
Legal Notices 8-30










the State of North Dakota, acting

through the State Water Commis-

sion, invites and will receive sealed

proposals (bids) up to the hour of

2:00 p.m., local time, on September

25, 2019, for the furnishing to the

State of North Dakota of all transpor-

tation, labor, materials, tools, equip-

ment, services, permits, utilities, and

other items necessary to construct

said work, in accordance with the

drawings and contract documents

on file in the office the North Dakota

State Water Commission. At said

time, said proposals will be publicly

opened and read aloud in the North

Dakota State Water Commission lo-

cated at: North Dakota State Water

CommissionState Office Building

900 East Boulevard Avenue

Bismarck, North Dakota

58505-0850. Bids shall conform to

and be responsive to the Contract

Documents for the work. The Con-

tract Documents will be available

after August 30, 2019. Copies of the

Contract Documents will be on file

and may be examined during normal

office hours in the office of the North

Dakota State Water Commission

and at the following locations: Hous-

ton Engineering, Inc. 18 3rd Street

SE Suite 100 Minot, ND 58701-3700

Telephone (701) 852-7931 Fax

(701) 858-5655. The scope of Work

generally consists of the following:

Mobilization; pump water out of and

exercise existing valves in 111

vaults (58 air release valve

vaultsand 53 blowoff vaults); fill and

pressure test the existing ductile

iron line, flush water out of exist-

ing pipeline blowoffs, and incidental

items. The Contractor will not per-

form work or permit the performance

of Work by subcontractors outside

regular dusk to dawn working

hours or on Saturdays, Sundays,

or legal State holidays without pro-

viding written notice of proposed

work to the Engineer a minimum of

5 days in advance and contingent on

the Owner’s written consent. In ac-

cordance with of the current Energy

and Water Development Appropria-

tions Act, to the greatest extent

practicable, all equipment and pro-

ducts purchased for use in this con-

tract should be American-made.

Printed copies of plans and specifi-

cations may be obtained following

receipt of payment of $500.00 per

set, non-refundable, or a CD may be

obtained with the documents in elec-

tronic (pdf) format following receipt

of payment of $40 per set, nonre-

fundable, from the following: Hous-

ton Engineering, Inc. 18 3rd Street

SE Suite 100 Minot, ND

58701-3700. The contract docu-

ments may also be viewed free of

charge online at

www.houstoneng.com, or down-

loaded for a fee of $25.00. Please

contact us at 701-852-7931 if you

have any questions. The Advertise-

ment for Bids, Planholders List, Ad-

dendums, and Bid Results will be

available from the “Bid Info” link lo-

cated on the Houston Engineering,

Inc. web site. Each bid shall be sub-

mitted on a form furnished as part of

the contract documents and must be

accompanied by a separate en-

velope containing a Bidder’s Bond

with Acknowledgement of Surety in

an amount not less than 5% of the

full amount of the bid made payable

to the order of or for the benefit of

the North Dakota State Water

Commission. The bid bond shall be

executed by the bidder as principal

and by a surety company authorized

to do business in the State of North

Dakota, conditioned that if the

principal’s Bid be accepted and the

contract awarded to the principal,

within ten (10) days after Notice of

Award, the Principal shall execute a

contract in accordance with the

terms of the bid and contractor’s

performance and payment bonds as

required by law and the regulations

and determinations of the North

Dakota State Water Commission. A

bid submitted without this informa-

tion properly enclosed in the bid

bond envelope shall not be read nor

considered and the envelope shall

be resealed and bid returned to the

bidder immediately. Each bid shall

be sealed and delivered to the North

Dakota State Water Commission at

the location designated in this notice

for the opening of bidsat or before

the time in this notice provided. Un-

less a bidder obtains a contractor’s

license for the full amount of its bid

within twenty days after it is deter-

mined the bidder is the lowest

responsive and responsible bidder,

the bid must be rejected and the

contract awarded to the next lowest,

responsive, responsible, and

LICENSED bidder. A Pre-Bid

Conference Call with the Engineer

will be held on September 18, 2019

at 2:00 p.m. local time. Attendance

at the pre-bid conference is strongly

encouragedfor all Bidders. The con-

ferencing details are provided in the

Bidding Documents. Interim Mile-

stone Substantial Completion dates

for the WORK are stipulated in the

AGREEMENT (Document No.

00520). Final Completion for all

WORK shall be July 31, 2020. The

State of North Dakota, acting

through the State Water Commis-

sion, reserves the right to select the

schedule(s) under which the bids

are to be compared and contract(s)

awarded, to reject any and all bids,

to determine whether a bidder is

responsive and responsible and to

waive any and all irregularities in




Dated: August 27, 2019

/s/ Garland Erbele

Garland Erbele, PE,

Chief Engineer/Secretary

(August 30; September 6-13, 2019)




Amanda Hernandez

1620 Terrace Drive

Minot, ND 58703

Sergio A. Hernandez

17Fallin Blvd.

Apt. 3

Goldsboro, NC 27534

the title owners of the following

described real property:

Lot 8, Block 1, Terrace Heights

Addition to the City of Minot,

Ward County, North Dakota

Notice is hereby given that certain

mortgage upon the above-described

property, Sergio A. Hernandez and

Amanda Hernandez, mortgagor/s,

executed and delivered to Mortgage

Electronic Registration Systems,

Inc., as nominee for Federal Savings

Bank, Mortgagee, dated March 18,

2016, and filed for record in the of-

fice of the Recorder of the County of

Ward and State of North Dakota,

March 24, 2016 as Document

2995828. The mortgage has been

or will be assigned to the Plaintiff pri-

or to the commencement of a fore-

closure action. Said mortgage was

given to secure the payment of

$274,527.00, and interest according

to the conditions of a certain promis-

sory note, is in default.


Pursuant to the provisions of the

Federal Fair Debt Collection Prac-

tices Act, you are advised that un-

less you dispute the validity of the

foregoing debt or any portion thereof

within thirty days after receipt of this

letter, we will assume the debt to be

valid. On the other hand, if the debt

or any portion thereof is disputed,

we will obtain verification of the debt

and will mail you a copy of such ve-

rification. You are also advised that

upon your request within the thirty

day period, we will provide you with

the name and address of your origi-

nal creditor, if different from the

creditor referred to in this Notice.

We are attempting to collect a debt

and any information obtained will be

used for that purpose. At this time,

no attorney with this firm has per-

sonally reviewed the particular cir-

cumstances of your account. How-

ever, if you fail to contact our office,

our client may consider additional

remedies to recover the balance

due. M & T BANK may have previ-

ously sent you a letter advising you

of possible alternatives to foreclo-

sure, along with the documents for

you to complete and return to M & T

BANK to be evaluated for these al-

ternatives. If you did not receive or

no longer have the documents, or

have not returned all of the docu-

ments, please contact M & T BANK

at: 800-724-1633. Even if you have

previously indicated that you are not

interested in saving your home you

can still be evaluated for alternatives

to foreclosure. The following is a

statement of the sum due for princi-

pal, interest, taxes, insurance,

maintenance, etc., as of July 24,


Unpaid Principal Balance


Unpaid Accrued Interest Good

through 7-24-2019 $10,161.13

Uncollected Late Charges $75.00

Property Inspections/Preservation


Escrow Advance $3,584.64

Valuation $725.00

Grand Total $277,244.27

That as of July 24, 2019 the amount

due to cure any default, or to be due

under the terms of the mortgage, ex-

ists in the following respects:

Payments Due $20,959.68

Late Charges $75.00

Property Inspections/Preservation


Escrow Advance $477.44

Valuation $725.00

Grand Total $23,302.12

all of which must be paid BY CERTI-


M & T BANK and mailed to the un-

dersigned attorney to cure the de-

fault, plus any accrued interest, sub-

sequent payments or late charges

which become due and any further

expenses for preservation of the pro-

perty which may be advanced.




TAIN DATE. You have the right, in

accordance with the terms of the

mortgage, to cure the default speci-

fied above. You also have the right

to assert in the foreclosure action

that no default exists or any other

defense you may have to said ac-

tion. Notice is further given that if the

total sums in default, together with

interest accrued thereon at the time

of such payment, accrued payments

then due and expenses advanced,

are not paid within thirty (30) days

from the date of mailing or service of

this Notice, the Mortgagee will deem

the whole sum secured by the mort-

gage to be due and payable in full

without further notice. Furthermore,

proceedings will be commenced to

foreclose such mortgage, and in the

event of Sheriff’s sale as provided

by the laws of the State of North

Dakota, the time for redemption

shall be as provided by law, but not

less than sixty (60) days after the

Sheriff’s Sale.

Dated July 1, 2019


Attorneys for the Plaintiff

Office and Post Office Address:

38 Second Avenue East

Dickinson, North Dakota 58601

Tel: (701) 227-1841

Fax: (701) 225-6878

By: /s/David C. Piper

David C. Piper, Attorney

ND Bar #06723

If you have previously received a

discharge in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy,

this is not an attempt to collect a

debt against you personally, but only

an attempt to determine your inten-

tion concerning retaining this proper-


(August 30; September 6-13, 2019)





Notice is hereby given that the fol-

lowing persons, their heirs, execu-

tors, administrators, successors or

assigns, may be entitled to property

(not real estate) which has been

presumed abandoned under the Un-

claimed Property Act (NDCC

Chapter 47-30.1). The Act requires

all businesses to file annual reports

of unclaimed property. These names

are from the most current annual re-

ports. Previously reported properties

which have not been claimed can be

viewed at:














