
Darvey Cox, Stanley, accused of making pipe bomb for Fourth of July

Darvey Lenning Cox, 61, Stanley, is charged with two Class C felonies – possession of explosives and possession of a bomb – in district court in Stanley, both connected with an incident on July 4.

According to the probable cause affidavit filed with the court, Cox makes a pipe bomb every year for the Fourth of July. He told one of his daughters to light the explosive on July 4 and the pipe bomb exploded in her hands. Cox couldn’t light the bomb himself because he had injured his hands in a car accident years earlier. He told the daughter that she was being a crybaby when she said she wanted to go to the hospital and said she should drink alcohol to numb the pain. When Cox’s other daughter came home and saw the extent of her sister’s injuries, she called 911. The woman was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

An officer with the Stanley Police Department interviewed the woman the next day and she showed them another pipe bomb that her father had made.

The Stanley Police Department called the Minot Police Department Bomb Squad, which ordered the house evacuated. The bomb squad found bomb making materials on a shelf in the garage which the woman said her father had used to make bombs in the past. The bomb squad took the materials out to a safe place and rendered them inert.


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