Legal Notices 5-19
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by Jarrod A. Ol-
son, Director of Operations, at the
Minot Park District Office, 420 3rd
Ave SW, PO Box 538, Minot, ND
58702, until 2pm May 19th, 2020 at
which times bids will be opened and
read for furnishing the Park District
with the Following;
Project: Scoreboard
Main Bid – (Maysa Center hung
Scoreboard) and Alternate Bid
(None). Copies of Specifications
may be obtained from the Park Dis-
trict Office at above address or at Envelope
containing the bid shall be plainly
marked on the outside – “Bid Maysa
Center hung Scoreboard”. Busi-
ness/ Contractor’s License, Proof of
insurance and 5% Bid Bond must be
attached in a separate envelope to
the front of the bid envelope. The
Board of Park Commissioners
reserves the right to reject any and
all bids and waive any irregularities
therein, and to award the contract as
they deem to be the best interest of
the Minot Park District. Bidders are
invited to be present at the above
-mentioned time and place for the
opening of the bids. Bids will be
presented to the Minot Park Board
on May 19th, 6:30pm at the regularly
scheduled monthly meeting.
Jarrod A. Olson
Director of Operations
Minot Park District
(701) 857-4136- Office
(701) 833-7021- Cell
(May 6-12-19, 2020)
SECTION 00 1113 –
Owner: Minot Park District
Sealed proposals for Construction of
the Roosevelt Park Water Slide
demolition and replacement project
will be received by the Minot Park
District in the Community Room at
Park District offices, located at 420
3rd Ave SW, Minot, ND 58701, until
2:00 PM local time on Tuesday,
June 2, 2020, when bids will be
opened and read aloud. The Infor-
mation to Bidders, Form of Bid,
Form of Contract, Form of Perfor-
mance- Payment Bond, Drawings,
Specifications, addenda, and other
contract documents as prepared by
JLG Architects may be examined at
the following places: The office of
JLG Architects, Minot, North Dakota;
the Builders Exchanges in Fargo-
Moorhead, Grand Forks,
Bismarck-Mandan, Bismarck, Minot,
and Dickinson, North Dakota; Min-
neapolis/ St. Paul, Minnesota; Sioux
Falls, South Dakota: Construction
Connect and McGraw Hill/
FWDodge. Bid Documents are avail-
able to Prime bidders at the offices
of JLG Architects, Minot, ND. Digital
copies are available at no charge
and physical copies are available
upon payment of $100.00 for each
set. Any unsuccessful bidder, upon
returning such in good condition
within 15 days after the bid opening,
will be refunded their deposit. Each
bid must be accompanied by a
separate envelope containing the
contractor’s license and bid security.
The bid security must be in a sum
equal to five percent of the full
amount of the bid and must be in the
form of a bidder’s bond. A bidder’s
bond must be executed by the
bidder as principal and by a surety,
conditioned that if the principals bid
is accepted and the contract award-
ed to the principal, the principal,
within ten days after notice of the
award, shall execute a contract in
accordance with the terms of the
bid, the bid bond, and any conditions
of the governing body. Bids shall
comply with North Dakota Century
Code Chapter Å’48-01.2 as amend-
ed. If a successful bidder does not
execute a contract within the time al-
lowed, the bidder’s bond shall be
forfeited to the governing body and
the project awarded to the next
lowest responsible bidder. No bidder
may withdraw their bid within 60
days after the actual date of the
opening thereof. The Bid Bond of
the three lowest Bidders for each
contract will be retained until the
contract has been awarded and exe-
cuted, but no longer than sixty (60)
days after the date of the Bid. All
Bidders shall hold a valid North
Dakota Contractor’s license of the
proper class for the full amount of
the bid as required by North Dakota
Law Sections Å’43-07-05 and
Å’43-07-12 and shall enclose a copy
of the license or Certificate of
Renewal of the license in the same
envelope as the Bidder’s Bond. A
Contractor shall be the holder of a
license at least ten days prior to the
date set for receiving Bids to be a
qualified Bidder. No bid will be read
or considered which does not fully
comply with the above requirements
as to bond and licenses, and any
deficient bid submitted must be
resealed and returned to the bidder
immediately. Bids shall be in accor-
dance with and submitted on the Bid
form supplied within the Bid Docu-
ments. Failure to do so may result
in rejection of the Bid. The Owner
reserves the right to reject any, and
all bids and to waive any formalities
therein and rebid the project until a
satisfactory bid is received. A Pre-
Bid Meeting will be held at the
Roosevelt Park Pool proposed con-
struction site on Thursday, May 21,
2020 at 10:00 AM local time to re-
view the project and field questions
from Bidders.
(May 12-19-26, 2020)
2020 Ward County Board of
In accordance with North Dakota
Century Code (N.D.C.C.) Å’57-02-52:
Notice of county board of equaliza-
tion meeting.
Date: June 2, 2020
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Commissioner’s
Chamber (Suite 218) , Ward Coun-
ty Administration Building
Each taxpayer has the right to ap-
pear before the appropriate board of
equalization and petition their
current year’s assessment. For
those wishing to petition their valua-
tion, contact the Ward County Tax
Equalization office at 701.857.6430
to be placed on the agenda for the
meeting, and submit all appeal do-
cumentation, no later than end of
business May 26, 2020.
(May 9-11-12-13-14-15-
16-18-19-20-21-22-23, 2020)