**************=Des Lacs





Luiz Benjamin W C 715 7th St NW *

4th Ave Diner 1900 4th Ave NW *

5th SEcurity Forces Squadron 493

Trainer Trail **

AHAB Investments 1005 Valley

View Dr *

A Weishaar Sara 233 Saint Peter *

Abbate Sharon 1100 32nd Ave SW

Apt 211*

Abbott Esther J 1016 W Central *

Abdul Baqqee Jalil 1401 11th Ave

SW Ste2*

Abel James J 725 21st Ave NW *

Abelstad Est Anna P 1502 18th Ave

SW *

Aberle Dean 1417 Hiawatha St *

Abernathey Andrew 2957 8th NW St


Abernathey Dean 1301 4th St SW *

Abernathey Susanne L Po Box 185


Acosta Elizabeth 509 9th St NW *

Adkins KenNEth J 11 18th Ave SE *

Admin Of Veteran’s Affairs 11

Patterson Lake Dr *

Advanced Builders Llc Po Box

1421 *

Affinity Homes Inc 513 16th St SW *

Ahmed Ibrahim 1835 2nd St SE Apt

D *

Akkerman Aaron 2346 14th St NW *

Akkerman Maranda 2346 14th St

NW *

Alba Daniel Lawrence 1004 4th Ave


Albertson Laverne 9501 86th St SW


Alexander Lance 822 4th Ave NW

58703 *

Alkhamis Ahmed 500 University Ave

W *

Allcorn Nichie 14 Spencer St ****

Allen Jason D 102 128th Ave NW

Lot 16 *

Allen Lewis 3400 E 7th NE Apt E *

Allen Paul 2608 23rd St SW *

Alligood Brian 1909 31st Ave SW *

Alm David O 3205 4th Ave NW *

Aloy Maria D Po Box 601 *

Alt Mike Unknown *

Alvarado David 615 Colton Ave ***

Alvarez Wendy J 102 Wedgewood

Cir Apt 1

American Builders Unknown *

Amsbury John D 1505 10th St SE *

Amsbury Teresa 1505 10th St SE *

Andersen Amanda 800 31st Ave SE

Lot 13*

Andersen Greg 800 31st Ave SE Lot

613 *

Anderson Adam D 1900 W Central

Ave *

Anderson Alton Apt 216 1805 2nd

Ave SW *

Anderson Helen B Unknown *

Anderson Jordan 2807 15th Ave NW

#C *

Anderson Kayla M 628 10th St NE *

Anderson Melissa 2405 2nd Ave

NW *

Anderson Olaf Unknown *

Anderson Valborg Unknown *

Andes Gary L 609 24th St NW *

Anhorn Travis 1105 19th Ave SW *

Ankenbauer Bruce F Po Box 93


Ankenbauer Deanna L Po Box 93


Ann Ehlo 105 Sirocco Dr Unit 2 *****

Ansenberger John Unknown *

Ansenberger Therese Unknown *

AnyaNWu Kester U 1301 31st Ave

SW *

Apholz James E 707 18th Ave SW *

Arata Alissa T 2034 Dorm 221 *****

Arlyn J Haaland 32301 128th Ave


Armstrong Brody A 2717c 5th St NW


Armstrong Colleen 1940 S Broad-

way 248 *

Armstrong Larry D P O Box 1792 *

Armstrong Phillip D 20 1st Ave SW

260 *

Ashby Crystal 3500 Bucksin Drive

NE *

Ashby Jarrod 10 Dundee Dr Apt 1


Ashby Jarrod T 3500 Buckskin Dr

NE *

Ask Inc 1401 11th Ave SW *

Atanasova Dragana 1021 32nd Ave

SW *

Atwell Crista M 1131 1st St NW *

Auman Fawn 420 16th St NW *

Austin Po Box 236 ****

Aymak Trade Llc 2400 10th St SW ,

Personal Bay Santa *

Babalola Olawale A 112 Mccullough

Hall 500 University Ave W *

Babcock Mathew 1029 10th St NW

Apt B *

Back Darin 702 Foxtrail Dr *

Backen Donna M 2407 8th St SW *

Backes Brooks 1821 10th St SW *

Badger Daylight Of ND Inc 1940 S

Broadway 168 *

Baena JoSE 604 Burdick Expy W

Apt 101 *

Bagwell Jennifer 150 41st Ave SE

Apt 312*

Bahal Paul 1201 11th Ave SW *

Baier Kyle 1535 1st St SW *

Bailey Kirt 6290 67th Ave ********

Bailey Meghan M 910 9th Ave NE *

Baker Christin Michelle Unknown

Baker Cuka Bridget 6801 County

RD 19 S *

Baker Hughes Fs 4525 8t St NW *

Baker Hughes Fs Master 3749119

5250 7th Ave SW *

Baker Joshua 509 7th St NE *

Baker Michael J 505 36th Ave NE

No 308 *

Bakke Tyler J 1611 13 1/2 St SW *

Bakken Builders & Developers, 224

8th St SE Po Box 359 *

Baldwin Dylan 1300 32nd Ave SW

Apt 103 *

BallantyNE Charles 807 20th St NW


Banken Brandy 6610 17 Ave NW *

Banken Kevin 6610 17 Ave NW *

Banna Jerry 617 19th St NW *

Baptiste Wesley K 1017 Soo St *

Baran Wojciech K 500 University

Ave W 204b Crane Hall *

Barley Pop Bar Inc Po Box 2113 *

Barnes Deshun 106 Prairie Pl Apt 1


Barnes Kody 5120 Hwy 2 E Lot 21 *

Barraco Anthony J 3344 7th St NE

Apt B *

Barrios Miguel 1910 35th Ave SW *

Barry Allison 1410 30th Ave NW Apt

2101 *

Barthel Marcel 100 2nd Ave NW ****

Bauer Ruby J 1231 34th Ave SW *

Baugh Rebecca 1008 11th St NW

Apt 7b *

Baumgarten Otto 1605 6th St NW *

Baumgartner William 4669 Tuttle

Ave SE *

Bautista Erica M 1709 11th St SE

Apt C *

Baxter Michael 813 18th Ave SE Lot

402 *

Bay John E 627 10th St NE *

BC Services Inc Unknown

Bechtold Timothy J 1804 26th St

SW *

Beckman Amanda L 202 3rd Ave

SE Apt 5 *

Beckstead ChaSE 156 Missile Ave

Dorm 218 Rm 110b *****

Beeter Andrew R 2201 23rd St SW *

Beeter Brandon R 1420 9th St SW *

Begay Harvier 1315 35th Ave SE

Apt 101 *

Beghtel Kristin 511 Valley St Apt 4 *

Behm EnterpriSEs Inc 3800 W Hwy

2 & 52 *

Behm Michael 1940 S Broadway *

Behrens Wanda 7110 County Rd

15w *

Belgarde Concrete 3311 8th St NE #

113 *

Bell Matthew P 5220 14th St SE *

Bell Nikita Unknown

Bell Randall S 2005 Ida Mae Ct *

Bell Ruben L 1015 27th St SE Lot

24 *

Bellew Erin 812 Bel Air Pl *

Bellnap Ashley 919 36th St SE *

Belzer ShyanNE 625 15th St SE *

Benest Eva Maude 409 9th Ave NW


Bengston John C Po Box 14 *

Benhoff ShaNE 2213 33rd St NW

Apt 305 *

Benjamin Kimberly 5 Fiesta Dr ***

Berdogin Greg A 1515 12th St NW

Apt 3 *

Berg 1405 33rd Ave SW *

Berg Jeremy T 6416 16th Ave NW *

Berg Steven 500 111 Th St SE ****

Berg Tyler 14 30th St SW *

Berger Repair 205 10th Ave NE *

Bergeret Giselle F 210 7th Ave NE *

Bergman Fred P 2108 Parkside Dr


Bergstad Renae A 5110 Hwy 2 E B

31 *

Bergstedt Joseph 5110 Hwy 2 E Lot

A26 *

Berman Seth J 1 15th St SE *

Bernsdorf Darlene 800 31st Ave SE

Lot 809

Berteaux Darrel 1827 2nd St SE

Unit Apt D

BeSEmann William 1012 4th St SE


BesSEr Derrick C 1509 Wildwood

Ave *

Betterley Irene P Po Box 141


Bice Ethan 2312 Academy Rd *

Big Time Bistro Inc 101 W Central

Ave *

Biggs Brenton 509 9th Ave NEw *

Bilski Sebastian 1910 35th Ave SW

Apt 207b *

Bingen ChelSEa 600 Maple St Apt 3


Bingham Tracie 1125 8th Ave NE A


Bishop Dean 1909 31st Ave SW Apt

326 *

Bishop Dean A 2213 33rd St NW

Apt 105 *

Bissette Brandon 1908 16th St NW *

Bissette Britton 1908 16th St NW *

Bixby Amber 3207 8 St NE Apt H *

Black Nathanael 824 1st Ave NW *

Blair Michael J Unit 1671 Dorm 123


Blanchard Patrick 612 Colton St Apt

7 *

Blanner Stephen T 1005 Soo St *

Blevins Tyler 1405 8th St NW Apt10


Blevins Tyler A 625 15th St SE Lot

103 *

Bloms Nathan Po Box 51 ************

Blubaugh Jeremy 5411 33rd St SW


Bobb Gaylord 2024 33rd Sst NW

Apt 301 *

Bodine Ann 8 Casa Dr ***

Boeing Company Unknown *

Boele Dolores 1909 31st Ave SW

Apt 107 *

Boele Frank J 1909 31st Ave SW

Apt 107 *

Boesiger 706 Park St Apt E *

Boger Timothy J 3401 1st St SE *

Bogojevic Natasa 1500 32nd Ave #8


Bohl Pat Unknown *

Bokoskie Brookelynn M 3312 21st

Ave NW Apt 203 *

Bolsenga Estate James H 1900 Bur-

dick Expy W Lot 8 *

Bolte Matthew 3100 11th Ave SE

Lot A4 *

Bonar Sophia 2047 4th St NW *

Bond Andrew 611 13th St NW *

Bonner Christopher 310 27th Ave

NW *

Boothe Jonathan D 3241 8th St NE

Apt E *

Boppre Debra A 1101 10th St SW *

Bore One Concrete Inc 10001 Pro-

ject Rd 2

Boren Heather A 1605 24th Ave NW


Boren Todd J 1605 24th Ave NW *

Borja Johan S 208 Dawn Rd Unit

615 *****

Borman Kris 1712 44th St SE *

Borstad Robert J 514 Minot Federal

Savings & Loan Bldg *

Boseck Justin 42 Mulberry Loop NE


Bothwell Stuart 1910 Meadowlark Dr


Boughton Ronald A Rt 2 ******

Boutilier Foss 1516 Wildwood Ave *

Bowen Elizabeth 205 3rd Ave SE *

Bowenkamp John 1475 34th Ave

SE *

Bower ChristiNE 605 24th Av *

Bowersox Rikki 1013 4th St SE *

Bowton Anthony J 3311 8th St NE *

Braaten Amanda 3005 10th St SE *

Bradford Brandon 511 1st St NE Apt

A *

Bradford Brenda 511 1st St NE Apt

A *

Bradley Lisa 2301 Landmark Dr NW


Bragg Michael Allen 501 9th St NE *

Brammer WayNE 1105 6th Ave NW


Brandley Daniel Po Box 644 *

Brandon Styskal 1201 31st Ave SW

Apt 105

Brandt Jennifer 126 Singletree Cir

Apt 1 *****

Bratvold Joseph M 227 Souris Dr *

Braun Johnny 501 12th St NE *

Brauneller Evin 1101 8th NE St Apt

D *

Bread Box The 816 E Burdick Expy


Breaw I H Unknown *

Brekhus Rick G 9830 59th Ave NW


Brekke Mark David 2 S Main St 105


Bridwell John 600 31st Ave SW Apt

208 *

Brien Jean 517 2nd Ave N W *

Brinkley Leo A 2018 4th St NW Apt

4 *

BrisSEtte Samuel 3311 8th St NE

Apt 105 *

Brite Jeannine 3015 16th St SW

Apt333 *

Bromley Michael J 1102 Valley St *

Brooks Larry 308 18th Ave SW Apt

6 *

Brooks-Sanderson Sherry 413 12th

Ave NE

Brown 1700 16th St NW *

Brown Austin J Po Box 45 *******

Brown Brock 3400 11th St SE Apt

107 *

Brown Chris R 521 Central Ave


Brown Erin 13510 Hwy 52 S


Brown Larry 1617 7th Ave NW *

Brown Lucas 13510 Hwy 52 S


Brown Micah D 1728 2nd St SE *

Brownlee Andrew R 1502 35th Ave

SE Apt 202 *

Brubaker R H Unknown *

Bruce Curtis J 3100 11th Ave SE Lot

A-20 *

BruNEr Kristopher 819 11th Ave NW

#3 *

Bryans Thurley Virginia-L Po Box

145 Bryant Rashon James 2101 3rd

St NW *

Bryant Robert A 2109 2nd Ave SW

Apt 4 *

Buchanan Steve 129 Mulberry Loop


Buchholz Delores 520 8th St SW

Apt B *

Buchweitz Christian 414 7th Ave SE


Buchweitz Jeffrey 414 7th Ave SE *

Buechler Lacey Lynn 405 27th Ave

NW *

Buksh Avinash 2809 6th St SW Apt

1 Apt 20

Bunch Kyle S 1301 32nd Ave SW

206 *

Burd Hope 1442 7th St SW *

Burden Brandon R 912 10th St NW *

Burgardt Kelly R 313 9th St SE *

Burgauer Scott 3000 Mustang Trl

NE *

Burley Trarell 14 18th Ave SW *

Burmeister Brian 1000 Psc Box *****

Burns Bobb 7204 15th Ave SE Null *

Burroughs Derek 3608 Fillmore St *

Bursch Troy 1725 2nd Ave SW 2

218 *

Burtch Tyler R 1630 Elmwood Dr *

Burthwick Paul R 527 1/2 10th St

NE *

Bush Cleo Alexander Po Box 16

Bushard Robyn M 15 8th St NW *

BusSEy Leila 1601 26th Ave NW *

Cain 523 11th St NE *

Caldwell Lester C 16 16th Ave NW

Apt 1 *

Calvota Theodore 409 5th St SW *

Camp Kayla J 525 Park St Apt 4 *

Campbell Miriam 22 Campus

Heights 500 *

Cannon Tom 415a 7th St SW *

Capps James 527 22nd Ave NW

Apt 26 *

Carby Chris A P O Box 2081 *

Carey Dennis 1116 8th St NW *

Carle Richard 1505 Wildwood Ave *

Carlson Garrett 707 6th Ave SW Apt

102 *

Carlson Wesley P O Box 5030 *

Carnett Sean Dorm 218 Unit 2188

Rm 312a

Carpenter George 1300 32nd Ave

SW Apt 201 *

Carpenter Janet K 3407 11th St SE

Apt 106

Carpenter Ross M 314 6th SE *

Carraher Sarah C 1420 11th St SW


Carriger DaNEille 905 17th St NW *

Carrizosa Stephanie 105 Mallard Trl

Apt 1

Carter Kearstin 2100 33rd St NW

Apt 208 *

Carter Morgan 505 36th Ave NE Apt

206 *

Case Financial Svc Inc Ste C 811 S

Broadway *

Cadey Gregory D 1720 13th St SE

Apt 312 *

Casey Ryan 1909 31st Ave SW Apt

411 *

Casselman Patrice L 2749 Heratage

Dr *

Castillo Richard 3705 45th St SE *

Caswell Alex M 3705 2nd St NE Lot

60 *

Cell Solutions 2400 10th St SW Ste

358 *

Chaffee Lorraine E 111 1st St N E *

Champagne Allison 21 1st Ave SE

Ste 41 *

Chaney Matthew 1320 4th St SW *

Chanin Jody 1740 13th St SE #111 *

