned Wells to exist for years. In

1968 State Geologist Ed Murphy

wrote a paper called ” Leachate” di-

agramming how oil field brines leach

brine laterally and vertically. Spills

are not contained on site. That’s

right clay berms do not contain sodi-

um chloride. We now “cat scan”

those spills.

Learn what might be done when

North Dakota officials fail to enforce

statutes and rules against the oil in-

dustry. The ND Constitution, en-

vironmental statutes and rules show

the way forward to restoration of

your property.

The good news is that all persons

and corporations in the chain of title

of each the non- compliant oil wells

are responsible for the accumulated

damages of decades of spills. The

propositions for liability are as an-

cient and familiar as constitutional,

contract , statutory, property and tort


Land owners, realism requires you

assert yourself. Brace yourself for

the time and cost of a state-of- the

art reclamation . Cooperate with

your neighbors. Poorly performed

reclamation is worse than delayed


For your children’s sake, finish the

race .Finish the fight.






Fintan L. Dooley, ND Bar #03270

218 North 4th Street

Bismarck, ND 58501

Email: findooley@gmail.com

Office 701-212-1000

Textable Cell 414-731-0520

(Wednesday, June 24, 2020)

Request for Bid

The Fort Berthold Housing Authority

is requesting bids for concrete drive-

ways, sidewalks, front door landings

and patios for 30 homes on the Fort

Berthold Indian Reservation. Bids

will include removal of old concrete/

asphalt and placement of new con-

crete. Deadline for bids will be June

26, 2020. For more detailed informa-

tion please contact FBHA.


Cell: 701-421-7272

Office: 701-627-4731 Ext 228

Email: forest@fbha.org


Cell: 701-421-0479

Office: 701-627-4731 Ext 240

Email: tonip@fbha.org

FBHA has the right to reject any and

all proposals and/or solicitations

(June 6-8-9-10-11-12-13-


24-25-26, 2020)

Starting at $2.99/week.

Subscribe Today