
Legal Notices 5-29


Date: May 22nd ,2020

Sealed Bids will be received by

Garrison Diversion Conservancy

District (GDCD) (Owner) at GDCD

Headquarters, 401 US-281 NE,

mailing address PO Box 140, Car-

rington, ND 58421 until 2:00 p.m.,

local time, on June 23rd, 2020 for

the McClusky Canal Slide Repair

Project Trenchless Crossings. At

said place and time, and promptly

thereafter, all Bids that have been

duly received will be publicly opened

and read aloud. The proposed Work

is generally described as follows:

Construction of seven (7) trenchless

crossings with a total of approxi-

mately 3,300 linear feet of drainage

pipe ranging in finished diameters

from 18” to 36″ through the embank-

ment slopes of the McClusky Canal

using jack and bore or microtunnel-

ing methods. All Bids must be in ac-

cordance with the Bidding Docu-

ments on file with Garrison Diversion

Conservancy District Headquarters,

401 US-281 NE, Carrington, ND

58421, mailing address PO Box 140,

Carrington, ND,58421. Copies of the

Bidding Documents are available for

download at www.questcdn.com.

You may download the digital plan

documents for Fifteen Dollars

($15.00) by inputting Quest project

#7103905 on the website’s Project

Search page. Please contact

QuestCDN.com at

info@questcdn.com for assistance

in free membership registration,

downloading, and working with this

digital project information. Direct all

questions regarding distribution or

design of this project through

QuestCDN. Only responses issued

via Addenda are binding. Neither

Owner nor Engineer has any

responsibility for the accuracy, com-

pleteness, or sufficiency of any bid

documents obtained from any

source other than the source indi-

cated in these documents. Obtaining

these documents from any other

source(s) may result in obtaining in-

complete and inaccurate informa-

tion. Obtaining these documents

from any source other than directly

from the source listed herein may

also result in failure to receive any

addenda, corrections, or other revi-

sions to these documents that may

be issued. Bidders must be licensed

for the full amount of the Bid as re-

quired by North Dakota Century

Code (NDCC) 43-07-12. Each Bid

shall contain a copy of the

Contractor’s license or certificate of

renewal there of issued by the

Secretary of State. All Bids must be

submitted on the Bid Form furnished

by the Engineer. No Bid will be read

or considered that does not fully

comply with the above provisions

and other provisions contained

within the Bidding Documents, and

any deficient Bid submitted will be

returned to the Bidder unopened.

Bids that do not fully comply with re-

quirements of NDCC 48-01.2-05 are

considered deficient and will be

resealed and returned to the bidder-

immediately. Attendance at a

pre-Bid conference, as specified in

the Instructions to Bidders, is en-

couraged. Bids will be received on a

lump sum basis. All Bids shall be

prepared according to the Instruction

to Bidders contained within the Pro-

ject Manual. Each Bid shall be ac-

companied by a separate envelope

containing a Bid Security in the form

of a Bidder’s Bond executed by the

Bidder as principal and by a surety

company authorized to do business

in the State of North Dakota, pay-

able to the Garrison Diversion Con-

servancy District, in a sum equal to

five percent (5%) of the full amount

of the Bid. This is to serve as a

guarantee that the successful Bidder

will enter into a Contract within fif-

teen (15) days of Notice of Award, in

accordance with the terms of the

principal’s Bid and Contractor’s

Bond as required by law and regula-

tions and determinations of Garrison

Diversion Conservancy District, for

the performances of such Work.

Only Bids that are accompanied by

such a Bond will be considered. The

Successful Bidder will be required to

furnish a construction performance

bond and a construction payment

bond as security for the faithful per-

formance and the payment of all bills

and obligations arising from the per-

formance of the Contract. Contractor

and all Subcontractors will be re-

quired to conform to the employment

requirements set forth in the Con-

tract Documents. If the Contract is to

be awarded, Owner will give the

Successful Bidder a Notice of Award

within the number of days set forth

in the Bid Form for acceptance of

the Bid.

(May 29, 2020)


Probate No. 51-2020-PR-00061





In the Matter of the Estate of

Deborah Kay Herrmann, Deceased.


Sandra Boe has been appointed

co-personal representative of the

above estate, and the other

co-applicant is Duane Herrmann. All

persons having claims against the

said deceased are required to

present their claims within three

months after the date of the first

publication of this notice or said

claims will be forever barred. Claims

must either be presented to Sandra

Boe, personal representative of the

estate in care of Michael Ward, at

Martin Law, 201 South Main St.,

Suite 200, Minot, North Dakota

58701 or filed with the Court.

Dated this 21st day of April, 2020.

/s/Michael Ward

Michael Ward (N.D. Bar I.D. 02830)

Martin Law

201 S. Main St., Suite 200

Minot, ND 58701



(May 15-22-29, 2020)


Saturday, May 30th, 2020

at 12:00 p.m.

Items stored by Juleo Pretel. Locat-

ed at the Mini Storage Units #23.

4220 Burdick Expressway E, Minot,

ND. Highest bidder, all sales final.

Terms: Cash

(May 16-29, 2020)


Civil No. 51-2020-CV-00697





Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC,



Chivas Rae Rood; Clint Rood; and

any person in possession, and all

persons unknown, claiming any

estate or interest in, or lien or en-

cumbrance upon, the real estate

described in te complaint,


1.To the above-mentioned Defen-

dants including all persons unk-

nown, claiming any estate or interest

in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the

real estate described in the com-

plaint. 2. You are hereby summoned

to appear and defend against the

Complaint in this action, which has

been filed with the Clerk of Court

and is herewith served upon you, by

serving upon the undersigned a

copy of an Answer or other proper

response within twenty-one (21)

days after the service of this Sum-

mons upon you, exclusive of the day

of service. If you fail to do so, Judg-

ment by default will be taken against

you for the relief demanded in the

Complaint. The original Complaint

is filed with the Clerk of the District

Court in the County in which this ac-

tion is commenced. 3. This action

relates to the foreclosure of a mort-

gage upon the following described

real property in the County of Ward,

State of North Dakota: The land re-

ferred to herein below is situated in

the County of Ward, State of North

Dakota, and is described as follows:

Lot 29, Block 2, Westfield Addi-

tion to the City of Minot, Ward

County, North Dakota.

Property Address: 1932 Westfield

Ave, Minot, ND 58701 4. The Plaintiff

is not seeking a personal judgment

against the above-named Defen-


Date: May 8, 2020

/s/Benjamin J. Mann

Benjamin J. Mann

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Tel: 801-355-2886

Fax: 801-328-9714

Email: benjamin@hwmlawfirm.com

Bar Number: 08371

HWM: ND10083

(May 15-22-29, 2020)

Starting at $2.99/week.

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