Chantland Jean 800 16th Ave SE

Apt 38 *

Chaparro Jose 1746 16th St NW *

Chargois Christopher J 3801 Cross-

ing St SW Unit 1l *

Charnetzki Leah 105 6th St NW


Chase Logan Unknown *

Chavez Juan D 308 18th Ave SW

Apt 10 *

Chen Ihsuan 1400 31st Ave SW *

Chevrolet Ryan Po Box 1366 1800

S Broadway *

Chomdee Pichakon 1937 N Broad-

way *

Christenson Jerome 25 Mulberry

Loop *

Christenson Mabel G 445 9th Ave

NE *

Christiansen Rowena B 1805 6th St

NW *

Christopher Dingle 401 18th Ave SE

Apt D *

Church Troy 110 39th Ave SE Apt

101 *

Ciha Kayla A 400 18th Ave SE Apt 1


City Of Minot Police Dept Accounts

Receivable Po Box 5006 *

Clark Ann M 19 Harmony Blvd ****

Clark Cora Unknown *

Clark Lenaise M 5600 26th Ave NW


Classic Auto Sales Unknown *

Clauser Jason C 611 5th Ave SW *

Cleary Christine 31st Ave SW Apt

350 *

Clegg Daniel L 443 22nd St NW *

Clemedtson John Unknown

Clement Kelsey 3302 8th St NE *

Clewis William 1945 20th Ave SE

Lot #73 *

Clifford Charles I 14 Sunny Side Av

Apt 2 *

Clifford Thomas F 114 Main St S *

Clifton Amber D 1517 35th Ave SE *

Cline Alexander Aaron 401 Davis St

N ***

Clinkscales Temekia 1540 16th St

NW *

Clouse Michael J 5120 Hwy 2 E Lot

3 *

Clr Truck & Equipment 4905 Burdick

Exwy E *

Cobb Dave 385 Ward St


Coblentz Kezia 3312 21st Ave NW

Apt 209 *

Cochran Joseph Po Box 3234 *

Cockrell Dale E 1000 20th Ave NW

B-1 *

Cockrell Family Liv Trust 1000 20th

Ave NW

Codman Scott 2420 Blake Rd *

Cody Ashley N 1800 16th St NW Apt

8 *

Cole Benjamin 525 Park St Apt 8 *

Cole David 1405 14th Ave SW *

Collado Jennifer 2100 33rd St NW

Apt 11 *

Collison Patrick C 1001 21st St NW


Columbus Justin 1305 16th Ave NW


Comer 3015 16th St SW Apt 209 *

Commissary Minot Afb Building 246

360 Missile Ave *

Community Ambulance Svc Minot

305 11th Ae SW *

Conrad Kari 1408 17th Ave SW *

Contini Eric A Unit 2119 Dorm 221


Cook Patrick J 1443 15th St SW *

Cook Patrick J Rr 6 Box 119 *

Cooke Taylor S 1910 35th Ave SW *

Coon David 1100 N Broadway Apt

402 *

Cooper Ii James V 601 9th St NW

Apt A *

Cooper Skyler J 2 Dundee Dr Apt 1


Corey Austin J 1909 31st Ave SW

Apt 253 *

Corlett V A Unknown *

Corona Navarro Jose A 1212 31st

Ave SW *

Coronado Brittany 120 39th Ave SE

Apt 310

Cote Megan M 13 1st Ave SW Apt

204 *

Cote Morgan L 500 University *

Cothren Tayler 1310 3rd St NE *

Cowan Courtney 1909 31st Ave SW

Apt 154

Cowher Jonathan Unit 2584 Bldg

214 *****

Cox Christopher R 126 Sirocco

Drive Apt 1

Craig Penn 11 36th Ave NW Apt 183


Crawford Vhenensia 127 17th St SE


Crazy Bull Alex 911 3rd St NE *

Crenshaw Melissa 1824 5th St SE

Apt D *

Crilly York C 555 32nd Ave SW Apt

B *

Croghan Jacob Bk 218 Rm 302a


Cti Po Box 368 *

Cuka Timohty W 6801 County Road

19 S *

Cundieff John 141 W Valley Ave Apt

304 ***

Curran Creed Nolan 547 Tanker

Trail Suite 113 *****

Curt Anthony R 3407 11th St SE Apt

303 *

Curtis Emmeline H 710 12th St NW


Curtis Joshua J 1307 37th Ave SE *

Curtis Shane 150 39th Ave SE Apt

111 *

Da Silva Diony 1937 N Broadway

Apt 244 *

Dabney Kelly 1740 13th St SE Apt

302 *

Dagner Mike 434 5th Ave NW *

Dahl Brian 26601 54th Ave SW


Dakota Affordable BuildersHi Po

Box 3448 *

Dakota Drive Llc 101 31st St SW *

Dakota Eye Care Pc 5925 14th Ave

SW *

Dakota Lounge 1525 31st Ave SW *

Dakotah Mineral Company Po Box

3062 *

Dalbey Kate 6716 County Rd 15w *

Dalby Kody 3401 County Road 19 *

Dalen Jesse 605 5th St SW *

Dallas Kenneth Othella 11 36th Ave

NW Apt 103 *

Dallolio Michael 2144 14th St NW *

Dankiewicz Matthew T 1315 8th St

NW *

Danks Jordan J Unknown

Darmody David Po Box 66


Darrell Harkins L 16 4th St NE *

Darveaux Kendall A 711 36th St SW


David Ray 601 24th St SW 109 *

David Shirley 601 24th St SW 109


Davidson Tracy L 1905 28th SW *

Davies Chad M 119 Chevy Chase


Davies Tr Hal S Po Box 179 *

Davis Joanna 425 5th Ave NE *

Davis Jonathan Laru 225 19th St SE


Davis Karen 3800 Hwy 2 And 52 W


Davis Karlie L 625 15th St SE Lot

123 *

Davis Kim 719 28th Ave SW Apt 1 *

Davy Pamela 1500 16th St NW *

Dayan Yan S 3015 16th St SW #318


Dean S Excavating 207 121st Ave

SW *

Deardorf Michael Po Box 141


Dearlove Crystal 2213 33rd St NW

Apt 105 *

Decent Tad Po Box 592 *

Decker Justin D 16 University Ave

W *

Deckert R J 20 Burdick Expwy W

404 *

Decoteau Nicole 3100 11th Ave SE

Lot A17

Defenbaugh Kurt 1432 Golden Val-

ley Ln *

Degeest Dwan 1325 27th St SE

#918 *

Degroff Kevin Unknown *

Deharty Cody 608 9th St NW *

Deibert Andrew A 405 31st Ave SE

Lot 89 *

Dela Cruz Juan Pablo 2900 Valley

St 53 *

Delgado Raquel 193 Winding Way

Apt 2 **

Delisimo Cafe Llc 122 Main St S Ste

F *

Delonais Levi 1320 13th St S


Delre Daycel Po Box 897 *

Demaree Andrew Nathaniel 1208

16th Ave SW *

Demel Ralph 3200 2nd SE St *

Demuhcha Wendy 901 2nd Ave *

Dennis Autumn 810 64th Ave NE

Lot 27 *

Dennis Bert Unknown *

Denton Smith Lee Unknown

Derheim Ryan 1300 32nd Ave SW

Apt 105 *

DeschNEau Estate Carmen 1728

2nd SE *

Desilets Wayner 3100 11th Ave SE

Lot 13 *

Detailed By Design 9111 84th Ave

SE *

Diaz Sulema 2957 8th St NW *

Dickey Harry M Po Box 371 *

Dig It Up Unknown *

Dill Rachael M 600 Valley St *

Dimaano Mercedita 1612 16th St

NW *

Dishman Michael E 3321 7th St NE

Apt 110

Dittus Mary M 1118 13th St NW *

Dixon Andrew 409 Parkway Dr Apt#


Dixon Shonda L 102 Landing Ct Apt

1 *****

Dockter Jeremy A 315 9th Ave SE *

Dolan Helga O 1209 7th Ave NW *

Dolan Mike F 800 16th Ave SE 26 *

Donoso Samuel Unit 2043 Dorm

221 MAFB

Dopp Michele 608 20th St NW *

Double Back Property Group L 2604

20th St NW *

Dougherty Timothy 1809 5th SE Apt

6 *

Drcm Llc Dba Dots Pretzels 9400

275th Ave SE *********

Duarte Dominic 122 6th St SE *

Dunnell W H Unknown *

Dunsmoor Susan 1608 13th St SW *

Dupuis Kyle V 2024 9th St NW *

Duranceau Ronald R Apt 1 113

Winding Way *****

Durword Est Julia 1325 27th St SE

Lot 424*

Eades Robert Po Box 62 *******

Eagle Well SErvice 50401 Hwy 52

N ******

Eagle Well SErvice Inc Po Box 853


Eaton Christopher 805 31st Ave NW


Ebersold Tristin 1250 27th Ave NW

Apt 138

Eckleberry Taylor Marie 7308 62nd

Ave NW

Eckmann Iris 2708 18th Ave SW *

Edwards Cody 8620 Ct Rd 15 W *

Edwardson Sherry 521 13th St NW *

Efraimson JesSE 505 36th Ave NE *

Egge Jessica Rocha 8501 11th Ave

NW ***

Egglesgon Scott 3100 15th St SE *

Ehigiamusoe Wendy 505 36th Ave

NE *

Ehlers James L P O Box 633 ******

Ehley Lovina 912 Park St SW *

Ehr Chase D 2531 El Rio Dr *

Eicher David 1945 20th Ave SE *

Eisenbeis John 705 Park St Apt 24 *

Elder Raven 101 Grace St ***

Eldredge Kara 2815 5th St SW Apt

#102 *

Ellingson David 7300 County Road

19 S *

Ellis Lewis Unknown *

Enbridge Unknown *

ENESEco Energy Service Unknown


Enniss Whitney L 2346 14th St NW


Enseco Unknown *

Enterprise Rent A Car 1825 S

Broadway *

EOG Resouces Unknown *

Epple Amber 3800 2nd St NE *

Erickson Brady 111 1st St SE Apt L


Erickson Kimberly 511 36th Ave NE

Apt 101

Erie Edward 2 Cedar Country Club

Village *

Eselgroth Whitney 806 17th Ave SE

Apt 605

Eslinger Chad 1612 Main St S *

Estate Of Edith Pulvermacher Box

416 ******

Estate Of Gene Bredahl 6290 57th


Estate Of Mable M Seyffer Po Box

3148 *

Estate Of Otto Baumgarten 115 7th

St SE *

Estrada Jose 1740 13th St SE Apt

311 *

Evans Jordan R 2405 8th St SW *

Evans Md Patrick 1301 SE 31st Ave


Ezernack Dustin M 10 Dundy Dr Apt

2 *****

Fair Brent 1422 2nd St SE *

Falcon James 1325 27th St SE Lot

404 *

Falcon Troy A 710 Fox Tail Dr *

Fallen Michael C 100 Dauphin Dr

Apt 2 *****

Farah 1622 12th St NW *

Farhart Moody M 304 Minot Federal

Savings & Loan Bldg *

Farris Mark A 113 Main St S Apt

205 *

Fast Energy Services Llc 8645 Hwy

5 Po Box 67 ******************

Feland Brothers Po Box 908 *

Feland Farms Unknown *

Felder Rashawn 2717 5th St NW *

Fennell Sydney 2800 125th St SE *

Fenner Jonelle G 116 36th Ave SE *

Fenske Cole 3701 6th St NE Apt

310 *

Ferguson Chris 1540 32nd Ave SW

Apt 1 *

Ferreira Dawn M 209 27th St NW *

Ferrero Raymond 12 19th St NW *

Ferris Michailam Bk 276 Rm 220


Fiberglass Specialties 7600 Hwy 2 E


Fiedler Janice 1830 7th St SW *

Finch Amanda1300 32nd Ave SW

Apt 216 *

Finke Heather L 28900 100th Ave

NW *******

Fischbach Arie Po Box 967 *

Fischer V J 303 8th Ave SE *

Fisher Elizabeth 305 8th Ave NE

#151 *

Fisher Estate H H Box 1696 *

Fisher Gerald K 1401 11th St SW *

Fisher H H Box 1696 *

Fishpaw Charles 2501 Brookside

Drive *

Fitzmaurice Thomas 322 8th Ave

SE *

Fix Cyiera Po Box 252 *********

Fladung WhitNEy 3334 8th St NE *

Flanagan Linda 1209 7th Ave NW *

Flatt Dean 1029 10th St NW B *

Flemmer Irvin R 1005 Eisenhower

Dr *

Flemmer JuNE 1005 Eisenhower Dr


Floberg Eric 921 1st St NE *

Flom Dennis Lee 2700 Brookside

Drive *

Floral Enhancement Unknown

Flores Eric J 2803 15th Ave NW Apt

A *

Foisy Elizabeth 305 28th St NW *

Folden Amanda Jane 1315 14th Ave

SE *

Folden Tristen 6751 26th St NW


Foley Duane 2012 Ida Mae Court *

Fonner Karin 126 Waverly Way Unit

2 *****

Foreid Michael 7 Durango Dr ***

Forrest Thomas 1945 20th Ave SE *

Forsberg Stuart 2376 14th St NW *

Forsberg Stuart 315 Main St S Ste

303 *

Foster Alex General Delivery *

Fowler Brittany Apt 1 28 Dundee Dr


Fox 4004 Main St S Apt A *

Fradenburg Shawn Unknown *

Francisco Michael Bk 276 Rm 117


Franco Enrique 1820 4th Ave NW *

Freebury Jack 1005 Soo St *

Freebury Michelle 427 11th St NW *

Freeman Clarke N Apt 1 107 Delmar

Cts *****

Frenette Joseph A 1730 1st SE St *

Frenette Laura M 1730 1st SE St *

Frimpong James 22 Main St S 27 *

Froseth Jeremy 3501 21st St SE *

Frost Chelsea Lee 419 N Main St *

Fruh A M Unknown *

Fuhler Jessica R 107 2 Delmar Ct


Fuller John 105 10th Ave NE *

Fuller Phyllis E 2 Mackley Apt *

Fulton Sidonya 106 Soo St ***

Fw Finishes Llc 419 13th St SE *

Fyffe Celene A 140 Coral Court *****

Gallagher Rusti 122 5th Ave SE *

Galvin Brendan 7501 15th Ave SE *

Gamez Robert 612 Colton St Apt# 6


Gange Tim P 109 8th St SE *

Garber Adam M 120 41st Ave SE

Apt 206 *

Garcia Ambrose D 805 7th St NW *

Garcia Eric 1909 31st Ave SW Apt

252 *

Garcia Eric 1909 31st Ave SW Apt

252 *

Garcia Mario 1250 27th St NW Apt

110 *

Garcia Roland 2815 15th Ave NW

Unit B *

GardNEr Janel 400 18th Ave SE Apt

60 *

Garrett Andrea 404 13th Ave NE *

Garrison David 905 3rd St SW *

Garvin Jim 1714 35 Ave SE *

Gefroh Theresa 1804 Terrace Dr *

Geiger Rhonda 5110 Hwy 2 E Lot

D16 *

Geisinger Chad E 2745 Heritage Dr


General Trading Co Minot Po Box

1328 *

Genre Raye A 2900 2nd Ave SW *

Genzel Haley 1211 University Ave

W *

Gertrude Janet 1421 5th St SW Aka

G Janet Gunderson Spotted Bear *

Gettleman Joyce Leone 910 2nd

Ave NW *

Ghimire Dillip C 610 6th Ave SW *

Gichana Veronicah 3 36th Ave NE

Apt 208 *

Gilgallon Kevin B 112 Main St S Apt

2 *

Gisin Walter 2717 B 5th St NW Apt’


