Despite comments by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently, racism is not an “institutional” aspect of life in the United States.
But it does exist — and that simply is unacceptable. We as a people need to do more to stamp it out.
No form of bigotry, including the ...
Don’t tell a kid headed to a Youth Outdoor Festival that they are going to school. He or she might not be as willing to go and would miss out on all the fun – and the education.
That’s right, education. Every activity at the Conservation and Skills Park at the State Fairgrounds, besides ...
Minot Police are once again looking for a missing youth. As of this writing, 17-year-old Jericho Crissler remains missing after having last been seen six days ago.
According to the FBI, in 2018 there were 424,066 entries for missing children in the FBI’s National Crime Information Center. ...
Recently a Minot man was in court after he was caught dumping used motor oil down an city storm sewer.
We wondered aloud just who would do such a thing knowing that Minot’s storm sewers empty into the Souris River.
Since then, a group of MSU biology students and others decided to label ...
Let us hope and pray the world is not about to witness something like what happened 30 years ago in Beijing. If it happens again, this time in Hong Kong, there will be absolutely nothing the United States or anyone else can do to stop it.
During late spring and early summer in 1989, an ...
There are a number of reactions that could manifest as a result of the State of Oklahoma’s $572 million judgment against Johnson & Johnson announced this week as a result of the company’s alleged role in the spread of the opioid epidemic.
While there is certain to be an appeal if a ...