Egyptologist Mark Lehner to give presentation in Minot

Submitted Photo Egyptologist Mark Lehner, formerly of Minot, is shown during his work at archaeological sites in Egypt. Photo from AERA.
Egyptologist Mark Lehner, formerly of Minot, will give a presentation about his work on the Giza Plateau Thursday, Aug. 2, starting at 5:30 p.m. in the Mouse River Players Theatre (The Arlene).
His presentation is free of charge and open to everyone. The MRP Theatre is located at 115 1st Street SE.
Lehner, who graduated from Minot High School, will be in Minot for the 50th reunion of his MHS Class of 1968.
Lehner is president of the Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) based in Boston and director of various projects AERA has carried out. He has been studying and conducting digs at the pyramids for more than 40 years. One of his first major discoveries was the remains of two ancient bakeries. Another earlier work was producing the only known scale maps of the Giza Sphinx.
AERA’s recent discoveries include two ancient homes near the Giza pyramids, according to its website.
Lehner is “recognized as one of the world’s leading Egyptologists and Sphinx authorities,” according to Smithsonian.
“Mark has probably done more than anybody to advance the understanding of the ordinary Egyptians who built the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza,” Smithsonian also said.
Lehner has authored books and other publications about his work in Egypt and been featured in documentaries by National Geographic, BBC and others.