Give Kids The World Unknown

Giznsky Andre Apt 4 2026 Fourth St

NW *

Gjerde Kara 1216 Valley St *

Glaesemann Justin 2023 SkyliNE

Drive *

Glass Casey T 221 19th St NW *

Glasser Sue Po Box 7321


Gleason Amy 8040 Cty Rd 15w *

Gleason Leo 1000 2nd St SE Apt

704 *

Glessing David 1509 73rd St SE *

Glover Robert Psc 2 Box 15744


Gobah Martha Y 310 27th Ave NW

13 *

Godwin Dale 1910 35th Ave SW Apt

305a *

Godwin Lori Po Box 1984 *

Goetsch Bryan 1 177 Winding Way

Apt 2 *****

Goetsch Margaret 1715 1st Ave SE


Goetsch Margaret1720 13th St SE

Apt 211 *

Gonzales Aaron Bk 210 Rm 314


Gonzalez Adam 1301 31st Ave SW

Apt *

Goodman Loren Michael 500

University Ave Pioneer 209 *

Goodnight Joshua R 611 5th St SW


Gordon Glenn R 125 Waverly Way

Apt 2

Gorman Patrick 1940 S Broadway

Ste 492 *

Gouasmia Hamid 1112 43rd St SE *

Grabow Gayle R Po Box 295 ****

Grabow Harlan D Po Box 295 ****

Grad Megan Po Box 195 *********

Graham Construction Unknown *

Granada Dominica M 500 University

Ave W Cook Hall 2s *

Grand Junction Resturant 1938 S


Grandma Carol S Cruisin Kitchen

14211 Hwy 52 S *********

Grandslam Gaming Cards Comics

13a Second Ave SE *

Grassel Ben 4525 8th St NW *

Graves M Pauline 1818 8th St SW *

Graves Riley 800 8th St NW Minot *

Gray Bryon L Po Box 492 *

Green Steven Ryan 107 Pleasant

Ave N ****

Green Tree Servicing Llc 800 31st

Ave SE Lot 819 *

Greenberg Erin M 1504 11th St SE *

Greenwood George 2016 33rd St

NW Apt 305 *

Greer Alex S 3407 11th St SE Apt

211 *

Greer Robert 3407 11th St SE Apt

211 *

Gregorio Sanchez Drywall Llc 624

18th St NW B *

Gregory 2808 6th St SW *

Gregory Joshua 3701 6th St NE 312


Griffin Ashley 600 Maple St Apt 2 *

Grimes Jason W 728 NE 11th St *

Grimson Ronald G 2604 6th St NW


GriSWold Justin A 505 11st NW *

Gronberg June 21401 198th Ave


Gross Catherine 1207 8th St NW *

Groves YvonNE 102-1 Linden Ct


Grubaugh Scott 120 ShawNEe Rd

Apt 1 *****

Gruca Ted 8550 247th Ave SE


Grundy Sarah 1021 2nd Ave SW *

Guerrero Brenna 1207 8th St NW *

Guldborg Susan 1000 20th Ave NW

Apt C12 *

Gulick Amanda 107 Indian Rock Cir

Apt 2

Gunter Steven T 3221 11st St SW *

Gutierrez Michael D 710 2nd Ave

SE *

Guzman Rosa 804 Burdick Expy W


Haak Leah R 1720 13th St SE Apt

205 *

Hackett Latrisha 2019 4th St NW *

Hagen Tyler O Unknown

Hagenaur Grant Po Box 4244 *

HageNEss Jason Unknown *

Haggin Vicki A 111 1st St N E *

Hagood Katherine A 1588 35th Ave

SE *

Halgrimson Joseph 2401 Blake

Road *

Hallberg David 615 12th St NE *

Hallum Hilma 715 16th Ave SW *

Halpert Joel GeNEral Delivery *

Halstengard Dean Po Box 3514 *

Halter E J 701 6th St NE *

Halvorson Harley L 180 Souris Dr *

Hambeck Robert 1816 2nd Ave NW


Hamilton Bartholomew 1940 S

Broadway 387 *

Hamilton Gary R 816 27th St NW *

Hand Christopher P 1019 2nd Ave

SW *

Haney Nathan I 3805 2nd St NE Apt

210 *

Hanke Brian C 1220 27th Ave NW

Apt 220 *

Hankla Alice M 1805 2nd Ave SW *

Hanna Douglas 10 N Wallace St ***

Hanselman Andrew 1000 4th Ave

NW *

Hansen Joyce 501 24th Ave SW Apt

215 *

Hansen Tobie 324 2nd St NE ****

Hanson Christopher D 2915 9th St

SE *

Hanson George C Unknown *

Hanson Jacob 3015 16th St SW Apt

334 *

Hanson Jay 913 15th Ave SE *

Hanson John C 216 Tanker Trail Rd

Apt 109d *****

Hanson Mandy F 2915 9th St SE *

Hanson Rebecca 1113 10th St NW *

Hanson Rhonda Po Box 215 *******

Hardt Sara 1919 35th SW *

Haroldson Bertha Unknown *

Harrington Ishmael 1030 5th Ave

SW Lot 112 *

Harrington W M Unknown *

Harris Marvin 415 3rd Ave NW Apt

A *

Harris Marvin E 1300 35th Ave SE *

Harris Victoria 3801 Crossing St SW

Apt 1j *

Hartbarger Douglas 14 24th St SW *

Hartwig Kent 1725 2nd Ave SW Apt

304 *

Hartwig Tracey L 414 18th St NW *

Harvey Capri P.O. Box 114 ***

Hatcreek Properties 4415 Burdick

Expy E *

Hauge Kyle Po Box 2272 *

Haugen Elfreda G Unknown *

Haugen Ole O Unknown *

Haugen Staci 1015 27th St SE Lot

115 *

Hawkenson Jeff Unknown *

Hay Coulee Truck And 101 125th St

SE ****

HayNEs Nikiria D 109 Sirocco Dr


Haywood Michael 1604 20th Ave

NW Apt 301 *

Healey Arhtur R Unknown *

Healy Charlotte A 322 8th Ave SE *

Hedstrand Jarid 2324 27th St SE *

Hegele Christopher Paul 1600 20th

Ave NW 303 *

Hegle Randy 1318 5th St SW *

Hegney Keith D Po Box 486 ****

Heidemann Joshua 921 Delmar Ct *

Heidrich Brandi M 1901 30th Ave

NE *

Heller Noel B 23 MoraiNE Pt *

Helming Mark E 802 NE 7th Ave

Helsel Dustin B 522 27th Av NW *

Hemstad Kris 405 31st Ave SE Lot

55 *

Hennix Po Box 34 ******

Henricksen Sophus Unknown *

Hensley 812 3rd St NW *

Hepper Jessie 800 16th Ave SE Apt

68 *

Herfindahl Trevin 2820 47th St SE *

Heritage Insurance SErvices 408

20th Ave SW Suite 101 *

Hernandez Inna A 114 Glacier Dr

Apt 1 *****

Hernandez Joel Gomez 2213 33rd

St NW Apt 211 *

Hernandez Rolando 2400 10th St

SW Apt 408 *

Hernandez Tony Po Box 334 *

Hernes Mathistad Janet 621 16th St

NW *

Herr Farms 10200 289th Ave SE


Herrmann Kelly W 4600 16th Ave

SE *

Herrmann Kimberly A 4600 16th

Ave SE *

Hertz Josh C 1303 31st Ave SE *

Herzog Paul N 1924 3rd St NW *

Hesch Nicole M 6011 27th Ave SE *

Hess Corporation 3015 16th St W

Suite 20 *

Hester HH Address Unknown *

Hiatt Eric 6300 24th Ave SE *

Hightower Garren 1604 20th Ave

NW Apt 101 *

Hill Estate Frances 6801 Rd 19 S *

Hill Frances Po Box 974 *

Hill Rebecca Unknown *

Hillstrom Adam W 2017 5 St NW

Apt 3 *

Hingst Shannon Jo 600 4th Ave NW

Apt 3 *

Hinojosa Natasha 505 36th Ave NE

Apt 105

Hitt JoSEph 1000 15 1/2 Ave SW *

Hochsprung Kristoser 1740 13th St

SE Apt 101 *

Hocker Rhoda 500 36th Ave NE *

Hoehn Aimee L 2004 4th St NW *

Hoff Ashley 919 36th St SE *

Hoffart Danielle 1510 13th St NW

Apt F *

Hoffer Wendi L 7 Glacial Ct *

Hoffstetter William 108 Lilac Ln Apt

22 *

Hogston Joshua L 715 3rd Ave NW


Hoke William J 1123 11th St NW

Apt 4 *

Holien Alycia 1800 NW Ave Apt A *

Holm Mike 1803 Terrace Ct *

Holman Jessica 2220 35th St NW

Apt 109 *

Holter Angela 424 Main St N *

Home Depot Unknown *

Honeycutt Paul Unit 1616 Dorm

1616 *****

Hooker Jeffrey 3029 8th St SE *

Hoover Shane 117 Glacier Dr Apt# 2


Hopson-Borel Glyn Paul 611 3rd St

NW Apt 202 *

Horton Jasmine 3312 21st Ave NW

#202 *

Hove Lorin W Po Box 3574 *

Hovland Layne 615 6th Ave NE *

Howlig Wolf Paige 910 3 Ave NW *

Huang Weiwei 2400 10th St SW Ofc


Huber Jeff Unknown *

Huerta Ryan 511 36th Ave NE Apt

110 *

Huertadevilla Luz 325 18th Ave SE

Apt D *

Huesers Brenda Unknown *

Huffman Emilee L Apt 2 104 Lariat

Ln *****

Hughes Baker Po Box 4201 *

Huighe Keith Robert 19 Robert St


Hunt Consolidated Unknown

Hunt Josh 1000 2nd St SE Apt# 408


Hurst Sarah 169 Winding Way Apt 2


Hurt Lorrayne Po Box 786 *

Hurt Richard L 515 9th Ave NE *

Huseby Josh 1005 2nd Ave SW *

Hutchins Michael 400 18th Ave SE

Apt 57 *

Hvidsten Brenda Box 91 711 Colton

Ave ***

Hyde Ian 1216 Valley St *

Iams Marvin 704 18st NW *

Imonin 2717 5th Ave NW, Bldg A *

Infera Source Unknown *

Infra Source Construction Unknown


Investors Real Esate Trust Po Box

1988 *

ItthmaNEekul Methat 1937 N Broad-

way Rm 149 Guest Lodge *

Iverson Larry 901 21st St NW *

Iverson Leann 901 21st St NW *

J J Rentals Unknown *

Jackson Jimmy 2901 7th St SW Apt

21 *

Jackson Joanna 107 Main St S Apt

305 *

Jackson Maria 514 1st St SW Apt 3


Jacobson Garry 6090 Old Hwy 2


Jaensch Casey G 1337 34th Ave SE


James Joe A 2512 6th St NW *

James Kathleen M 2512 6th St NW


Jarvis Lindsay 209 7th St SE *

Jean-Louis Jean 1325 27th St SE *

Jeffries Andre Dorm 221 Unit 2128


Jensen Charles G Po Box 612

Jenson Levi E 2405 Academy Rd *

Jerome S Collision Center 2705 N

Broadway *

Jessen Anna 8 Casa Dr ***

JH Medical Supply 1316 8th St SW *

Jobe Paula 2900 Valley St Lot 57 *

Johansen Bethany 1771 64th St NW


Johnson 6101 170th St **************

Johnson Ben Unknown *

Johnson Brandon 13 1st Ave SW *

Johnson Brandon 1501 35th Ave SE

Apt 106 *

Johnson Briahnna Michelle 2820c

5th St NW Apt 204 *

Johnson Brian L 430 12th St NW *

Johnson Connie 426 4th St NW Apt

B *

Johnson Danny D 1120 42nd St *

Johnson Delorez 918 1st Ave SW *

Johnson Don Unknown

Johnson Dorothy 616 11th St NE *

Johnson Jerad B 1601 282nd St NW

Johnson Justin 3 Main St S Apt 410


Johnson Ken 2300 SW 19th St *

Johnson LaverNE K 2040 5th St NW

#1 *

Johnson Matthew D 435 11th St NW


Johnson Mclaurin Tyler 6 Dundee Dr

Apt 2

Johnson Norman D 901 3rd Ave NW


Johnson Peter Unknown *

Johnson Phd Deborah K 1015 S

Broadway Ste 37 *

Johnson Sarah 413 3rd St W


Johnson Teria 426 4th St NW B B *

