The statewide duck and white-fronted goose seasons closed Dec. 1. However, duck hunting in the high plains unit reopens Saturday, Dec. 7, and continues through Sunday, Dec. 29.
In addition, the season for Canada geese closes Monday, Dec. 16, in the eastern zone, Saturday, Dec. 21. in the ...
You don’t have to be a meteorologist, hydrologist, agronomist or even a biologist to realize North Dakota’s weather in 2019 is going to go down in history for mostly the wrong reasons.
Winter lasted too long and then the summer wasn’t hot enough and ended too soon. Fall was cool and ...
I spend a lot of time talking about the outdoors and one of the more recent conversations connected with old timers eating everything “but the squeal” from a pig to acknowledge how our generations couldn’t afford to waste anything consumed as food. It was a generation and time through the ...
“Hey, Doug, what’s the most common question you get each year when deer hunting season is on?”
It likely has to do with trespassing or tagging. But those can vary as each situation is unique. In short, if you don’t know for sure if you can legally access the land for posting or ...
Are you ready for the 2024 North Dakota deer gun season? Don’t confuse excitement and anticipation for “ready.” Most hunters were likely ready when last year’s season closed. While others rode the roller coaster of waiting for the 2024 season to be set, then applying for the deer ...