Johnson Terry Po Box 114


Johnston Scott E 202 3rd Ave SE

Jones Stanley 629 11th St NE *

Jordan Gary 1945 20th Ave SE 136


Jorgensen Helen 1201 4th St SW *

Jorstad Martin C 819 N. Central

Ave. ******

Joseph Merlyna 1200 32nd Ave SW

Apt 202

Joseph Roy Unknown *

Josh Myers 720 Wern Ave *

Joshua G Nypaver 13 Dundee Dr

Apt 1 *****

Js Construction Inc Unknown

Juergens Mary 109 24th St NW *

Julius Brian N 5 23rd St NW *

Jundt Kathryn Unknown

Jundt Raymond 2009 5th St 4 *

Jurgel Miaja 2517 11th Ave NW *

Kadirvelu Sudarshan 1200 32nd Ave

SW Apt# 311 *

Kalas Elnorbert M Apt 2 124 Waver-

ly Way

Kambeitz Cody 3100 11th Ave SE

E29 *

Kambhampati Ramana S 406 31st

Ave SE Lot 239 *

Kamon Nicholas A B 2202 11th Ave

NW *

Kamrow C J Unkknown *

Kanenwisher Josh 408 6th St SW *

Karen Terry 1762 35th Ave SW *

Kary Travis P 1308 6th St NE *

Kaya Baris 1620 20th Ave NW Apt

302 *

Kehm Everett Rr 4 Box 123 *

Kell Properties Llc 811 2612 St SW


Keller Brandee 1402 17 1/2 SW

Ave *

Keller Sean Anthony 1720 Broad-

way St *

Kellum Rianni 1909 31st SW Apt

329 *

Kelsey Ben 1801 6th St SE Apt B *

Kemaldean Joann 2600 4th St NW 3


Kempf Adam 1117 10th St NW *

Kendall Lisa 310 2nd St SE 403 *

Kendrick Alexander Po Box 3271 *

Kenmare Ambulance Service Po

Box 817

Kenmare Amulance Service Po Box


Kennedy Dannalee D 5110 Hwy 2 E

Lot C5

Kettel Derek 432 11th St NW *

Key Care Pharmacy 400 E Burdick

Expy E Suite 201 *

Keyes Bo 1115 Soo St *

Keyes Bo K 715 SW 37th St *

Kicker Lyle 1325 27th St SE Lot 713


Kies Michael W 3004 10th St NW *

Kimball Mathew 1917 7th St NW *

King Ashley R 1105 Delmar Ct Apt 2


King Lucile 204 2nd Ave NW ******

Kinney Donald 907 4th St SE *

Kirk Michael Po Box 3014 *

Kittleson Clifford Unknown *

Kleven Lester 608 20th St NW *

Klimpel Devonna Pobox 152


Klimpel Jessica 3100 11th Ave SE

Lot B34 *

Klimpel Mark A 3100 11th Ave SE

Lot B34 *

Kluck Andrea 2632 20th St NW *

Kluver H A Unknown *

Knights Booster 300 Sumit Dr Suite


Knopfle Evelyn K 3520 30th St NW *

Knudson Alexis J 1325 27th St SE

#167 *

Knutson Nathan P 833 54th St SE *

Knutson Sean 1207 Valleyview Dr *

Kolb Becky 10 1st St SW Apt 1 *

Kolobakken Floyd 925 University

Ave W *

Kondos 1329 Sunset Blvd *

Kongelf Katie Mackenzie 1420 12th

St SW *

Koop Trisha 2208 24th Ave SW *

Kopp Ruth E 7910 County Rd 15w *

Kornbluth Joel 3104 NW 8th St *

Korom Dorothy 924 28th Ave SW

408 B *

Koschney Beverly 1000 2nd St SE

Apt 1001

Kosiak Maureen 314 16th Ave SW *

Kovacs Richard L 415 17th Ave SW


Kraft Carey 11010 19th Ave NW ***

Kraft Chance A 1424 8th St SW *

Kraft Kelby 2841 62nd Ave NE *

Kramer Mark 504 25 Th St SW *

Kraus Tracy L 1905 28th St SW *

Krebsbach Estate Paul 1715 NW

6th St *

Krebsbach Karen K 1715 6th St NW


Krebsbach Paul D Po Box 1767 *

Krebsbach Realty Company Inc PO

Box 1767 *

Krueger Kacey 1605 26th Ave NW *

Kruse Ken 628 7th Ave NE *

Kumpf Curtis W 1015 S Broadway *

Kuntz Kathy J 1718 5th St SW *

Kuntz Samantha 521 13th St SE *

Kunz Kenneth 1123 NE 8th Ave Unit

A *

Kxmd Cbs11 Po Box 1686 *

Kyle Charlie Unknown *

Kyle Kevin 939 Delmar Ct *

Kyu Khin 1328 13th St SW *

Lacount Brian Unknown *

Lahaise Timothy G 404 24th St NW


Lahti Jeanna 1431 7th St SW *

Laird Dustin 3800 2nd St NE Apt110


Lakoduk Marta 2400 2nd Ave SW *

Lakoduk Susan 3701 NE 10th St *

Lamers Tressie 719 28th Ave SW

Apt 3 *

Lanctot Katherine M 504 8th St NE *

Landeros Cervando 2045 5th St NW

Apt 3 *

Landers Jerry 53101 366th Av NW


Ln Beau N 5120 18th Ave SE *

Langager Rita 1112 9th St SW *

Langager Tyrone 1112 9th St SW *

Laqua Cecilia 1704 3rd St SE *

Laqua Richard 1704 3rd St SE *

Lara Laura S 1720 13th St SE Apt

304 *

Larcombe Kathryn M 707 8th St NW


Larcombe Richard C 707 8th St NW


La0rson Electric Unknown

Larson Estate JoanNE 2200 7th Ave

NW *

Larson Jeffery A 1101 14th St NW *

Larson LowaiNE H Po Box 875 *

Larson Scott R 705 Park St Apt #8 *

Larson W 600 4th St SE *

Larue Elizabeth 711 7th St NW *

Latendresse Kellen 5000 Ribba

Drive *

Lattergrass Jenny 400 18th Ave SE

Apt 22 *

Lautenschlager Mason M 424 Moore

Ave NE *******

Lavender Michael C 1127 11th St

NW Apt A *

Lawhorn Shannon 17 Mian St Saptc


Lawrence Justin E 108 Landing Ct

Apt 2

Lazaretto Anthony 617 Valley St *

Leavitt Timothy 3201 Willow Ln SE *

Leblanc Ernest A Po Box 221 *******

Leblanc Kathleen Po Box 221 *******

Lecavalier Sean P 1812 6th St SE

Apt A *

Lee Kimberly 140 41st Ave SE Apt#

207 *

Lee Larry Unknown *

Lee Randy 2101 3rd St NW Lot 612


Lehman Regina 741 Valley St Apt

#1 *

Leo Shepherd W 310 2nd St SE Ste

1411 *

Levi Sink Co 1515 24th Ave SW *

Lewis And Clark Berthold Unknown


Lewis Keith A 3015 16th St SW 213


Libi Dionisio T 1220 20th St NW *

Lies Michael R 219 8th St SE *

Lincoln Bobbie S 408 1st St NW *

Lindgren Mabel C Unknown *

Lingren Robert A 109 8th St NE *

Linnertz Dennis 1830 7th St SW *

Lipp Trinette M 6726 County Road

15 W *

Liriano Ismael Apt A 1828 5th St SE


Llb Investments 3900 County Road

19 S *

Llewellyn Wendee 928 28th Ave SW


Lloyd Jacob S 1940 S Broadway

Pmb 398 *

Locken Makenna 1300 14th Ave NW

Apt 2 *

Lockhart Napoleon 2502 4th St NW

Apt 1 *

Lockhart Seth 2202 5th Ave NW *

Lockwood Heather 911 3rd St NE *

Lopez Adrian 417 7th St NW *

Lorenz Jennifer G 1825 33rd St SW


Love Linda L 1326 4th St SW *

Lovick Craig 1100 32nd Ave SW Apt

202 *

Lovick Katrina 1100 32nd Ave SW

Apt 202 *

Lowe 1909 31st Ave SW Apt 412 *

Lowe Garalene Unknown *

Lowe James L 1546 16th St NW *

Loya Regina 502 1st St *

Lucero Angelo 416 7th St NW *

Ludwick Vance 1730 13th St SE Apt

209 *

Lund Arnold R Po Box 215 *

Lundeen Clarence408 Cottonwood

Ave *

Lundmark Kelsie 406 31st Ave SE

314 *

Lutzke Diana R 1437 Main St S *

Lynn Dennis A 3311 8th St NE Apt

313 *

Lynn Gloria D 3311 8th St NE Apt

313 *

Lynn Liefson Unknown *

Lynn Valorie Apt E 3203 8th St NE *

Lyons Larry 500 22nd St *****

Lystvedt Sandra J 1459 1st St SW *

Mackinnon Andrew J 217 Dorm Unit


Maddox Michael 1314 3rd St NE *

Madrid Alex 804 7th St NW *

Madry Bobby W 9911 Hwy 52 S *

Magana Israel 2200 W 33rd *

Magic City Hotel 1901 S Broadway *

Magic City Implement 1915 Hwy 2

Bypass E P.O. Box 105 *

Magic City Improvement 7950 Hwy

2e 108 *

Magic City Youth Baseball 1940 S

Broadway *

Magoto Brian 1000 Psc Box *****

Mahoney Audrey G Po Box 194


Mahoney Ryan 104 Lariat Ln Apt 1


Main St Partner Unknown

Mallory Joshua 600 31st Ave SW

Apt 104 *

Mandala Paul 1800 16th St NW Apt

11 *

Mangulabnan Marco 416 7th St NW


Manley Electrical Inc P O Box 456


Manna Skate Board 1116 10th St

NW Apt 1*

Manning Ashley 2717 5th St NW Apt

208 D*

Manroe James R 2046 4th St NW 1


Marian Lund Estate 4 Vista Dr *

Mark Dominguez 1 719 19th Ave

NW *

Marker Consulting Llc 1900 12th St

SW *

Marks Joyell 1305 37th Ave SE *

Marquardt Robert E 1400 78th St

SE *

Marquart Michael T 1825 33rd St

SW *

Martin 11001 100th St SW *

Martin David 411 8th St Apt 2b *

Martin Jeremiah Josephy 1300 32nd

Ave SW Apt 213 *

Martin Michael David 2213 33rd St

NW *

Martinez David 110 Delmar Ct Apt 2


Martinez Edgar F 2170 Landmark

Cir *

Martinez Javier 2051 14th St NW *

Martins Victor M 3109 10th St NW *

Marum Shelly Po Box 63 *******

Masso Kaitlin A 3015 16th St SW

Apt 308 *

Matejovsky Brianna Box 338 ******

Matejovsky Joey Po Box 388 ******

Mathis Austin Taylor Dorm 122 Unit

1763 Rm 199 *

Mathistad Todd A 621 16th St NW *

Matson Marie Unknown *

Matt Whitney Skye 1325 35th Ave

SE Apt 105 *

Mau Timothy W Po Box 473 ******

Maucher Amy 1115 25th St NW *

May Andrew T 1000 Psc Box *****

May Cody & Amanda 3414 11th St

SE *

May David L Po Box 3262 *

Mayer Frank P 1608 5th St *

Mayes Sage 120-2 Indian Rock

Cirecle *

Mcallister Della 710 6th Ave NE *

Mcandrew Daniel Apt10 205 27th

Ave NW *

Mcbride Thomas 505 36th Ave NE

Apt 201 *

Mcbrien Michael 3123 8th St NE *

Mccabe Jonathan 8200 93rd St SE *

Mccallum Danielle 2512 Bel Air

Place *

Mccarthy Sarah 1909 31st Ave SW

Apt 250*

Mccauley Christopher 1217 Valley

View Dr*

Mccrory 511 7th St SW *

Mccutcheon Alex 400 27th Ave NW

Apt 105

Mcdermott Justin 2308 Academy Rd


Mcdonalds 1400 25th Ave SW *

Mcdonough Daniel Allen 612 Colton

St Apt 3 *

Mcgath Preston 1007 Eisenhower

Dr *

Mcgeathy Larrissa 308 18th Ave SW

Apt 10

Mcgee Dandrea 234 14th Ave SE

Apt 204 *

Mcgraw Justin 1309 1st St *

Mcguire Briana 711 Aster Loop *

Mcguire Matthew 425 28th St SW

Apt B *

Mcintosh Jared 1933 Hiawatha St

SE *

Mckamy Michele E 921 3rd St SE *

Mckay Cynthia 6 Green Way *

Mckinney Michiaela Lee 615 Colton

Ave Lot 2 ***

Mclachlan Caitlin 500 Univ Ave 306

B Crane W *

Mclaughlin Shaun 1302 6th Ave NE


Mclean Killian Michael 13001 2nd St

NW Lot 55 *

Mcneal Jr Landers 2059 8th St NW *

Mcnurlin Mark 25000 324th St SW

Mcpherson Deborah 1319 Tuxedo

Rd *

Meadows David C 1720 N. 13th St

SE *

Meadows Kristin 1305 Appaloosa

Way *

Meagher Jason R 1852 16th St SW

Lot 71 *

Meagher Justin 1852 16th St SW

Lot 71 *

Medici Druscella L 2019 2nd Ave

SW 4 *

Meinhardt Bake 609 18th St NW *

Melchert Robin 2801 6th St SW 3 *

Meldahl Fred P 10 Green Way *

Melton John 2604 Crescent Dr *

Mendiola Shareen 126 Glacier Dr

Apt 2 *****

Mendoza John P Po Box 2229 *

Merrill Lauren 9695 59th Ave NW


Metcalf Kevin Po Box 2296 *

Metzger Eric 517 20th Ave NW *

Meyer Emily 1100 54th Ave SW *

Meyer John A 1

051 Larson Ln *

Meyer Joseph Anthony 1805 2nd

Ave SW #207 *

Meyer Sadie 1754 35th Ave SE *

Midgett Tracy L 3705 2nd St NE *

Mierow Anita 3100 11th Ave SE Lot

E3 *

Mihalick Nora 1417 1st St SW *

Mike Gina 705 CoNEflower Dr *

Mike Patty 802 Dogwood Dr *

Mikkelson Brock 50711th Ave SE *

Millard Flesha J Po Box 232


Millen 3117 8th St NE *

Miller Briana 500 54th St NW Apt#

17 *

Miller Corey F 921 41st St SE *

Miller Matthew H 601 3rd St NW *

Miller Reuben J 7925 43rd Ave NW

Mills Charla 1945 20th Ave SE *

Mills Charla A Po Box 2084 *

Mills Clayton L Po Box 2084 *

Minot Builders Supply Unknown *

Minot Hcp Pharmacy 10 Missile Ave


Minot Pharmacy 10 Missile Ave *****

Minot Phcy 10 Missile Ave Bldg 194


Minot’s Finest Collisino Center 919

36th St SE *

Minots Finest Collision 524 31st Ave

SW *

Mitzel Lexus 702 Foxtrail Dr *

Mlt Vacations 2915 N Broadway *

Mocko Justin 1200 32nd Ave SW

Apt# 316 *

Moeller Mike 1417 14th St SW *

Moilan Arne 2514 Burdick Expwy E

Unit B *

Molstre Amanda E 1502 Wildwood

Ave *

Moore Matthew A 905 4th St SE *

Moorman Creighton J 2717 E 5th St

NW Apt 101 *

Moorman Creighton J 3316 8th St.

NE *

Morales Benjamin 1117 6th St SW *

Morales JoSE 1117 6th St SW *

Morales JoSE 1519 1st Ave SE *

Morales Minerva Benjamin 1117 6th

St SW*

Moreno Micheal A 77 Dundee Dr

Apt 1 *****

Morgan Marshall A 303 Hillcrest Dr *

Morgan Mildred 303 Hillcrest Dr NE


Morris Zachary D 3605 2nd St NE

Apt 206 *

Morriss David Unknown *

Morse Amy M 1800 Heights Ave ***

Morse Derek 1321 Golden Valley Ln


Morsette Mamie N 110 41st Ave SE


Mounts Channing 1220 27th Ave

NW Apt 128 *

Mueller Jonathan 1015 27th St SE

Lot 86 *

Mulder Jordan 1644 35th Ave SE *

Murphy 430 5th Ave SW Apt C *

Murphy Karla 501 28th Ave SW Apt

3 *

Murtaugh Jeff 1915 20th Ave SE *

Muscha Lisa 916 54th St SE *

Mwm Home Improvement 1852

16thj SW Lot 39 *

Myers Robert 1300 32nd Ave SW

Apt 104 *

Naegeli Frank D 920 3rd Ave NW *

Nagai 719 4th St NW Apt 4 *

Napa Auto Parts 14 20th Ave SE *

Narlock Jeremy K 2160 Landmark

Cir *

National Farmers Union 304 18th

Ave SW Suite A *

NCB EnterpriSE #7 – 3rd St SE C/O

Balanceworks Inc 208 *

Ndikumana Gabriel 125 19th St SE

Apt 7 *

Nebeker Benjamin 2780 Heritage Dr


Nehlsen Alexandra 1704 5th Ave

SW *

Neihart Thomas 2101 3rd St NW Lot

128 Julie Neihart Unknown*

Neihart Tom Unknown *

Nelsen Eleanor L Po Box 66 ******

Nelson 2717 5th St NW Apt 201e *

Nelson Aaron T 4911 35th Ave SE *

Nelson Berndean H 42481 366th

Ave NW

Nelson Brice 1940 S Broadway Pmb

404 *

Nelson Dorothy V 205 4th St NW *

Nelson Jordan G 1300 32nd Ave

SW 315 *

Nepomuceno Randy 724 Arbor Ave


Neptune John 2700 20th Ave SW *

Neuberger Chelsea 145-2 Winding


Neve Paul 59101 432nd Ave NW


Newman Alice 1003 Soo St *

Nguyen Anh 401 40th Ave SW Ste

121 *

Nichols Marlon A 1112 32 Ave SW

Apt 103 *

Nickens Cherryl D 439 5th Ave NW *

Nickens Elliot 439 5th Ave NW *

Nickle Rod Unknown *

Nicole Green 3241 8th St NE Apt E *

Nodland Devon 511 36th Ave NE

Apt 112 *

Nodland Devon L 616 18th Ave SE

Apt 1 *

Noel Roger J 1701 Burdick Expy E *

Nora James 840 10th St NW *

Nordstog Charles 1325 27th St SE

Lot 917 *

Norlin Brandyn 401 93rd Ave SW *

Norman Gary W 509 17th Ave SE *

N 83 Body Shop 2705 N Broadway *

N Highlands Llc 2 1108 27th St NW


Nern Bbq Llc 25 Airport Road Suite

3 *

Novak Steve Unknown *

Novasad Amanda 120 2 H St *****

Novasad Dean 120 2 H St *****

Ntz Farming Co. 2071 68th Ave NW

Nunez Matthew 1800 65th St NW *

Nwaigwe Casmiar I 1110 34th Ave,

SW *

Nybakken Body Shop Inc 1701 Bur-

dick Expy E *

Nybakken Body Shop Inc 208 Souris

Dr *

O Donnoghue Kelton J 1500 35th

Ave SE Apt 201 *

O’reilly Auto Parts 508-1 20th Ave

SW *

Obergfell Cassidy 929 Delmar Court


Obrien Stephen J 3705 2nd St NE

Apt 109 *

Ogunleye Feyisayo 916 12th Ave

NW Ap B*

Ohara William Po Box 55 ***

Ojaimor Duke 300 27th Ave NW *

Okland Ronald 1518 11th Ave NW *

Oldson Richard 117 21st NW *

Olsen Jayna 2717a 5th St NW Apt

208 *

Olson Carl M Unknown *

Olson Dds David 15 2nd Ave SW *

Olson Harlan 812 Central Ave W *

Olson Kristal 1301 31st Ave SW Apt

305 *

Olson Mabel Unknown Mabel Olson


Olson Shaylah J 34065 2nd St SW *

Olson Stephen 1301 31st Ave SW

Apt 305 *

Ondieki Joseph A 305 18th Ave SE

Apt A *

Orluck Linda 3808 Main St S Apt 1 *

Orourke W J Unknown *

Ortiz Ayab O 1730 13th St SE Apt A


Ortiz Paula 1624 20th Ave NW 301 *

Osborn Kenton 625 19th St NW *

Ostby Jeremy 1516 16th St NW *

Oukrop Nicholas 1616 Terrace Drive


Ouren Benjamin Po Box 214 *

Owen Tracy 308 5th Ave NW *

Owenson C A Unknown *

Pabalan Kate 1301 31st Ave SW

Apt 315 *

Pacheco Emilio 606 18th St SW *

Pacheco Nicole R 3122 14th St SW

Apt 3 *

Packs Fred 111-2 Rockridge Cir


Padgett Gaige Bk 205 Rm 118 *****

Pankow Marlene 800 16th Ave SE

Apt 41 *

Pankowski Steve 600 36th St. SW *

Parizek Brianna 411 8th St SW *

Parizek Ronald E 3 21st St NW *

Parker Darin L 2816 Burdick Expy E

7 *

Parker Nancy 800 31st Ave SE Lot

604 *

Parker Reginald 800 31st Ave SE

Lot 604 *

Patterson Caitlyn M 311 3rd St W

Paul Broste Rock MuSEum Unk-


Paulus Angela 514 1st Ave NE


Paulus Joshua 514 1st Ave NE


Peebles Brian 302 5th St SW ****

Peltier 3412 7th St SW *

Peltier Christopher 410 1st St E


Peralta Jacob 511 36th Ave NE Apt

210 *

Perazzo Anthony Bk 221 Rm 305c


Perkins Patricia Po Box 61 ****

Perry Sarah 110 Soo St ***

Perry Sarah 1111 37th Ave SE Apt

206 *

Peters Eric Unknown *

Peterson Adam C 1216 5th Ave NW


Peterson Brianna K Po Box 253 ****

Peterson Bruce P 1617 31st Ave SE


Peterson Glee 511 1 2 7th St SE *

Peterson Kim L 1617 31st Ave SE *

Peterson Terrance 3605 2nd St NE

Apt 301*

Petrick Jessica K 2421 39th St SE *

Phillips Keith 1306 35th Ave SE *

Pickle Me Too 18002 128th Ave NW

Piddington Valerie 19 Linden Loop

#1 *****

Podolski Tomas J 4620 32nd Ave

SE *

Poe JesSE 3312 21st Ave NW

Room 310 *

Pomoco Co 720 Wern Ave *

Ponce Carlos D 929 20th Ave SE *

Poole Clay A 809 3rd St SW *

Pope Clarence Po Box 11 *

Porreca Christina 305 27th Ave NW

Apt 10 *

Pou Teresa A 323 Po Box *

Powell Melissa 1852 16th St SW Lot

78 *

PreiNEr Kara E 1615 15th St SE *

Prescott Levin 505 Park St *

Prescott Richard 1000 2nd St SE

Apt 801*

Preskey Robert B 2320 63rd St *

Presley Chad 110 E St Apt 1 *****

Presley Krista 591 8th St NW *

Preston Barbara Peterson 1508 7th

Ave NW

Price James 1940 S Broadway 449


Price Jasmin Apt 105 3707 6th St

NE *

Price Jessie 915 3rd Ave SE *

Prose Clay 1910 35th Ave SW Apt

210a *

Pruett Christopher A 161 Delta Dr

Apt 1*****

Pryor Danny 725 4th St NW *

Pryor Danny R 615 2nd St NE *

Puckett Shatonya 630 1st St NW *

Pumpco Energy 520 64th St Ste A *

Purdy Haley 1909 31st Ave SW Apt

212 *

Pursley Tyler D 1209 8th St NW *

Quinichett Charles T Minot Airforce

Base Dorm 216 Unit 2415 *****

R & M Painting & Woodworking 5

Oak Dr*

Raab Keith 2 S Main St Ap *

Raab Keith J 215 19th St SE Apt 3 *

Raciel Pita Ochoa 2820a 5th St NW

#108 *

Radomski Patricia 912 43rd St SE

Apt A *

Rafes Courtney A 1021 6th St SW ,

1021 6th St SW *

Ragsdale Amanda 112 Glacier Dr

Apt 2

Rain For Rent Unknown *

Ralphs Plumbing & Heating Inc 612

Burdick Expy E *

Ramos Samuel A 1122 10th St NW


Ramosherrera Federico 113 Kittel-

son Dr ***

Ramsdell Derek A 5700 30th St SW


Randle Snow N 1100 32nd Ave SW

Apt 106

Rappa Matthew 108 Delmar Ct Apt

1 *****

Rasmuson Kevin 1852 16th St SW

Lot 85 *

Reardon Bonnie J 1409 11th St SW


Redfield Jason 3210 10th St SW *

Redman Marlyn J Po Box 1316 *

Reed Calvin 150 41st Ave SE Apt#

103 *

Reed Lamar 505 Park St Apt 9 *

Reese Lynnette M Po Box 1351 *

Reeves Jackson 101-2 Carlton Ct.


Reeves Randy C 87 Mulberry Loop *

Regalado Stephen G 1937 Skyline

Dr *

Reinecke Evan R 1501 1st St SE *

Reiten Chester M 3515 10th St SW

Apt 227*

Reiten Joy L 305 8th Ave NE Rm

239 *

Reiten Joy L 3515 10th St SW Apt

227 *

Reiten Joy L 952 13th Ave SE *

Reiten Joy L Trinity Nursing Home

305 8th Ave NE Rm 239 *

Reiten Television Co Inc 952 13th

Ave SE *

Reiter Christopher 11550 Aidell Ct *

Remington Marlys 1413 1st St SW *

Rempfer Adam 103 Landing Ct Apt

1 *****

Reyes Micheal 1401 14th Ave NW

Apt 3 *

Reyes Victor 2957 8th St NW *

Reynolds Jace 3351 NE 7th St *

Rhodes Dustin James 1424 Main St

S *

Riccardelli Michael 5309 15th Ave

SE *

Rice Crystal 2200 33rd St NW Apt

205 *

Richard H Mcgee Estate 24 Robin-

wood Estates *

Richard Rodney C 1100 N Broad-

way Apt 302 *

Richards Deidre 1524 35th Ave SE *

Richards Judith M 1940 S Broadway

St Ste 112 *

Richards William Joe 1940 S Broad-

way St Ste 112 *

Richardson Broderick Dorm 221

Room 309a

Riexinger John Michael 7570 50th

St NW *

Riggins Mollie L Unknown *

Riley Jonathon E 1940 S Broadway

Unit 500*

Riley Kyle 116 Sherwood Cir Apt 2

Riley Tom 1940 S Broadway *

Rindy Rock 3800 2nd St Apt 108 *

Rinehart Deborah 767 Findley Ave *

Rinn Janelle 1500 18th St SW Lot

35 *

Rios Jonathan 715 1st Ave NW *

Rist Jason 7010 27th Ave NW *

Rivera George 802 Burdick Expy E *

Roark William 7913 County Rd 15

W *

Robelia Brett 2710 20th Ave SW Apt

107b *

Roberts 2710 20th Ave SW 207 Po

Box 4188 *

Roberts Jeffrey J 168 Winding Way

Apt 1

Roberts Jeremy D 9 23rd St NW *

Robinson Belinda R 127 Waverly

Way Apt 1

Rochholz Darcy 905 17th St NW *

Rockwell Chauncy 112 Hampton

Loop Apt 2

Rodenbiker Ind Unknown *

Rodriguez Ortiz Charlotte L 1321

Sunset Blvd *

Rogers Delvin 935 Valley St Box

1802 *

Rogers Jerry D Po Box 4286 *

Rogers Linda 3505 Burdick Expy E

Apt 9 *

Rohrbach Robert A 10 Green Way *

Roise Jon 1321 28th St SW *

Rolin Justin P 2900 Valley St Lot 58


Rollins Haley 201 Main St S Ste 201


Rollins Maribel 628 9th St NE *

Roma Tony 104 H St Apt 2 *****

Romano Margherita 418 19th St NW


Romano Matteo 2037 6th St NW *

Romans Ryan J 2201 7th Ave SW *

Romero Paul 1221 18 1/2 Ave SW *

Romero Paul 2180 Landmark Cir *

Romich Ashley J 1601 24th Ave NW


Rosas Elena 900 21st Ave NW Apt

28 *

Rosatti John Unknown

Rosatti Patricia Unknown

Rosborough Becky 2101 NW 3rd St

616 *

Rose Willie J 102 Landing Ct Apt 2

Willie Ja

Ross Kelsie 2604 6th St NW *

Rostad Timothy 1500 18th St SW *

Roth Chris 200 18th St NW *

Rowe 508 10th Ave SE *

Rudzinski 2617 4th St NW *

Runyon John 1114 8th St NW *

Rush Virginia 304 15th St SW *

Russo Daisy 6620 17th Ave NW *

Rutman Fruit Company Unknown *

Saad Guilherme N 500 University

Ave W # 126 *

Sabre Production 1110 34th Ave

SW *

Sailer Donna Po Box 44 *

Salaam 2200 33rd St NW Apt 101 *

Saldivar Stephen 30 1st St NE Apt#

204 *

Saldivar Stephen 30 1st St NE Apt

204 *

Salvation Army 315 Wern Ave *

Salyer J Clark Unknown *

Salyer NWr J Clark Unknown *

Sambeek Codie V 2012 5th St NW

Apt 2 *

Samson Matthew 2533 10th Ave

NW *

Sanchez Maria 1819 5th St SW Apt

1 *

Sanders Michael 230 R Rice Lake

Rd Sanderson Marvin 413 12th Ave

NE *

Sandifer James M 121 31st Ave SE


Sandoval Victor Psc Box 1000 *****

Santos Taylor 1250 27th Ave NW

Apt 214 *

Sara Taylor 505 6th St *

Sartwell Kathryn J 1408 12th St SW


Sartwell Michael A 1408 12th St SW


Saugstad Harley Rr 4 Box 66 *

Saugstad Stanley Po Box 1456 *

Saunders 113 Grace St ***

Savage James 140 39th Ave SE

Apt# 107 *

Savelkoul Donald 1221 Valley View

Dr *

Savelkoul Family Trst 1221 Valley

View Dr *

Sawyer Bar 10 S Main St *********

Sayler J Clark Unknown *

Scarbrough Raymond Po Box 3154


Schaefer Jeff 16910 4th Ave NW

Schatz Jarett 2216 14th St NW *

Scheck Elliott O 1730 13th St SE

Apt 105 *

Scheig Stacy Lynn 1417 Hiawatha

St *

Schell DuaNE W 2619 1st Ave SW *

Schelling 110 41 Ave SE *

Scherr Joshua 2015 12th St NW *

Schilken Cameron 3400 NE 8th St *

Schlaepfer Ryan D 1112 10 St SW

Apt 3 *

Schlichting Zachariah T 120 39th

Ave SE Apt 105 *

Schlichting Zachriah 3445 7th St NE


Schlosser Dennis 309 5th Ave NE


Schmeichel Sheila 701 19th Ave SE

6 *

Schmidt Joseph 1805 2nd Ave SW

115 *

Schmidt Lisa 2101 3rd St NW Lot

127 *

Schmidt Mark H 409 Homestead Rd

NW *

Schmidt Nichole L 409 Homestead

Rd NW *

Schmidt Thomas 724 6th Ave SW

Apt 2b *

Schneider Anthony 809 Bel Air Pl *

Schneider Becky 238 Souris Dr *

Schneider Patrick W 2 Stemen Dr


Schriock Julie 203 3rd Ave SE Apt 4


Schuler Daniel 304 17th St SE *

Schuler Michael 1212 33rd Ave SW


Schultz Charles G 412 25th St NW *

Schultz Jenifer 900 21st Ave NW 16


Schultz Yvonne L Box 682 *

Schulz Joyce 1701 11th St SE Apt A


Schwartz Gladys 58400 366th Ave


Schwarzrock Marcus 501 11th St

NE *

Scollick 2900 Valley St Lot 47 *

Scott Daniel 3336 8th St NE *

Scottlaura 1644 44th St SE Minot N

Da *

Sea Ventures In Learning Llc 1100

N Broadway Ste 150 *

Seamen Wes 2504 2nd Ave SW *

Seehafer Megan 1416 Golden Val-

ley Ln *

Seekings Kathy 3701 13th St NE *

Select ENErgy SErvices 1907 17th

St SE *

Sene Alex 300 16th Ave SW Apt 8 *

Senger Scott 718 9th St NW *

SeppaNEn Darin 808 41st St SE *

Serna Adam E 1418 Fifth Ave SE *

Servpro Of Minot 1204 8th St NW *

Severance Philip 113 20th St NW *

Severance Sharrah 5300 14th St SE


Seykora’s Meat Processing Po Box


Sezalped Llc 300 NW 30th Av Suite

E *

Sharp Skyler 400 18th Ave *

Shaw Jeffrey A 9 22nd St NW *

Shea Benjamin 2717 5th St NW Apt

203c *

Shean Kenneth G 2221 5th Ave SW


Shekleton 401 12th Ave NE *

Shelton Michael J 14-2 Dundee Dr


Sheng Ann 2500 Bel Air Ct *

Sherman Sabrie 2900 Valley St Lot

41 *

Sherrill Tyler 805 6th Ave NE *

Sherven Chad 900 63rd Ave NE *

Shipman Brooke 401 40th St 105 *

Shook Estate H 609 22nd St NW *

Shrader Levi Garrett 1700 6th St

NW *

Shuffler Christopher 417 11th Ave

SE *

Shultz William 608 18th Ave SE Apt

A *

Sierra Sherman Leroy 3701 6th St

NE Apt 101 *

Sigloh Anthony 56202 366th Ave

NW ******

Silpada Designs 2004 Ida Mae Ct *

Simpson Michael 512 12th St NW *

Sims Olivia C 133 Sirocco Dr Apt 2 *

Skarsgard Mckenzie M 2049 6th St

NW *

Skoog Alvin 11420 20th Ave SE *

Slater Patricia 2508 Crescent Dr *

Slater Patricia L Po Box 2104 *

Smetana Dennis 2401 N 83 Bypass


Smith Aird C 412 7th St NW *

Smith Carley 104 Carlton Ct *****

Smith Crawford Room 2 Fair Block


Smith Dana V 101 2 Mallard Trail


Smith Joseph 347 19th St Apt 3 *

Smith Larry A 412 7th St NW *

Smith Rebecca Lee 812 16th Ave

SW *

Smith Shaila 4904 Hwy 2e Lot 12 *

Smith Yanci A 6645 63rd Ave NW


Snellings Drew M 821 4th St SE *

Sobothniski Ken P 123 Abc *

Socree Jimmy 7001 Hwy 2 52 W *

Solomonson Melissa J 300 16th Ave

SW Apt 8 *

Solorio Roy 859 Fighter Rd *****

Son Casey B Po Box 391 ****

Son Hong D 142 Delta Dr # 2 *****

Son Jesse B Po Box 391 ****

Sondag Matthew Po Box 252


Song Da 1515 22nd Ave SW *

Soo Line Railroad Company 1345

Valley St*

Sowers Jacob 1500 35th Ave SE *

Spade Charlene M 101 2 Largo Ln


Spalding Fred W 511 Valley St Apt 4


Sparks James 709 S00 St *

Sparwood Todd 606 19th Ave SE

Apt 7 *

Spaulding Tracy A Po Box 1000

91st Supply Sq *****

Spear David 1325 27th St SE #814 *

Speedway Roadhouse Llc 7101

Hwy 2 & 52 W *

Spencers 2400 10th St SW #207 *

Spiros Kyle Andrew 405 31st Ave

SE Lot 94 *

Sports On Tap 1720 S Broadway *

Spotted Wolf Michael 310 2nd St SE

Ste 1417 *

Sprenger Timothy 300 16th Ave SW


Springwater Selena D 1301 31st

Ave SW Apt 205 *

SRT Unknown

St John Daniel 3390 81st Ave NE

Staggs Ryan E 708 Abbey Ave ****

Starling Travis 209 Mccullah Hall *

State Bank & Trust Of Kenmare 4

2nd St NW Po Box 727 ******

Statema Paul 310 2nd St SE 610 *

Staticservers 3205 Woodside Dr SE


Steele Deidra J Po Box 105 *******

Steele Jacob 902 6th Ave NE *

Steier Bryan E 110 13th Ave SE *

Stein Cassandra 5112 Hwy 2 E *

Steiner Justin 605 17th St SW *

Stems & Salvage Unknown

Stenberg Estate Shelly R 710 2nd

Ave SE *

Stenberg R B 2209 23 Rd Ave SW

C/O Chris T Tofteland *

Stephens Cody E Po Box 692

Stephenson Sharrie Po Box 3148 *

Stepp Joshua 185 Dorm Unit 335


Stern Jeffrey 2032 33rd St NW Apt

103 *

Sternhagen Ross 7621 County Rd

15 W *

Steuck Audrey 918 N. 9th St *

Stevens Robert J 140 39th Ave SE *

Stevens Ryan 1316 27th St NW *

Stevens Sara J 6300 24th Ave SE *

Stewart Barrant 505 Park St Apt 15 *

Stewart Kassaundra C 410 4th Ave

SW ****

Stewart Rashaad 3700 2nd St NE

Apt 212 *

Stoops Tj 2720 20th Ave SW Apt

303 *

Stophlet Robert M 50101 Hwy 52 N


Stormoen Corey Unknown *

Strader Justin 2805 7th St SW Apt.

F *

Strait Edith Po Box 1548 *

Strange Lori A 3045 Mustang Trl NE


Streich Gary 1115 25th St NW *

Stromberg Mike 12501 County Rd

15 W *

Stromberg Todd 600 15th Ave SW *

Stromme Irene 517 20th St NW *

Struckness C A Route 2 ***

Stubb 406 31st Ave SE Lot 404 *

Suarez Adrian L Psc Box 1000 *****

Sullivan Frank M Unknown *

Sullivan Mary C Unknown *

Sundre Sand And Gravel Unknown *

Sundsbak Devin L 8020 County Rd

15 W *

Suter Logan 2213 33rd St NW Apt

212 *

Sutton Maria J 1610 12th St NW *

Swaffi Brian Jay-Allen 1945 20th

Ave SE *

Swenson Angela 100 24th St NW *

Swift Po Box 125 ************

Sylling Gary N 1408 46th St SE *

Sylling Maureen 1408 46th St SE *

Sys Craig R 8800 72nd St NW *

Tagert Marsha 625 15th St SE Lot

95 *

Tago-In Namthip 1937 N Broadway


Tallman Dennis A 405 31st Ave SE

Lot 74 *

Tallman John 1532 Golden Valley

Ln *

Tallman Penelope 405 31st Ave SE


Tangen Debra J 1205 7th St NE *

Tangen Richard L 1205 7th St NE *

Tarasen Dustin 3100 11th Ave SE

Lot B32b

Tarasen Mandi 3100 11th Ave SE

Lot B32b

Taste Of India Llc 2400 10th St SW

Ste 334

Taylor Rebecca 505 6th St Apt J *

Tcnursery 9050 Project Rd No S ,

Christopher Tisi ***

Temple Geri 1628 20th Ave NW *

Tennyson Derek 3900 Hwy 2 And

52 W *

Tennyson Jared 9701 107th Ave SE


The Welcome Table Inc 1000 3rd St

NE *

Thiel James D 2038 8th St NW *

Thies 101 16th St SE *

Thom Richard Lawrence Po Box

1135 *

Thom Robert M 815 2nd Ave NW


Thomas Gerald 310 Grace St ***

Thomas Heather 234 14th Ave SE

Apt 301 *

Thomas Paszek 1201 31st Ave SW


Thompson David 208 Souris Dr *

Thompson Jacob 202 3rd Ave SE

Apt 3 *

Thompson Julianne 1512 16th Ave

SW *

Thompson Lance 1717 Rivers Edge

Dr *

Thompson Robert 2035 4th St NW

Apt 2 *

Thon Clifton M 529 27th Ave NW *

Thornton J M Unknown *

Thorson Lois G 2 S Main St 105 *

Tillema Adam 9 Stemen Drive ***

Timm Casey 6100 59th Ave SW *

Timm Tina N 421 13th St SE *

Todd Hickel R 611 8th Ave NE *

Tofteland Colin 2209 23rd Ave SW *

Tofteland Eric 2209 23rd Ave SW *

Tofteland Nancy 2209 23rd Ave SW


Tolbert Christopher 1201 31st Ave

SW Apt 213 *

Toliver Theopolis 3 36th Ave NE Apt

A106 *

Tomlin Trent 309 21st St NW *

Torno Lyle Po Box 1211 *

Torricer Florema 416 7th St NW *

Total Transformation Clinic 701 10th

Ave SE

Totally Organized Cleaning & C

3403 11th St SE Apt 210 *

Town & Country Credit Union 615 S

Browdway St *

Town Devin 1400 14th Ave NW *

Townsley Mary 1945 20th Ave SE #

46 *

Trail Catherine G 500 54th St NW *

Travel Connection Centre Inc 122 S

Main St

Trinity Health 1015 S Broadway Box

5010 *

Trinity Health 400 Burkick Expy E

Health Center-Medical Arts *

Trinity Health Po Box 5010 *

Trinity Health Po Box 5020 *

Trinity Hospitals ONE Burdick Expy

W *

Trinity Hospitals Po Box 5010 *

Trinity Hospitals Po Box 5020 *

Trinity Medical Center Box 5010 *

Trinity Oral & Facial Surgery 307 5th

Ave SE *

Triplett Eric 104 Main St S *

Trivitt Carolyn 2301 Landmark Dr

NW *

Trivitt David 2301 Landmark Dr NW


Trotter Christopher J 505 36th St NE

Apt 311 *

Trotter Christophus 708 24th Ave

NW *

Truck & Equip Sales & Sv Po Box

1315 *

TS&F Enterprises Llc Po Box 92

Tucker Michael 105 Dauphin Dr Apt

2 *****

Tucker Stephen 3321 7th St NE Apt

204 *

Tucker William K 220 Peacekeeper

Pl *****

Turner James 1204 16th Ave SE

Apt 106 *

Tuttle James G 1613 52nd St SE *

Tw Testing 1418 31st Ave SE *

Ulm Joshua 2105 5th St NW Apt 9 *

Ulviden Rev R Unknown *

United Honeybees 6500 16th Ave

NW *

United Rentals Unknown

Untz Laura A 1412 28th St NW *

Usaf Regional Hospital Med Supply

H 10 Missile Ave Fm4528 *****

Vadell Aisha 540 W Central Ave #

2b *

Vadell Juan P 540 W Central Ave #

2b *

Valker 3515 10th St SW Apt 158 *

Valker 3515 10th St SW Apt 158 Pt

At Brentmoore *

Valker John F 2519 2nd Ave SW *

Van De Erve Betty 3515 10th St SW

Apt 130 *

Van Huss Brandon 3113 8th St NE *

Vanbruggen Lonnette 2011 4th St

NW Apt 4

Vance Kayla 819 11th Ave NW *

Vance Mark 825 43rd St SE Apt 204


Vanderschuere Kaitlyn 112 8th Ave

NW Apt B *

Vanlaningham Diane 622 8th Ave N

E *

Vanloon Cody J 3700 2nd St NE Apt

110 *

Vasco Richard 1520 32nd Ave SW *

Vasquez Martin 102 H St Apt 1 *****

Vaughn Elgin D 3321 7th St NE Apt

302 *

Vaughn Jerry W 426 12th St NW *

Vaughn Roy Unknown *

Vazquez JoSE 1215 33rd Ave SW *

Vazquez Maricela 1215 33rd Ave

SW *

Vedquam Michael E 2030 7th St

NW *

Vega Joe 1320 34th Ave SE Apt 304


Velazquez Taylor 1306 2nd St SE *

Velazquez Tracy 1306 2nd St SE *

VeldhouSE Heather 8 NW 25th St *

Vendoloski Amanda 203 4th Ave NE


Venzke Ethan A 9501 121th Ave SE


Vernon Katie L 400 27th Ave NW

Apt 204 *

Vetter Julie 2509 Brookside Drive *

Victory Cleaning1502 35th Ave SE

Apt 201 *

Vigen Trucking Inc 4920 10th Ave

NW *

Vilandre Hause Stephanie 1608 1st

St SE *

Villanueva Jessica 109 Spruce St

Apt 1 *****

Viramontes Ernesto 1126 Valley St *

Vitvitsky Jack 651 104th St SE *

Vivint Smarthome 1909 31st Ave

SW *

Vix Tyler Unknown *

Voeller Terry 1600 2nd Ave S.W.

Suite 7 *

Volk Kyle 2717 5th St NW Apt 206 *

Vollmer Ed L 1414 E Central Ave *

Vollmer Mark M 417 11th Ave SE *

Vollmer Robyn 10590 20th Ave SE *

Vosser James A 1305 8th St NW

Suite #9 *

Wagner 234 14th Ave SE Unit 315 *

Wagner Jennifer 201 24th St NW *

Wahl Darrell L 310 2nd St SE Ste

410 *

Wainwright Aaronforrest 2097 Unit

Apt 221

Walker Brendon 1317 Golden Valley

Ln *

Walker Marie S 2051 14th St NW *

Walker Norman 1535 1st St SE *

Walker Sam 2720 20th Ave SW Apt

208 *

Wall Mapping 1940 S Broadway St

Ste 112

Wallace Janisa Psc 1000 Box *

Wallace Steven W 1516 3rd Ave SE


Wallette JasmiNE 511 1st Ave NW

Apt #6 *

Walter Jake 502 27th Ave NW *

Wang Daisy 1700 16th St NW *

Wangler Richard Unknown *

Wantz Calvin G 106 16th Ave SE *

Ware Franklin C Po Box 248 ***

Warn Nikole Adrian 2816 15th Ave

NW Apt C *

Warnke Tina 2901 66th Ave SW *

Warren Kelly Po Box 205


Warren Timothy E Po Box 205


Washek Laken M 6 Vista Drive *

Washington Daniece C 98 Mulberry

Loop NE *

Washington Eric M 113 Waverly

Way Apt 2

Wassom Aisha M 803 Main St N *

WaSWick Timothy 1117 9th St NW

Apt 2 *

Waters Stephanie 104 Siesta Dr


Waters Stephanie 108 Coral Ct *****

Watkins Timothy 1852 16th St SW

Lot 95 *

Watson Alan S Po Box 1413 *

Watson Cedric D 106 Summit Dr 4 *

Watson Doris 912 12th Ave NW Apt


Weatherford Als 105 34th Ave NE *

Weatherford International Po Box


Weathers Jarod 501 9th St NE *

Weaver James M 1715 Foothills Rd

SW *

Webb Corey L Apt 2 57 Dundee Dr


Webb Jessica J 221 8th St NW *

Webb Nadine 150 41st Ave SE Apt

308 *

Webster David 98 Siesta Dr Apt 2


Weeks Steven Po Box 221

Weibel Jeffrey 3511 County Road 6

Weinreich Holly 1007 Harrison Dr *

Weissler Kyle 1250 27th Ave NW

Apt 126 *

Wellik Gina M 122 Rockridge Cir Apt

1 *****

For information concerning this pro-

perty, or for ADA auxiliary aids, con-

tact the Unclaimed Property Ad-

ministrator via e-mail

(unclaimed@nd.gov) or on the Web-

site at unclaimedproperty.nd.gov, or

at 1707 N 9th St, PO Box 5523,

Bismarck ND 58506-5523.



Jodi Smith

Land Commissioner

(August 30, 2019)


The North Dakota IDEA Advisory

Committee meeting will be held at

the Quality Inn in Bismarck ND from

9:00 a.m. (Central Time) to 4:00

p.m. on Thursday, September 12,

2019 in Bismarck, ND. If you have

questions, please contact Michelle

Souther at 701-328-2277.

Agenda items include: (1) Special

Education Updates; (2) IDEA Com-

mittee Member Training; (3) SSIP

Update; (4) Dispute Resolution An-

nual Report; (5) Guidelines Update;

(6) Public Comment.

For further information, or if you

have any special needs, contact

Michelle Souther, Department of

Public Instruction, Office of Special

Education, 600 E Boulevard Ave.,

Dept. 201, Bismarck, ND

58505-0440, (701) 328-2277.

(August 30, 2019)


The City Clerk of the City of Minot

will receive sealed bids at her office

at City Hall until 11:00 a.m. on Tues-

day, September 10, 2019 for furnish-

ing the City of Minot the following:

“All necessary equipment and labor

to replace a 50 kW generator at Fire

Station #2 Project #4463. Specifica-

tions and general instructions to

bidders are available in the Public

Works Office at 1025 31st St SE, on

the City of Minot webpage

www.minotnd.org under City Clerk

department or by calling

701-857-4140. The bid envelope

shall be plainly marked: “Fire Station

#2 Generator Replacement” Project

#4463. The City Council of the City

of Minot reserves the right to reject

any or all bids and to award the con-

tract as it deems to be in the best in-

terest of the City of Minot. Each bid

must be accompanied by a bidder’s

bond, a certified check, or a

cashier’s check in the amount of five

percent (5%) of the bid and must be

in a separate envelope marked “bid

bond” and attached to the bid.

Bidders are invited to be present at

the above-mentioned time and place

for the opening of bids.

Kelly Matalka

City Clerk

(August 23-30, 2019)


Case No. 51-2019-PR-00089




In the Matter of the Estate of

Vincent Arthur Jensen, Deceased.


the undersigned have been appoint-

ed co-personal representatives of

the above estate. All persons having

claims against the said deceased

are required to present their claims

within three (3) months after the date

of the first publication or mailing of

this notice or said claims will be for-

ever barred. Claims must either be

presented to Joyce Berg and Keith

Jensen, co-personal representatives

of the above-named estate, in care

of Louser & Zent, P.C., Town &

Country Center, 1015 South Broad-

way, Suite 15, Minot, North Dakota

58701, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 15th day of August, 2019.

/s/Joyce Berg

Joyce Berg

1608 – 35th Avenue Southeast

Minot, ND 58701

/s/Keith Jensen

Keith Jensen

1912 Eighth Street Northwest

Minot, ND 58701

Diane R. Louser (ID #03882)


Town & Country Center

1015 South Broadway, Suite 15

Minot, ND 58701

Telephone No. (701) 837-4846

Attorneys for the Personal


(August 23-30; September 6, 2019)


PROBATE NO. 51-2019-PR-00115




In the Matter of the Estate of JOYCE

ANN O’CONNELL, Deceased.


the undersigned has been appointed

Personal Representative of the

above estate. All persons having

claims against the said deceased

are required to present their claims

within three months after the date of

the first publication or mailing of this

notice or said claims will be forever

barred. Claims must either be

presented to JAMES R. THOMP-

SON, 2950 – 121st Ave. NW, Coon

Rapids, MN 55433, or filed with the


Dated this 20th day of August, 2019.

/s/James R. Thompson

Personal Representative

James R. Thompson


Michael S. McIntee

116 West 5th Street

Bottineau, ND 58318


Attorney for Personal Representa-


(August 23-30; September 6, 2019)


Probate No. 51-2019-PR-117




In the Matter of the Estate of

Winifred A. Hankla,



the undersigned has been appointed

personal representative of the Estate

of Winifred A. Hankla. All persons

having claims against Winifred A.

Hankla are required to present their

claims within three (3) months after

the date of the first publication of this

notice or said claims will be forever

barred. Claims must either be

presented to Walfrid B. Hankla, per-

sonal representative of the estate, at

P.O. Box 998, Minot, ND

58702-0998, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 20th day of August, 2019.

Walfrid B. Hankla

Personal Representative

Peter B. Hankla (ID #04919)



2400 Burdick Expy. E., Suite 100

P.O. Box 998

Minot, ND 58702-0998

(701) 852-2544

Attorneys for Personal


(August 23-30; September 6, 2019)


Civil No. 51-2019-CV-01420




Deborah Schultz,



Charles Schultz deceased, C.

Schultz, LLC, Schultz Electric, Inc,

and all other persons Unknown

claiming any estate or interest in, Or

lien or encumberance upon, the pro-

perty described in the complaint,





MONED to answer the Complaint of

the Plaintiff in the above-entitled ac-

tion, which is filed in the office of the

Clerk of the District Court of the

North Central Judicial District in and

for the County of Ward and State of

North Dakota, and to serve a copy of

your answer to said Complaint on

the subscriber within twenty-one

(21) days after the service of this

Summons upon you, exclusive of

the day of service, and in case of

your failure to appear or answer,

judgment will be taken against you

by default for the relief demanded in

the Complaint. Notice is hereby

given that the above entitled action

is brought to quiet title in the follow-

ing described property situated in

Ward County, North Dakota, to-wit:

Outlot 37 LESS Outlot 41 of the

NENE Section 27, Township 155

North, Range 83 West of the 5th

P.M, Ward County, North Dakota.

Dated this 12th day of August, 2019.

/s/Dean A. Frantsvog

Dean A. Frantsvog (ID #05753)

Attorney for Plaintiff

P.O. Box 667

Minot, ND 58702-0667

(701) 833-1985


(August 23-30; September 6, 2019)

Starting at $2.99/week.

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